The Museum, Volumen2R. Dodsley, 1746 |
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abfolutely Affiftance againſt alfo almoft Author becauſe Cafe Cardinal Caufe Confequence confiderable confifts Country Court Dæmon Defign Defire Difputes Dominions Duke Duke of Lorrain Duke of Orleans Duke of Savoy Elector Elector of Bavaria Elector of Saxony Elector Palatine Emperor Empire faid fame fecond fecure feems fent ferve feveral fhall fhew fhould fince firft fome fometimes foon France French ftill fucceeded fuch fuppofed fupported fure greateſt Hiftory himſelf Honour Houfe of Auftria Houſe Intereft itſelf juft Juftice King laft leaft lefs likewife loft Love Mafter Majefty Meaſures Minifter moft moſt muft muſt Nature neceffary Number obferve Occafion Paffions Peace Perfon pleaſed Pleaſure Poffeffion Power prefent Pride Prince Prince of Condé Proteftants Pruffia publick Purpoſe Queen raiſe Reaſon refolved refpect reft Reign reprefented Roman Saxony Senfe Succeffion Sweden thefe themſelves theſe Things thofe thoſe thouſand thro tion Treaty uſeful whofe
Pasajes populares
Página 270 - He that believes, without having any reason for believing, may be in love with his own fancies ; but neither seeks truth as he ought, nor pays the obedience due to his Maker...
Página 427 - Th' unhappy lovers graves the myrtle fpreads. Oh ! then, the meaning of thy gift impart, - And eafe the throbbings of an anxious heart.
Página 264 - I ordered them to be immediately punished: for I was persuaded, whatever the nature of their opinions might be, a contumacious and inflexible obstinacy certainly deserved correction.
Página 249 - But now, whatever poets write, *Tis fure the cafe is alter'd quite^ Virtue no more in rural plains, Or innocence, or peace remains ; But vice is in the cottage found, And country girls are oft unfound ; Fierce party rage each village fires, With wars of juftices and 'fquires ; Attorneys, for a barley ftraw...
Página 270 - This at least is certain, that he must be accountable for whatever mistakes he runs into ; whereas he that makes use of the light and faculties God has given him, and seeks sincerely to discover truth by those helps and abilities he has, may have this satisfaction in doing his duty as a rational creature, that though he should miss truth, he will not miss the reward of it...
Página 273 - Soul delight In the dull Feaft of neighb'ring Knight, Who, if you fend three Days before, In white Gloves meets you at the Door, With...
Página 18 - Or weary of an abfent miftrels' arms, His own apartment feeks, and grateful reft ; That courted ftranger to the careful breaft. XXVI. Whilft I, by hopes and fears alternate fway'd, Impatient afk the flaves if I'm obey'd. 'Tis done, they cry'd, and ftruck me with delpair; For what I long'd to know, I dy'd to hear.
Página 264 - I am unacquainted not only with the nature of their crimes, or the measure of their punishment, but how far it is proper to enter into an examination concerning them.
Página 218 - Or humbleft weed, as wrought by nature's hand ! HoW far fuperior to all human pow'r Springs the green blade, or buds the painted flow'r ! In all her births, tho...
Página 263 - When I consider this, I cannot forbear lamenting the transitory condition of mankind. Is there anything in nature so short and limited as human life, even in its most extended period? Does it not seem to you, my friend, but yesterday that Nero was upon the throne? and yet not one of all those who were consuls in his reign now remains! But why should I wonder at a circumstance so common? Lucius Piso (the father of that Piso who was infamously assassinated by Valerius Festus in Africa) used to say...