Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Lafayette, Marquis de la. His attach
ment to W., 237. Aid-de-camp to W.,
24. Calls himself a Missionary of Lib-
erty, and W. its Patriarch, 24. Chal-
lenges Lord Carlisle, 263, 264. Impris-
oned at Olmütz, 242. Presents to W. a
picture, and the main key, of the Bas-
tille, 24. His abolition scheme, 257.
His tributes to W., 24, 151. The Mar-
chioness, 241.

Lakes. Vessels for the, 140. Navigation
of the, 140,

Lands. Proper cultivation of, 130. Cheap,
in the United States, 131. Some of W.'s
offered for sale, 258. Indian, 206.

Languages. Indian, 389. Delaware and
Shawnese, 389.

Lashes. Number of, in corporal punish-
ment, 165.

Last moments of W., 405 ss.

Last words of W., 406-408.

Laurens, President, 191.

Lear, Tobias, 258, 405, 407, 408.
Learning, influence of, 230.
Lee, General Henry, his tributes to W.,
291, 307. William, 261.

Lenity, 335.

Leonard, Rev. Mr., 379.
Letsom, Dr., his tribute to W., 396.
Letters. Of friendship, 240. To prison-
ers, 199. Forged, of W., 30.

Lewis. George, 290. Robert, his tribute
to W., 384. Roswell W., his tribute to
W., 234. Mrs. Lewis, sister of W., 402.
Liberty, 17, 19, 20, 24 ss. Civil, 372. Its
value, how enhanced, 27. American,
19. The basis of Independence, 44. Se-
cured by Government, 17, 20. And
power, 77. Diffusion of the spirit of,
25. Love of, 25. Endangered by party
spirit, 25. To be maintained, against

British oppression, 144. Tyranny es-
tablished on the ruins of, 20. Its prin-
ciples more generally discussed in Eu-
rope, since the American Revolution,
27. Lafayette calls himself its Mission-
ary, 24; and W., its Patriarch and Gen-
eralissimo, 151. Religious, 370 ss. Uni-
versal religious, 376.

Liberty Hall Academy, 395.

Life. Cares of, 402. Secured by Gov-
ernment, 17.

Light of the age, 24. Its influence in
Europe, 24.

Linn, Rev. William, his tribute to W.,341.
Lippincot, Captain, 255.
Liquors, spirituous, 161, 329.
Literature. Importance of, 230. Periodi-
cal, 232. Of Asia, 219.
Local prejudices, evils of, 44.
Long Island, battle of, 409.
Loudoun, Fort, 330.
Love, brotherly, 374.
Loyalty, 162.
Luxuries, imported from England, dis-

pensed with by the Colonies, 31.


M'Guire, Rev. E. C., 222, 384. His trib-
utes to W., 329, 405, 406.

Magistrates, civil, 128.
Mahometans, 377.
Mails, 139. National influence of, 140.
Making enemies, 320.

Manufactures, 83, 131. And the Arts,
137. Domestic, 136, 137. National en-
couragement of, 188.

Marksmen, 210.
Marquee of W., 383.

Marriage, proposed, of John Parke Cus-
tis, 296.

Marshall, John, his tribute to W., 340.
Massachusetts, 194, 302. Humane Socie-
ty of, 398.

Massachusetts Bay, 271, 272. Measures
to deprive it of its charter, 33.
Massey, Rev. Lee, his tribute to W.,

Matrimony, advice on, 297.
Meadows, Great, 250.
Measures, and Weights, 127.
Mediterranean Sea, naval force in, 220.
Medium, the Just, 75.
Memoirs, observations on, 325.
Midshipman's warrant, obtained for
W.. 409.

Mild measures, 335, 336.
Military. Academy, 228.


French, 116. Discipline, 159, 160. Dis-
cipline, National, 222. Education, 227.
Establishment, economy of, 187. Emu-
lation, 166. Evolutions, 166. Glory,
Miller, John, 199.

