SAUL, WM., Box 126, Brewster, Wash. Saunders, PROF. EDWIN J., University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. SAVILLE, PROF. THORNDIKE, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. C *SAYLES, ROBERT W., 263 Hammond St., Chestnut Hill, Mass. FC SCARR, JAMES H., Weather Bureau, New York City. C C с C SCHATZLEIN, ANTHONY J., 195 Warwick Ave., Rochester, N. Y. SCHAUFFLER, DR. W. G., 22 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J. SCHENK, EDWIN H., 340 Cornelia St., Brooklyn, N. Y. SCHERER, T., Port au Prince, Haiti. SCHNEIDER, C. F., Weather Bureau, Grand Rapids, Mich. SCHUPPE, CARL, Van Buren, Ark. SCHWORM, STANLEY S., Weather Bureau, Trenton, N. J. SCOTT, CAPT. A. H., Box 777, Lovelock, Nev. SCOTT, EDWARD B., Lower Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va. SCOTT, H. M., 305 Cosden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. SCOTT, JAMES H., Weather Bureau, Memphis, Tenn. SCOTT, JOHN M., 480 Pine St., San Francisco, Calif. SEELEY, DEWEY A., Weather Bureau, East Lansing, Mich. Semmes, Dr. DOUGLAS R., Asst. Chief Geologist, Mexican Petroleum Co., SERVISS, GARRET P., Tenafly, N. J. SEWALL, DR. HENRY, 1360 Vine St., Denver, Colo. Sewell, Lieut. (jg) A. T., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, SHACKLEFORD, MISS L. D., 924 Maryland Ave., N. E., Washington, D. C. SHARP, JONATHAN, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. SHARP, DR. W. H., Woodstock, Ohio. SHAW, JUDSON A., Box 853, Omaha, Nebr. SHAW, WILLIAM A., Weather Bureau, Northfield, Vt. Shedd, Prof. J. C., Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. Shelford, Prof. V. E., University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. SHELTON, WILLIAM A., Russellville, Ky. SHEPARD, COLA W., U. S. Commissioner, Colony, Wyo. C SHEPHERD, E. W., care T. A. Scott Co., New London, Conn. SHERIER, JULIUS M., Weather Bureau, Davenport, Ia. F SHERRY, CAPT. B. J., Signal Corps Meteorological Service, 18th and SHERZER, PROF. W. H., 9 Summit St., Ypsilanti, Mich. SHIPMAN, TRUMAN G., Weather Bureau, Indianapolis, Ind. MC SIMES, E. F., Weather Bureau, Wausau, Wis. F SHREVE, DR. FORREST, Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Ariz. SIMON, R. A., 1321 Eggert Place, Far Rockaway, N. Y. SIMPSON, PROF. HOWARD E., University of North Dakota, University, N. SINCLAIR, JOHN G., 10000 Ave. L., Chicago, Ill. SLACK, EARL B., 22 Cassilus Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. CS SLACK, GEORGE, Box 192, Hibbing, Minn. SLAUGHTER, J. P., Weather Bureau, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. SMITH, DOUGLAS T., 209 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. SMITH, HERMAN W., Patent Office, Washington, D. C. C SMITH J. HUNTINGTON, 1303 Park Ave., Omaha, Nebr. F SMITH, PROF. J. WARREN, Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. C SMITH, J. W., Weather Bureau, Boston, Mass. SMITH, RUSSELL W., Travelers Insurance Co., Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. SNOW, C. A. C., Clark, Wyo. SOMERMIER, W. H., Winfield, Kans. SPENCER, J. H., Weather Bureau, Baltimore, Md. SPIESS, ERNEST F., Weather Bureau, Portland, Ore. C SQUIRE, JOHN A., Box 5, Palo Alto, Calif. STABLER, MISS ANNA B., Barnard Hall, Radcliffe, Cambridge, Mass. STANDIFER, DR. JACK G., Blakely, Ga. STEVENS, LIEUT. (jg) HAROLD T., U. S. Naval Air Station, Rockaway STEWART, CHARLES, Weather Bureau, Spokane, Wash. STEWART, PROF. H. W., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. STEWART, MILROY N., Taylor Instrument Cos., Rochester, N. Y. STEWART, W. P., Weather Bureau, Milwaukee, Wis. STILLHAMER, A. G., 705 N. East St., Bloomington, Ill. STOCKDALE, PARIS B., Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. STOUT, MISS SALLIE R., Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. STROTHER, LIEUT. ST. JAMES H., U. S. M. C., Naval Air Station, Pensacola, STRANGMAN, WARREN A., 8 Rosewood St., Mattapan, Mass. STUART, BEN C., 2290 Calder Ave., Beaumont, Tex. STUMPF, MALCOLM, Weather Bureau, New Orleans, La. FC STUPART, SIR FREDERICK, Meteorological Office, Toronto, Can. C SUMMERS, M. B., Weather Bureau, Juneau, Alaska. SUTER, CHARLES A., JR., Piedmont, W. Va. SUTHERLAND, J. A., Taylor Instrument Cos., Heyworth Bldg., Room 705, 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. SWANSON, SIMON, Route 8, Box 39, Wichita, Kans. SWEZEY, PROF. G. D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. C SWING, PROF. ALBERT T., Box 176, Coconut Grove, Fla. TALBOT, PROF. A. N., University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. TALIAFERRO, PROF. W. T. L., Maryland State University, College Park, TALLMAN, LIEUT. (jg) THOMAS A., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton F TALMAN, PROF. C. FITZHUGH, Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. TANNEHILL, I. R., Weather Bureau, Houston, Tex. TARR, LEONARD M., Weather Bureau, New Haven, Conn. TAYLOR, A. Douglas, Box 4167, Portland, Ore. C TAYLOR, BEN LANGSTON, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va. C TAYLOR, R. A., 516 Arnett Boulevard, Rochester, N. Y. TEEPLE, ARTHUR R., Box 907, Pocatello, Idaho. *THEYE, DR. CARLOS, Catedrático de Química de la Universidad de la Habana, Calles 19 y D, Vedado, Habana, Cuba. THIESSEN, CAPT. A. H. C THOMAS, OLIVE J., Milwaukee Downer College, Milwaukee, Wis. C THOMPSON, H. J., Weather Bureau, New Orleans, La. TIDMARSH, F. M. TIGAR, E. CUPAR, Sask, Canada. TILBURNE, LIEUT. (jg) A. R., U. S. Naval Air Station, Coco Solo, Canal FO TINGLEY, F. G., Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. с C C F TODD, GEORGE T., Weather Bureau, Albany, N. Y. TONDORF, REV. FRANCIS A., Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. TRACY, WILLIAM H., Weather Bureau, Sandy Hook, Fort Hancock, N. J. TROTTER, SPENCER LEE, 236 So. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa. TUCK, R. W., JR., Weather Bureau, New Orleans, La. UDDEN, ANTON D., 302 North 35th St., Philadelphia, Pa. UPCHURCH, W. H., Box 339, Dalhart, Tex. *UTTMARK, CAPT. F. E., Uttmark's Nautical Academy, 8 State St., New York City. VAN CLEEF, EUGENE, 9616 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago, Ill. VANDYKE, J. R., Singer Bldg., New York City. *VAN ORSTRAND, C. E., U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. VARNEY, BURTON M., University of California, Berkeley, Calif. VAUGHAN, LLOYD D., Route No. 6, Tiffin, Ohio. VESTAL, ARTHUR G., Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston, VISHER, DR. S. S., Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. VOGEL, THEODORE A., Carrolltown, Pa. FC VON HERRMAN, C. F., Weather Bureau, Atlanta, Ga. WADE, A. A., SR., Howe, Ind. WADE, ROY W., The Landmore, 24th and M Sts., Washington, D. C. C WAGGONER, WALDO W., Nevada City, Calif. WAGNER, PAUL M., Mountain City, Tenn. WAGNER, PAUL S., Annville, Pa. WAHLGREN, H. F., Weather Bureau, Oklahoma Okla. WALDRON, B. L., Weather Bureau, Hannibal, Mo. Wales, WILLIAM L., Box 385, Woodland, Calif. WALKER, CHARLES D., Weather Bureau, Jacksonville, Fla. WALKER, DARTHULA, Sam Houston Normal School, Huntsville, Tex. WARD, ALLAN H., The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. WARD, ERWIN S., Wadena, Minn. Ward, PROF. FREEMAN, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. D. F *WARD, PROF. R. DEC., 37 Fayerweather St., Cambridge 38, Mass. C WARING, E. H., Essex Falls, N. J. WARREN, LESLIE A., Weather Bureau, Ellendale, N. Dak. WASHBURN, MABEL, Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, Ind. C