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sions of attachment to them, whilst Providence has a just claim to my humble and grateful thanks for its protection and direction of me, through the many difficult and intricate scenes which this contest has produced; and for its constant interposition in our behalf, when the clouds were heaviest, and seemed ready to burst upon us.


To paint the distresses and perilous situation of the army, in the course of last winter, for want of clothes, provisions, and almost every other necessary essential to the well-being, I may say, existence, of an army, would require more time and an abler pen than mine; nor, since our prospects have so miraculously brightened, shall I attempt it, or even bear it in remembrance, further than as a memento of what is due to the Great Author of all the care and good that have been extended, in relieving us in difficulties and distress.


Although guided by our excellent Constitution in the discharge of official duties, and actuated, through the whole course of my public life, solely by a wish to promote the best interests of our country; yet, without the beneficial interposition of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, we could not have reached the distinguished situation which we have attained with such unprecedented rapidity. To Him, therefore, should we bow with gratitude and reverence, and endeavor to merit a continuance of his special favors.

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That the metropolis* of your colony is now relieved, from the cruel and oppressive invasions of those who were sent to erect the standard of lawless domination, and to trample on the rights of humanity, and is again open and free for its rightful possessors, must give pleasure to every virtuous and sympathetic heart; and its being effected without the blood of our soldiers and fellow-citizens, must be ascribed to the interposition of that Providence, which has manifestly appeared in our behalf, through the whole of this important struggle, as well as to the measures pursued for bringing about the happy event.

May that Being who is powerful to save, and in whose hands is the fate of nations, look down with an eye of tender pity and compassion, upon the whole of the United Colonies; may he continue to smile upon their councils and arms, and crown them with success, whilst employed in the cause of virtue and mankind.

May this distressed colony and its capital, and every part of this wide extended continent, through his divine favor, be restored to more than their former lustre and once happy state, and have peace, liberty, and safety, secured upon a solid, permanent, and lasting foundation.


* Boston.


Should Providence be pleased to crown our arms, in the course of this campaign, with one more fortunate stroke, I think we shall have no great cause for anxiety, respecting the future designs of Britain. I trust all will be well, in His good time.

It is, indeed, a pleasure, from the walks of private life to view, in retrospect, all the meanderings of our past labors, the difficulties through which we have waded, and the happy haven to which the ship has been brought. Is it possible, after this, that it should founder? Will not the All-wise and All-powerful Director of human events preserve it? I think He will.

He may, however, for some wise purpose of his own, suffer our indiscretions and folly to place our national character low in the political scale; and this, unless more wisdom and less prejudice take the lead in our government, will most certainly happen.



Ours is a kind of struggle, designed, I dare say, by Providence, to try the patience, fortitude, and virtue of men.

None, therefore, who are engaged in it, will suffer himself, I trust, to sink under difficulties, or be discouraged by hardships.

General McIntosh is only experiencing, upon a small scale, what I have had an ample share of, upon a large one; and must, as I have been obliged to do in a variety of instances, yield to necessity; that is, to use the vulgar phrase, "shape his coat according to his cloth;" or, in other words, if he cannot do

what he wishes, he must do what he can.



The ways of Providence are inscrutable, and mortals must submit.


Harassed as we are by unrelenting persecution, obliged by every tie to repel violence by force, urged by self-preservation to exert the strength which Providence has given us to defend our natural rights against the aggressor, we appeal to the hearts of all mankind for the justice of our cause. Its event we leave to Him who speaks the fate of nations, in humble confidence that, as his omniscient eye taketh note even of the sparrow that falleth to the ground, so he will not withdraw his countenance from a people who humbly ARRAY THEMSELVES UNDER HIS BANNER, in defence of the noblest principles with which he has adorned humanity.

* In the Indian War.



If such talents as I possess have been called into action by great events, and those events have terminated happily for our country, the glory should be ascribed to the manifest interposition of an overruling Providence.


I was but the humble agent of favoring Heaven, whose benign influence was so often manifested in our behalf, and to whom alone the praise of victory is due.

The success which has hitherto attended our united efforts, we owe to the gracious interposition of Heaven; and to that interposition let us gratefully ascribe the praise of victory, and the blessings of peace.



I flatter myself, that opportunities will not be wanting, for me to show my disposition to encourage the domestic and public virtues of industry, economy, patriotism, philanthropy, and that righteousness which exalteth a nation.

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