313. Influence of Congress, 150. Pow- | Nationality, 279.

er, 158. Rank, the people's gift, 155.
Supplies, 223.

Militia. Inferior to Regular Troops, 157.
Raw, 155. In the old French war, 183.
Of the United States, 184; the coun-
try's Palladium, 186.

Minerva, 396.

Ministers, caprices of, 110.

Ministry, Christian, 377.

Minority, duties of, 247.

Mint of the United States, 127.

Nations. Religious duties of, 355. Op-
pressed, interest awakened by, 19.
Their fate, suspended on God's will, 349.
Native. Americans, selected for W.'s
body-guard, 193. Officers in the army,

Navigation, Inland, 189, 140.

Navy. Importance of, 220. Of the Uni-
ted States, 219 ss; in the Mediterranean
sea, 220; gradual creation of, 220.
Negroes, free, enlisting of, 195. See

Missions. Christian, 386 ss. Among the Neutrality, 104, 105.

Indians, 386.

Mississippi River, 51.

Mob, 171.

Moderation, 278, 334.

Northern, and by the Southern, States,

Monitions, friendly, 321.

Monmouth, battle of, 410.

Monongahela, battle of, 409.

Neuville, the Messieurs, 190.

Newfoundland, 215.

New Hampshire, 272.

New Jersey College, 393, 400.

New York City, 249, 255, 403; evacuated

Moral. Character, 314. Maxims, 307 ss. Non-importation of British commodi-
Oppressed. Cause of the, 396. Ameri-Periodical literature, 232.

Morality, and civil government, 308.

Monarchy, 21, 73.

Views of, by the

New Orleans, 216.

Newspapers, 139.


by the British, 410. Convention, 249.

Nicola, Colonel Lewis, 280.

Nobility, and knighthood, 22.

ties, 34, 145-148.

Morals, Christian, 369.

Non-intervention, 96.

Morocco, Emperor of, 131.

North, Lord, his Bills in Parliament, 36.

Morris, Gouverneur, his tribute to W.,405.
Morse, Rev. Jedidiah, his tribute to W.,

Northern States, their views of mon-

archy, 21, 22.

Nova Scotia, 213.

[blocks in formation]


Mourning, 401.
Multitude, the voice of the, 72.
Munificence of God, 344.

Museum, American, a periodical, 232.
Mutiny, 161. Of Pennsylvania troops,


Napoleon Bonaparte, his tribute to W.,

Nation. Its right to establish its own
government, 18.

National. Benevolence, 353. Candor,
111. Debt, 119, 120. Defence, 222,
Education; see Education. Friend-
ship, 109. Good will to man, 266.
Homage to God, 355. Honesty, 111.
Hostility; see Hostility. Influence, 63.
Justice, 353. Military Discipline, 222.
Obligations, 110. Policy, 91. Policy,
as to foreigners, 192. Predilections,
American, 191. Prospects, 84. Pros-
perity, 82, 83. Reputation, 87. Re-
sources, 118. Revolutions, 18. Right-
eousness, 349. Sentiments, 111. Sym-
pathy, 106. Thanksgiving, religious,
356. University, 226, 395. Views,
comprehensive, 78.

Obedience to Congress, 271.
Obligations, national, 110.
Observation, public, 319.
Offensive War, 224.
Office, allurements of, 80.

Officers. Of Government, their appoint-
ments, 78; maxims for, 81; compensa-
tion of, 81. Foreign military, in the
American army, 187, 188; three classes
of, 190; undue prominence of, 190; na-
tional policy as to them, 192. French
military, in America, 116. Exchange
of military. 202. In the American ar-
my, to study books, 228; to discourage
vice, 153; imprudent conversation of,
160; their deportment, 153; maxims
for, 152; their personal sacrifices, 178;
their support, 173, 185; native, 189.
Official instruments, authenticated by
armorial devices, 23.
Ohio River, 407.
Oligarchy, 73.
Olmütz, 242.
Omnipotent, God, our guardian, 846.
Oneida Indians, 212, 379.
Opinion. Difference of, no crime, 246.
Public, to bo enlightened, 72. Tho
World's, 822.

ca, an asylum for the, 87.