WATERS, DR. BERTRAM H., Loomis, Sullivan Co., N. Y. WEBER, WILLIAM, Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. WEED, ARTHUR J., Rouss Physical Laboratory, University of Virginia, MC WEEKS, JOHN R., Weather Bureau, Binghamton, N. Y. WEIGHTMAN, R. H., Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. WEINRICH, WM., Box 583, Honolulu, T. H. C WEIR, PROF. JAMES, Observatory, McGill University, Montreal, Can. WELCH, MISS Margaret M., Library, Interstate Commerce Commission, Welfer, ReeD S., Weather Bureau, Honolulu, T. H. WELLER, MISS ANNIE L., 1520 S. 4th St., Charleston, Ill. WELLS, EDWARD L., Weather Bureau, Portland, Ore. WELLS, Lewis A., Blue Hill Observatory, Hyde Park, Mass. WELLS, ROY A., Weather Bureau, Denver, Colo. с WELLS, WILLIAM A., Box 56, Southold, L. I., N. Y. FC WENDT, E. W., care Taylor Instrument Cos., 29 East Madison St., Chicago, WENTWORTH, R. M., 9 Beaver St., San Francisco, Calif. WEST, DR. FRANK L., Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. WHITE, BYRON E., 222 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. WHITE, FRANK A., Box 135, Bloomington, Ind. WHITE, DR. H. WARREN, 151 Humboldt Ave., Boston, Mass. C C WHITE, JOHN A., 138 Harvard Place, Syracuse, N. Y. WHITFIELD, A. F., Kitts, Ky. WHITFIELD, JESSE G., Demopolis, Ala. WHITING, WEndell M., 1737 Church St., Washington, D. C. WHITNEY, ALVIN G., New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. WIFVAT, S. J. A., 1104 25th St., Des Moines, Ia. WILCOX, GLENN A., Box 552, Martinez, Calif. WILKINS, PROF. T. RUSSELL, Brandon College, Brandon, Manitoba. WILLETT, HURD, 3006 Albemarle St., N. W., Washington, D. C. C WILLIAMS, W. W., 155 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. WILLSEA, J. B., Fruita, Mesa Co., Colo. WILSON, EDWARD M., Weather Bureau, Ft. Omaha, Nebr. F WILSON, PROf. Wilford M., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. WINTERS, S. R., 703 District National Bank Bldg., Washington, D. C. WISLER, C. O., 810 Arch St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WOOD, C. S., Weather Bureau, Providence, R. I. *WOOD, WALTER, 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. WOODWARD, P. G., 246 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. *WOODWORTH, PROF. J. B., Geological Museum, Cambridge, Mass. WORCESTER, P. G., 1065 11th St., Boulder, Colo. WRIGHT, W. Q., 210 Merchants Exchange Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 156th St., New York City. с WORNER, GEORGE R., 29 Sterling St., Rochester, N. Y. WYBENGA, HILLARD, Meadow, S. Dak. YEATON, PROF. CHESTER H., School of Engineering, 373 Broadway, YOUNG, C. S., Box 145, Jourdanton, Atascosa Co., Tex. YOUNG, MISS Elizabeth A., Apt. 511, 5519 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill. F YOUNG, FLOYD D., Weather Bureau, Davenport, Ia. YOUNG, J. D., 209 Market St., Jeffersonville, Ind. ZIEGLER, J. FRANK, 300 E. Main St., Decatur, Ill. ZOELLER. E. V., Tarboro. N. C. SUBSCRIBERS FOR THE BULLETIN. American Fruit Growers, Inc., Box 892, Orlando, Fla. Chase and Co., St. James Building, Jacksonville, Fla. Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. Dunbar and Sullivan Dredging Co., Dime Bank Building, Detroit, Mich. F. F. Dutton, Inc., Sanford, Fla. Library, The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Library, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Library, Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Manager, Department of Meteorology and Aeronautics, Los Angeles, Cham ber of Commerce, 501 Central Building, Los Angeles, Calif. Meeds, W. D., 2405 Poplar Springs Road, Meridian, Miss. Naval Proving Ground, Indian Head, Md. Professor of Science, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash. |