Lafayette, Marquis de la. His attach Lakes. Vessels for the, 140. Navigation Lands. Proper cultivation of, 130. Cheap, Languages. Indian, 389. Delaware and Lashes. Number of, in corporal punish- Last moments of W., 405 ss. Last words of W., 406-408. Laurens, President, 191. Lear, Tobias, 258, 405, 407, 408. Lenity, 335. Leonard, Rev. Mr., 379. Lewis. George, 290. Robert, his tribute British oppression, 144. Tyranny es- Liberty Hall Academy, 395. Life. Cares of, 402. Secured by Gov- Light of the age, 24. Its influence in Linn, Rev. William, his tribute to W.,341. pensed with by the Colonies, 31. M. M'Guire, Rev. E. C., 222, 384. His trib- Magistrates, civil, 128. Manufactures, 83, 131. And the Arts, Marksmen, 210. Marriage, proposed, of John Parke Cus- Marshall, John, his tribute to W., 340. Massachusetts Bay, 271, 272. Measures Matrimony, advice on, 297. Mild measures, 335, 336. Character, French, 116. Discipline, 159, 160. Dis- 313. Influence of Congress, 150. Pow- | Nationality, 279. er, 158. Rank, the people's gift, 155. Militia. Inferior to Regular Troops, 157. Minerva, 396. Ministers, caprices of, 110. Ministry, Christian, 377. Minority, duties of, 247. Mint of the United States, 127. Nations. Religious duties of, 355. Op- Navigation, Inland, 189, 140. Navy. Importance of, 220. Of the Uni- Missions. Christian, 386 ss. Among the Neutrality, 104, 105. Indians, 386. Mississippi River, 51. Mob, 171. Moderation, 278, 334. Northern, and by the Southern, States, Monitions, friendly, 321. Monmouth, battle of, 410. Monongahela, battle of, 409. Neuville, the Messieurs, 190. Newfoundland, 215. New Hampshire, 272. New Jersey College, 393, 400. New York City, 249, 255, 403; evacuated Moral. Character, 314. Maxims, 307 ss. Non-importation of British commodi- Morality, and civil government, 308. Monarchy, 21, 73. Views of, by the New Orleans, 216. Newspapers, 139. 21. by the British, 410. Convention, 249. Nicola, Colonel Lewis, 280. Nobility, and knighthood, 22. ties, 34, 145-148. Morals, Christian, 369. Non-intervention, 96. Morocco, Emperor of, 131. North, Lord, his Bills in Parliament, 36. Morris, Gouverneur, his tribute to W.,405. Northern States, their views of mon- archy, 21, 22. Nova Scotia, 213. 0. Mourning, 401. Museum, American, a periodical, 232. N. Napoleon Bonaparte, his tribute to W., Nation. Its right to establish its own National. Benevolence, 353. Candor, Obedience to Congress, 271. Officers. Of Government, their appoint- ca, an asylum for the, 87. Oppression, awakens sympathy, 19. Order, and harmony, in the army, 165. Ordinances, religious, 384. Orphans, 391. Orvilliers, Admiral d', 113. P. Permanent national alliances, 92. ship, 242. Hostility, 246. Friend- Philadelphia, 293, 374. Christ Church at, 383, 391. General Convention at, Piety, vital, 384. Pitt, William, the patron of America, 142. Plundering, 172. Palatinate, 396. Palladium, The national Union com- Pallas, 267. Palliating faults, 312. Parliament. Imposes the Stamp Act on Party. Disputes, 75. Spirit, its evils, Passions, 313. Patriarch of liberty, W. so called by Patriot. His alternative, 148. The best Patriotism, 276 ss. Female, 281. And Patterson, Colonel, 277. Paulding, James K., his tributes to W., Peace. Establishment, 186; one of the Peake, J., his tribute to W., 390. Pennsylvania. Gazette, 357. German Political. Disagreement, 242. Equity, Poor, provided for, by W., 390. 225. Favor, 316. Spirit, 278. Poussin, M., his remarks on religion and Power. Military, 158. The source of, 74. Predilections, American, national, 191. ed by W., 282. President of the United States, the treaty- maker, 107, 108. Prisoners. Comfort of, 197. Enlisting to, 250. Rebellion, the Colonies to be driven into, Reciprocity, 60, 63. Reconciliation, 396. Recruits, 154, 157. Rectitude, 276. Conscious, 274, 318. Religion. Christian, its divine author, Religious. Acts and emotions, 359 ss. Remembrancer, a periodical so called, Reports, evil, 324. Representation, free and equal, 69. Revolutions, national, 18. Rapidity and magnitude of, 18. Rhode Island, 272. Righteousness, National, 349. Roads, 139. National influence of, 140. Robertson, General, 253. Rochambeau, Count de, 295. Royalists. 386. Ruler. The glory of a. 268. Of nations, 348. Of the universe, 347. S. Sabbath. See Sunday. Sacrifices. To principle, 274. And re- Scandal, 320. Science. Importance of, 230. National Scipio, 396. Sensibility, to public approbation, 328. Service, military, American and British Ship, miniature, 187. Sick, cared for, by W., 250. Slavery. Abolition of, 256. Lafayette's Slaves. Policy of arming, 195. Eman- Smith. Rev. Samuel Stanhope, his trib- Social. Courtesy, 244. Society, happiness of. moted, 11. The end 17. Maxims, 237 ss. How best pro- of government, Soldier. An agent of civil power, 152. His Soldiers. Patriot, 153. American, their Source of all blessings, 342. Southern States, their views of monarchy, Spain. Behind the other nations of Eu- Sparks, Jared, his tributes to W., 148, 203, Spies, 155. Spirit. Of Christianity, 363. Of free- Of '76, Spirits, distilled. See Liquors, spirit- uous. Spirituous liquors. See Liquors, spirit- nous. Sponge, using the, 123 Spotswood, Colonel Alexander, 193. Stamp Act. Its passage, condemned, 30, Standard of infallibility, 18. Standing Army, 179, 180. And econo- State. Funds, 121. Rights, 66, 67. Motives of the Eastern, to preserve the Stockton, Major, 197. Stony Point, 410. Story, Chief Justice, 203. Success, the flattery of, 101. Sunday, observance of, by W., 377, 883. 397. T. Talents. Rectitude, and patriotism, 276. Tax on spirituous liquors, 161. Taxes of the United States, 117. Temple, Colonel Ben., 377, 388. Tenderness, 334 Territory, acquisition of, 213. Thanksgiving, National Religious, 356. Time, biding the, 314. Tories. Lenity to, 335, 336. Their Tow-cloth hunting-shirts, 209. Trade, 133. With Great Britain, 184; Treaty, of the United States. With |