Oppression, awakens sympathy, 19.

Order, and harmony, in the army, 165.

Ordinances, religious, 384.

Orphans, 391.

Orvilliers, Admiral d', 113.


Permanent national alliances, 92.
Personal. Experience, 327.

ship, 242. Hostility, 246.


Philadelphia, 293, 374. Christ Church

at, 383, 391. General Convention at,
410. Epidemic fever at, 391.

Piety, vital, 384.

Pitt, William, the patron of America, 142.

Plundering, 172.
Plutarch's Lives, 248.
Pohick Church, 381.
Policy. Fabian, 167. Change of, 168.
National, as to foreigners, 192. Virtu-
ons, commended, 17.

Palatinate, 396.

Palladium, The national Union com-
pared to it, 46. The title applied to
the Militia of the United States, 186.

Pallas, 267.

Palliating faults, 312.
Pardon of criminals, 255.

Parliament. Imposes the Stamp Act on
the Colonies, 30. Disregards the re-
monstrances of the Colonies, 144.

Party. Disputes, 75. Spirit, its evils,
25, 55, 57; alleged benefit of, 56.

Passions, 313.

Patriarch of liberty, W. so called by
Lafayette. 151.

Patriot. His alternative, 148. The best
soldier, the best patriot, 169. Chief,
267. His dependence, two-fold, 275
His only fear, 155. His happiness, 278.
At home, 304. His offering, 273. His
great object, 276. Refuses a crown,
280. His reward, 278. His vow, 268.
Army, 175, 176; arms and accoutre-
ments of, 178. Soldiers, 153.

Patriotism, 276 ss. Female, 281. And
interest, 185. Useful lesson of, im-
pressed on mankind, by the soldiers of
the American Revolution, 27, 28. Its
sacrifices and rewards, 275, 276, 277.

Patterson, Colonel, 277.

Paulding, James K., his tributes to W.,
329, 338, 340.

Peace. Establishment, 186; one of the
pillars of American Independence, 44.
Honorable, contended for, by the Colo-
nies, 37, 101. With other nations, 97.
With all the world, 98. The policy of
the United States, 99, 100. Without
independence, to be deplored, 102, 103.
Proclaimed, 419. With the Indians,

Peake, J., his tribute to W., 390.
Pendleton, Colonel, 293.

Pennsylvania. Gazette, 357. German
counties of, 196. Levies, mutiny,161,410.
People. Affections of the, 70. Army of
the, 170. Devotion of W. to the, 246.
Their duties, 74. Happiness of the,
268. Knowledge among the, 231.
Their influence, 76. Military rank,
their gift, 155. The people, not the
President, 77. Voice of the, 74.

Political. Disagreement, 242. Equity,
310. Happiness, 352. Improvements,
in Europe, 19. Infallibility, 18. In-
telligence, circulation of, 139. Maxims,
17 ss. Opinions, standard of, 18. Sui-
cide, 79. System of the United States,
compared to a clock, 39. Unity, 375.

Poor, provided for, by W., 390.
Popular. Commotion, 75. Education,

225. Favor, 316. Spirit, 278.
Popularity, duty and virtue before, 317.
Population of the United States, 83.
Porter, American, 137.
Post Office, of the United States, 189. Its
importance, 140.
Posts, war of, 167.
Potomac. Banks of the, 300. Company,
394, 395. River, 409.

Poussin, M., his remarks on religion and
democracy, 352.

Power. Military, 158. The source of,


Predilections, American, national, 191.
Prejudices, local, evils of, 44.
Presbyterian Church, General Assem-
bly of the, 884.
Present duty, 327.
Presents to Indians, 206.
Presidency of the United States, accept-

ed by W., 282.

President of the United States, the treaty-

maker, 107, 108.
Princes, politics of, 110.
Princeton, battle of, 409.
Principle. Sacrifices to, 274. Triumph
of, 317.

