rendered some other special service to the cause of this science which may be considered equivalent to such investigation. The fulfilment of these qualifications shall be determined by an examination of the published works of the candidate, or other evidences of his fitness. 3. Any person, corporation or other organization interested in the aims of the Society may be elected to membership. Members have all the privileges of fellows except that they shall not hold office. 4. Honorary members shall be persons of acknowledged pre-eminence in meteorology. Residents of the Western Hemisphere shall not be eligible to honorary membership. Honorary members shall have all the privileges of other members, except that they may not vote nor hold office. They shall be exempt from all dues and assessments. ARTICLE IV-ELECTION of Fellows AND MEMBERS. I. For the election of a new fellow of the Society, or for the transfer of a member to fellowship, it shall be necessary that a nomination, in due form, signed by two fellows of the Society, shall be submitted to the Secretary. A nomination so presented shall be submitted by the Secretary to all the members of the Council. For election to fellowship, the nominee shall receive the favorable votes of not less than three-fourths of the entire membership of the Council. 2. For the election of a new member, a candidate nominated by any fellow or member, must be favorably known and must receive the majority vote of the entire membership of the Council. ARTICLE V-OFFICERS. I. The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. One person may be Secretary and Treasurer simultaneously, though each office is to be filled by a separate vote. 2. These officers, in addition to the duties specifically assigned to them by the Constitution and By-laws, shall discharge any other duties incident to their respective offices. ARTICLE VI-COUNCIL. The officers, the last two ex-presidents, and a total of fifteen other fellows of the Society, to be elected in the manner specified in Article VII, shall constitute a Council, which shall have general charge of the affairs of the Society. ARTICLE VII-ELECTION OF OFFICERS. 1. The officers of the Society, with other members of the Council, shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting each year. At least eight weeks before the Annual Meeting the Secretary shall send to each fellow and member of the Society a request for nominations, specifying the offices which are to be filled. The name of every candidate nominated by not less than a combined total of twenty fellows and members shall be printed on the official ballot; except, if a person is nominated for two or more offices, other than Secretary and Treasurer, his name shall appear for only that one for which he received the largest number of votes. The ballot shall also contain the name of a candidate proposed by the Council for each office, and blank spaces in which the voter may substitute other names. A copy of the official ballot shall be sent to each member not less than four weeks before the Annual Meeting. Such a ballot, if marked by a qualified voter to indicate his choice, and if returned to the Secretary in a sealed envelope, bearing the name of the voter, shall be counted at the Annual Meeting. A ballot properly marked and endorsed by a qualified voter may be cast in person at the Annual Meeting. A majority of all votes cast in person or by letter ballot shall be necessary for election. In case of failure to secure a majority for any office, the fellows and members present at the Annual Meeting shall choose by preferential ballot between the two having the highest number of votes, or, in the case of Councilors, among the five having the highest number of votes, except as provided in Section 2. 2. The Council shall be so constituted that a majority of its members shall not belong professionally to the same institution. 3. The term of office shall be one year for all officers and three years for councilors, five to be elected each year. 4. No fellow shall be elected as President more than two years in succession. 5. If an office for any reason becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by the Council for the remainder of the term. ARTICLE VIII—AMENDMENTS. No part of this Constitution shall be amended or annulled, except by a vote taken at an Annual Meeting of the Society, in the following manner: Any proposed amendment to this Constitution, accompanied by a proper ballot form, shall be submitted to all fellows and members of the Society at least four weeks in advance of the meeting at which such amendment is to be considered. Every ballot marked by a qualified voter to indicate his vote and returned to the Secretary in a sealed envelope, bearing the name of the voter, shall be counted at the meeting. A ballot, properly marked and endorsed by a qualified voter, may be cast in person at the Annual Meeting. The adoption of the proposed amendment shall require the affirmative votes of ot less than two-thirds of all fellows and members voting. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I-DUES. 1. The annual dues of all persons who are fellows and members shall be one dollar, payable to the Secretary or Treasurer on the 1st of January. The annual membership dues of corporations or other organizations shall be not less than five dollars. Contributors of five, twenty or one hundred dollars annually shall be listed respectively as contributing fellows or members, sustaining fellows or members, or patrons. Persons, not in arrears, who are fellows or members, contributing fellows or members, sustaining fellows or members, or patrons, may become life fellows or members in any of these classes by paying at one time twenty times the amount of the annual dues of the class, and thereafter be exempt from all dues and assessments. 2. A duly elected fellow (if not already a member) or member, as the case may be, qualifies upon payment of dues. Fellows or members so qualifying in November or December, shall not be liable for dues in the ensuing calendar year. 3. If the dues of any fellow or member remain unpaid beyond a year, the Council, after due notice, shall remove the name of such fellow or member from the list of members. 4. The Treasurer shall give such bond as the Council shall determine, and shall have his accounts audited annually. ARTICLE II-MEETINGS. 1. At least two regular meetings of the Society shall be held each year, at such times and places as shall be ordered by the Council. One of these, to be called the Annual Meeting, shall be held on a day to be determined by the Council, between the 26th and 31st of December, inclusive. Notices of the time, place and purpose of each meeting shall be sent by the Secretary to all fellows and members of the Society. 2. Local chapters may be organized with the consent of the Council. ARTICLE III-MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. 1. There shall be a meeting of the Council at the time and place of each regular meeting of the Society. 2. The President shall convoke the Council in special meeting whenever the affairs of the Society require it. 3. A request in writing from five members of the Council shall render the convocation of the Council obligatory. 