PREFACE. Ir has been the object of the compiler of this work to furnish a volume illustrating and enforcing moral truth, in its multiform aspects, by the gems of thought found in the poets, in a form convenient for reference and for quotation. The work embraces a wide range of topics within the prescribed limits, and will, it is hoped, supply the want long felt, especially by many in the ministry, for a compilation of moral and religious quotations, arranged under appropriate heads, and available either for private reading and comparison, or for use in preparation for the pulpit or the lecture-room. Much time and labor have been devoted to the preparation of this volume; the authors from whom selections have been made number nearly six hundred, and the quotations more than four thousand. The British poets from the time of Chaucer to the present, and the poetical writers of our own country, have been carefully examined; and while copious extracts have been made from the works of the most distinguished authors, choice and striking passages appropriate to the object in view have also been culled from the writings of those less known to fame. Numerous quotations have been taken from the old English poets, whose complete works are found only in large libraries, and are therefore inaccessible to the multitude. ! Selections have been made from translations of the Latin hymns of the early ages of the Church, many of which, though but little known to the general reader, are rich in their associations, and full of the fire of genius, blended with beautiful simplicity and deep spirituality. Quotations have been taken also from translations of the religious poetry of the Continental nations, especially the Germans; and some of the most rare and beautiful expressions of religious thought and feeling contained in the volume, have been derived from this source. The purely devotional poetry-the hymns of Doddridge, Cowper, the Wesleys, Watts, Montgomery, and others—has not been overlooked; and yet comparatively few selections have been introduced from collections of hymns in common use, simply because they are within the reach of all. In the classification of topics, special regard has been had to the main purpose of the work-its convenience as a book of reference; and the index, together with the notes at the end of each topic where there are others kindred in character, will furnish facilities to the reader, which will enable him to find readily the subject of which he is in search. Prefixed to the work is a list of the authors quoted, together with the date of their birth and death, so far as these could be ascertained. This volume is now submitted to the public, in the hope that it will be found a repository of truth and beauty valuable in the study, and welcome in the parlor or by the fireside. October, 1860. |