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or attachments, no separate views, no party animosities will misdirect the comprehensive and equal eye which ought to watch over this great assemblage of communities and interests; so, on another, that the foundations of our national policy will be laid, in the pure and immutable principles of private morality, and the pre-eminence of free government be exemplified, by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens, and command the respect of the world.



To secure the blessings which a gracious Providence has placed within our reach, will call for the cool and deliberate exertion of patriotism, firmness, and wisdom.


Our conflict is not likely to cease, so soon as every good man would wish. The measure of iniquity is not yet filled; and, unless we can return a little more to first principles, and act a little more upon patriotic grounds, I do not know when it will be, or what may be the issue of our contest.

I find, you are only empowered to grant pardons. We have committed no offence; we need no pardon.


* Colonel Patterson, deputed by Lord Howe, to settle all differences with the revolutionists.



Nothing but DISUNION can hurt our cause. • will ruin it, if great prudence, temper, and moderation are not mixed in our counsels, and made the governing principles of the contending parties.


To stand well in the good opinion of my countrymen, constitutes my chief happiness, and will be my best support under the perplexities and difficulties of my present station.


To be in any degree instrumental, in procuring to my American brethren a restitution of their just rights and privileges, will constitute my chief happi




Whatever services I have rendered to my country, in its general approbation I have received an ample reward.



It is a happy circumstance, that such an animation prevails among the people. I would wish to let it operate and draw as many as possible together, which will be a great discouragement to the enemy, by showing that the popular spirit is at such a height ; and at the same time it will inspire the people themselves with confidence in their own strength, by discovering to every individual the zeal and spirit of his neighbors. But after they have been collected a few days, I would have the greater part of them dismissed, as not being immediately wanted, desiring them to hold themselves in readiness for any sudden call, and concerting signals with them, at the appearance of which they are to fly to arms.



No expression of personal politeness to me, can be acceptable, accompanied by reflections * on the representatives of a free people, under whose authority I have the honor to act.

The delicacy I have observed, in refraining from every thing offensive in this way, entitled me to expect a similar treatment from you. I have not indulged myself in invectives against the present rulers of Great Britain, in the course of our correspondence; nor will I, even now, avail myself of so fruitful a theme.


* Alluding to severe strictures, made by Sir William Howe, in a polite letter.


With a mixture of surprise and astonishment, I have read with attention the sentiments you have submitted to my perusal. Be assured, no occurrence, in the course of the war, has given me more painful sensations, than your information of there being such ideas existing in the army, as you have expressed, and I must view with abhorrence, and reprehend with severity.

For the present, the communication of them will rest in my own bosom, unless some further agitation of the matter shall make a disclosure necessary.

I am much at a loss, to conceive what part of my conduct could have given encouragement to an address, which to me seems big with the greatest mischiefs that can befall my country. If I am not deceived in the knowledge of myself, you could not have found a person, to whom your schemes are more disagreeable.

At the same time, in justice to my own feelings, I must add, that no man possesses a more sincere wish to see ample justice done to the army, than I do; and, as far as my powers and influence, in a Constitutional way, extend, they shall be employed, to the utmost of my abilities, to effect it, should there be any occasion.

* Col. Lewis Nicola, who had suggested the thought of the Army's purpose to make the Commander-in-chief a King.

Let me conjure you, then, if you have any regard for your country, concern for yourself or posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind, and never communicate, as from yourself or any

one else, a sentiment of the like nature



I very much admire the patriotic spirit of the ladies of Philadelphia, and shall, with great pleasure, give them my advice, as to the application of their benevolent and generous donation * to the soldiers of the army.


I cannot forbear taking the earliest moment, to express the high sense I entertain, of the patriotic exertions of the ladies of Maryland in favor of the



Amidst all the distress and sufferings of the army, from whatever sources they have arisen, it must be a consolation to our virtuous countrywomen, that they have never been accused of withholding their most zealous efforts, to support the cause we are engaged in, and encourage those who are defending them in the field.

* A hundred thousand pounds, to be laid out according to Washington's directions.

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