4. At any meeting of the Council regularly called five shall constitute a quorum. Any fellow or member of the Society may be invited by such quorum to represent in the Council, for the time being, absent members thereof. ARTICLE IV-PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. It shall be the duty of the President to deliver an address before the Society at the Annual Meeting next succeeding his first election as President of the Society. ARTICLE V-Papers. 1. Only those titles of papers shall be listed on the preliminary program of a meeting of the Society for which abstracts, ready for publication, are in the hands of the Secretary. The Council shall be empowered to reject, or to order read by title, or in abstract, any paper submitted for the program of a meeting. 2. A separate program shall be announced for each session, due allowance being made for the discussion. Each session shall begin with the papers announced for that session, even when the program of the preceding session has not been completed. Short papers will, in general, come first in each session. 3. When two or more papers are offered by the same fellow or member, one only of these, unless there is sufficient time, will be assigned a place on the regular program, the others being placed in a supplementary program, to be called for, if time permits. 4. Papers received after the program has been printed will be placed in the supplementary program. 5. Except by special action of the officers in charge of a meeting, or by vote of the Society, the time allowed for the presentation of a paper shall be that stipulated by the author and allotted for it on the program. The presiding officer, after giving two minutes' notice, shall enforce this By-Law. ARTICLE VI-JOURNALS. 1. All fellows and members of the Society in full standing shall receive the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, published monthly by the Society, under the supervision of the Council. 2. The Secretary shall arrange to have the Monthly Weather Review go to all contributing and sustaining fellows and members, and patrons; he shall pay the Superintendent of Documents enough for this purpose. Anyone may arrange directly with the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, or indirectly with him through the Secretary of the Society, to receive the Monthly Weather Review at the official prices (25 cents a copy, $2.50 a year, in 1919). 3. The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society shall not be sent to newly elected members until the dues have been paid. ARTICLE VII-COMMITTEES. The terms of office of all committees appointed by vote of the Council, or of the Society, shall end on the January 1st next following the appointment, except upon special action of the Council continuing a committee. ARTICLE VIII-AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws may be amended or suspended only upon recommendation of the Council, and by a two-thirds vote of the fellows and members present at a meeting of the Society. OFFICERS AND COUNCILORS. Following the adoption of the Constitution and By-Laws, the four officers and fifteen councilors named below were elected. President: Professor Robert DeC. Ward, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Mr. E. H. Bowie, Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Mr. A. W. Douglas, Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo. Prof. C. F. Marvin, Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Prof. C. Fitzhugh Talman, Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Prof. Wilfred M. Wilson, Cornell Univ. and Weather Bureau, COMMITTEES. At a meeting of the Council held Dec. 30, the numerous suggestions received by mail were discussed, and action was taken by naming the functions and chairmen of a number of committees. Four committees have in hand the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of meteorology, and seven committees have charge of the development of the numerous applications of meteorology to human affairs. The chairmen are to name the active members of their committees and all fellows and members of the Society are invited to become self-appointed members of the committees and to correspond with the active members of the committees and with one another. The chairmen will publish monthly reports of the activities of the committees in the Bulletin of the Society. The following are the names and chairmen of the eleven committees: Meteorological instruction, W. M. Wilson. Public information, C. F. Talman. Membership, C. F. Brooks. Physiological meteorology, E. Huntington. Business meteorology, A. W. Douglas. Commercial meteorology (effect of weather and climate on transportation by land and inland water ways), H. J. Cox. Marine meteorology, J. H. Scarr. Aeronautical meteorology, C. T. Menoher. MEMBERSHIP. The membership committee has been active since last August, but now aspires to obtain a very considerable increase in membership. Thousands of copies of this issue of the Bulletin and of cards for membership applications are on hand for distribution to all who may be interested. Fellows and members are urged to interest as many prospective members as they can and to nominate them for membership. Officials in charge of Weather Bureau stations are well situated to get into touch with many individuals, corporations, or other organizations. Teachers have many possible members in their classes. Newspaper men have many readers who might be interested. The Secretary will send additional membership blanks and copies of this issue of the Bulletin to those who wish to distribute them. Or if names and addresses are supplied the Secretary will mail individual copies. Up to the present 586 members have been elected. FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE SOCIETY. In spite of generous contributions ranging from $1 to $50, and totalling $129 there is still $60.50 of the organization expenses to be covered. The publication of the organization expenses of the Society in the circular letter of Dec. 15 brought forth a flood of payments of dues, which, however, should be reserved against the expenses of the Society in 1920. $325.85 has been received as dues ($110 for life memberships) from 153 fellows and members. Expenses to date have been $88.67, $17 of which, for the hire of a New York meeting room, Jan. 3rd, was paid by a New York member. THE ST. LOUIS AND NEW YORK MEETINGS, These two meetings for the reading of papers may be considered as a single meeting of the American Meteorological Society, for the New York meeting was held in order to give those in the East who could not go to St. Louis a chance to get together. At the New York meeting summaries of the papers presented at St. Louis were given, and three papers were repeated. On the two programs together there were 29 different titles, including the meteorological papers presented at joint sessions with the American Physical Society and the Association of American Geographers. The attendance at the St. Louis and New York sessions varied from 15 to 30. Unfortunately, the programs, though mailed in Washington on Dce. 20th, failed to reach in time many who might otherwise have attended the St. Louis meeting. An annotated bibliography of the papers presented at St. Louis and New York is given below; abstracts of twelve, extensive excerpts of three, and five of the papers in full, and summaries of the discussions, which followed the presentation of most, will be published in the |