Imágenes de páginas


ABBOT, DR. C. G., Asst. Sect'y, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. [Fellow.]


ADDINGTON, WILLIAM L., Aerological Office, U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla.

ALLEN, M. W., Weather Bureau, San Francisco, Calif.

AMAS, FRANK, Dominion Meteorological Service, Qu'Appele, Sask., Canada. ARCTOWSKI, DR. HENRYK, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. [Fellow.] ASHTON, HARLEY, 802 Hunter Ave., Bloomington, Ind.

BANGHART, C. F., Supt. Guttenberg Public Schools, Guttenberg, Ia.
BECKER, LIEUT. (jg) U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Va.
BIRD, JAMES N., 1814 Pinkney Street, Omaha, Nebr.


BOLES, DEXTER, 84 State Street, Boston, Mass.

BONE, I. D., 712 Arch Street, Portland, Ind.

BOSTWICK, A. L., Simmons Hardware, Co., St. Louis, Mo.

BOZEMAN, JAMES, Board of Trade, Meridian, Miss.

BRABHAM, A. W., Olar, S. C.

BRACHMAN, M. E., 526 Rutherford Street, Greenville, S. C.

BRADFORD, LIEUT. SMITH N., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Va. BRAND, AL., Weather Bureau, Evansville, Ind.

BRANOM, FRED K., 6814 Normal Avenue, Chicago, Ill.

BRANT, COL. G. C., Fort Schuyler, N. Y.

BRIDEWELL, R. L., 246 South Court Street, Sullivan, Ind.

BRIGHT, C. B., 1228 Goodfellow Street, St. Louis, Mo.

BRINK, CYRIL, G., care Fairview D. M., Ltd., Shiba, Transvaal, South Africa.

BRYANT, PRESLEY E., care H. L. Beach, San Antonio, Tex.

BURDEN, CARLYSLE, 409 West Mitchell Street, Kendallville, Ind.

BURNS, PROF. G. P., Department of Botany, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.

CALLENDER, MISS GRACE M., 217 Washington Street, Hartford, Conn.
CALVES, GUILLERMO, Primera 19, Vibora, Habana, Cuba.

CARLOS, HENRIQUEZ A., Director des Instituto Meteorologico de Chile, Casilla 717, Santiago, Chile.

CLARK, PROF. A. L., Department of Physics, Queens University, Kingston, Ont. CLAYTON, H. HELM, Meteorological Service, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [Fellow.]

COLE, Dean J., Weather Bureau, Billings, Mont.

CONNOR, A. J., Meteorological Office, Toronto, Canada.

COOKE, G. WARD, 1024 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.

CROZIER, H. W., Box 189, Palestine, Tex.


DARNALL, H. A., 12 Meade Street, Buckhannon, W. Va.

DELON, REV. P. I., S. J., Holy Cross, Alaska.

DOCHTERMAN, L. M., Covington, Ind.

DONOVAN, M. J., 410 First National Bank Building, Vicksburg, Miss.

DRAPER, DR. DANIEL, care Central Park Observatory, New York City. [Fellow.]


DRISCOLL, ENSIGN A. D., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk,

DWYER, LIEUT. (jg) M. J., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va.

EILBRACHT, W. E., Waterloo, Ill.

ELIZARDI, L. P., Weather Bureau, New Orleans, La.

ELROD, M. J., University of Montana, Missoula, Mont.

ESTERLY, LIEUT. (jg) M. N., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va.

FASSETT, CLAUDE L., Weather Bureau, Oklahoma, Okla.

FORSTER, DR. ALEXIS M., Colorado Springs, Colo.

FOULKE, E. F., Box 334, Maricopa, Calif.

FOWLER, W. G., Livingston, Ala.

FOX, FORTESCUE, 36 Devonshire Place, London, W. 1, England.

FRANKLIN, J., 231 Insurance Exchange Building, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ill.


GANNAWAY, DR. C. B., Dardanelle, Ark.

GETTYS, PAUL, L., Aerological Office, U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads,


GILL, CARLYLE, Cloverdale, Ind.


GORMLY, W. R., 242 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.

HAMILTON, JOHN T., Meridian, Miss.

HANN, A. J., Branscomb, Calif.

HARRISON, GEO. B., Secretary Aero Club of Southern California, Los Angeles,


HAVILAND, LT. COMм. W. B., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va.

HEBBARD, LIEUT. A. F., Air Service, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

HENSLEY, COL. W. N., JR., Air Service, Washington, D. C.

HOPKINS, EDWARD J., Federal Building, Wausau, Wis.

HOPLEY, JAMES R., Bucyrus, Ohio.

HULL, JOHN M., 710 No. 24th St., Lincoln, Nebr.

HUNTER, ROSANNA, Arbutus Flat B, Bloomington, Ind.

JACKSON, HALLIDAY R., Public Schools, Ventnor, N. J.

JENKINSON, RICHARD C., R. C. Jenkinson and Co., Newark, N. J.

JEWELL, LEWIS E., Research Laboratory, Kodak Park, Rochester, N. Y.

JOHNSON, LIEUT. (jg) BERT N., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads,

Norfolk, Va.

JOHNSON, PHILLIP M., Minneapolis, Kans.

JONES, DEE C., Williams, Ind.

JONES, REV. PLUMMER F., New Canton, Va.

JONES, L. E., Glasgow, Mont.

KEEFE, WALTER L., 44 High St., Andover, Mass.

KRAUSS, FREDK. G., Supt. Agricultural Ext., Haiku, Maui Co., Hawaii.


KREISLER, ELIZ. L., 5600 York Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.

KYLE, JOHN W., 801 West Fifth Street, Gary, Ind.

LAWRENCE, LIEUT. J. B., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va.

LEWIS, MRS. ISABEL M., 1921 Park Road, Washington, D. C.

LINEBACK, OAKS F., 109 Main Street, Greenfield, Ind.

LOWRY, MRS. H. A., 240 South Cortez Street, New Orleans, La.

MCCLURE, CHARLES R., 324 South Upper Street, Lexington, Ky.
MACDILL, LT. COL. LESLIE, Air Service, Washington, D. C.
MCPHERSON, JAS. T., Box 82R, Willows, Calif.

MARVEL, PHILLIP I., 1616 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J.
MASON, PROF. MAX, 1902 Arlington Place, Madison, Wis.
MEHLBURGER, CONRAD, 221 Lecta Avenue, Fort Smith, Ark.

MILLER, PROF. DAYTON C., Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio.
MITCHELL, BRIG.-GEN. WM., Air Service, Washington, D. C.

MORTON, LIEUT. (jg) A. N., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va.

MOTZ, RALPH, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Md.

NEWTON, CHAS. C., Shelburn, Ind.

O'BRIEN, JAMES C., Aerological Office, U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. OLSEN, G. W., Chester, Calif.

PARFITT, C. D., Claydor Sanatorium, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada.

PARKER, HAROLD P., Box 784, San Juan, P. R.

PATTERSON, ENSIGN W. K., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va.

PAUL, S. W., Route B, Box 353, Fresno, Calif.

PRICE, Betson D., Weather Bureau, Richmond, Va.

PRIER, C. W., Tahlequah, Okla.

RICHARDSON, MRS. LORA L., The Abbott School, Marshalltown, Iowa.
ROGERS, O. R., Weather Bureau, Columbia, Mo.


ROWE, ENSIGN C. A., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. RUSSELL, CARL L., Lestock, Sask., Canada.

RUSSELL, LIEUT. SPENCER C., Admiralty Meteorological Service, London, London, S. W. 1, England.

SARGENT, J. BRADFORD, 22 Claflin Place, Newtonville, Mass.

SAVILLE, CALEB MILLS, 53 North Beacon Street, Hartford, Conn.

SCHEIBNER, HENRY A., P. O. Box 172, Afton, Wyo.

SCHROEDER, ROLF A., U. S. Engineer Office, 605 Temple Court Building, Chattanooga, Tenn.

SCHUMACHER, CHAS. B., Beckwith Machinery Co., cor. Arch Street and Park Way, Pittsburgh, Pa.

SCOTT, O. L., Box 112, Pinos Altos, N. M.

SLAPANSKY', RUDOLF, 1523 West 18th Street, Chicago, Ill.

SMITH, J. L., Weather Bureau, New Orleans, La.

SPOONER, O. S., Department of Zoology and Physiology, Eastern, Ill., Normal School, Charleston, Ill.

STORMS, G. G., Kempton, Ind.

SUTPHEN, JOHN C., 1108 Putnam Avenue, Plainfield, N. J.

TANNER, S. E., Little Rock High School, Little Rock, Ark.

THOMAS, JOHN F., Sawyer-Thomas Co., Box 363, Jacksonville, Fla.

TROTTER, MISS CLARA, 124 West Lincoln Street, Oshkosh, Wis.

UPSON, RALPH H., Balloon and Airship Division, Air Service, Washington, D. C.

WEBSTER, R. C., Box 291, Clovis, Calif.

WEST, LIEUT. (jg) HOBART E., U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va.

WIER, PROF. W. W., Western High School, Detroit, Mich.

WOODMAN, PROF. J. E., New York University, New York City.

WOODWORTH, PAUL M., Lewis Institute, Madison and Robey Streets, Chicago, Ill.

ZIEGLER, F. L., Meridian, Miss.

ZON, RAPHAEL, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C.

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed]



As the BULLETIN is not a medium for the first publication of original contributions to meteorological science or its applications, but rather a bulletin of current progress in meteorology and of the affairs of the Society, authors' names have not been included in the index. The great number of short abstracts has made it impossible to publish a comprehensive index with the funds available; a much more satisfactory index of current meteorology is that for the Monthly Weather Review, from which numerous synopses have been reprinted in the BULLETIN. Items not alphabetically classified may be found in most cases by referring to more general subjects, such as "Meteorology," "Weather," and especially by looking up the page references to the reports from the committee in whose province the subject would fall: see under "Committees."


Page 27 (Feb.), 40th line: change "Signal Corps Meteorological" to "Weather


Page 33 (Mar.),

Page 68 (June),

Page 104 (Sept.),


7th line: change "Naval" to "Army."
7th line: change "Woods" to "Wood."

9th line: change "J. Malcolm Bird" to "A. Russell Bond."
20th line: omit "B. C. Webber."

28th line: change "V. G. Coffin" to "J. G. Coffin."

[blocks in formation]
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