Prisoners. Comfort of, 197. Enlisting
of, 194. Exchange of, 200. Kindness
Letters to, 199. Treatment

to, 250.
of, 196.
Private virtues, 312.
Privateers, 219.
Profanity, 331.
Professions of friendship, 240.
Promises, 312.
Property. Wanton destruction of, 171.
Secured by government, 17, 20. Pri-
vate, seizure of, 172. Tory, 172.

[blocks in formation]

Rebellion, the Colonies to be driven into,
28, 29.

Reciprocity, 60, 63.
Recollections, agreeable, 302.

Reconciliation, 396.
Recrimination, 326.

Recruits, 154, 157.

Rectitude, 276. Conscious, 274, 318.
Reed, General Joseph, 316, 321, 323.
Regulars, and recruits, 154, 157.
Reliance on divine Providence, 362.

Religion. Christian, its divine author,
368. And Government, 352. And Mo-
rality, 354. And the State, 352 ss. Sup-
port of, 377.

Religious. Acts and emotions, 359 ss.
Differences, and political unity, 375.
Disputes, 373, 375. Duties of nations,
355. Gratitude, 361, 385. Influence
of the Union, 352. Liberty, 370 ss.;
universal, 376. Maxims, 341 ss. Ordi-
nances, 384. Tenets, and civil rights,
372. Thanksgiving, national, 356. Tol-
eration, 370, 371.

Remembrancer, a periodical so called,

Reports, evil, 324.

Representation, free and equal, 69.
Representatives, duties of, 69.
Republicanism. Its advantages, 20.
Approves of armorial devices, 23.
Reputation, 316. National, 87.
Resignation, Christian, 401.
Retaliation, 337. And humanity, 251.
Revelation, the light of divine, 867.
Revenue of the United States, 117.
Revolution, American. Its momentous
influence, 41. Its influence in Europe,
24. Spirit of the, 27, 149. Unsullied
by a crime, 28.
Revolution, French, 26.
Revolutionary. War, 142 ss. Worthies,
death of, 401.

Revolutions, national, 18. Rapidity and

magnitude of, 18.

Rhode Island, 272.

Righteousness, National, 349.

Roads, 139. National influence of, 140.

Robertson, General, 253.

Rochambeau, Count de, 295.

Royalists. 386.

Ruler. The glory of a. 268. Of nations,

348. Of the universe, 347.
Rum, evils of, in the army, 332.
Rural employments, 303.
Russia. Her declaration, in relation to
the Colonies, 38. Empress of, 389.


Sabbath. See Sunday.

Sacrifices. To principle, 274. And re-
wards of patriotism, 275.

Scandal, 320.

Science. Importance of, 230. National
interest of, 229.

Scipio, 396.
Scriptures, quoted, 132.
Scruples of conscience, 374.
Scylla and Charybdis, 99.
Secrecy, and despatch, 312.
Security, false, 100.
Self-control, 276.
Sense of honor, 311.

Sensibility, to public approbation, 328.
Sentiments, national, 111.

Service, military, American and British
contrasted, 185.
Sevelingues, L. di, 213.
Severities, 335.
Sewall, J. M., his tribute to W., 244.
Shaking off acquaintances, 245.
Shawnese language, 389.

Ship, miniature, 187.
Ships of War, 219.

Sick, cared for, by W., 250.
Sickness, composure in, 403.
Slanders, antidote to, 320.

Slavery. Abolition of, 256. Lafayette's
abolition scheme, 257. Mode of abol-
ishing, 258.

Slaves. Policy of arming, 195. Eman-
cipation of, 256, 258, 259. W. provides
for emancipating all his, 259, 261, 262.
To be taught to read and write, 260.
Not to be sold, after receiving their
freedom, 260.

Smith. Rev. Samuel Stanhope, his trib-
ute to W., 400. William, of Baltimore,

Social. Courtesy, 244.

Society, happiness of.

moted, 11. The end


Maxims, 237 ss.

How best pro-

of government,

Soldier. An agent of civil power, 152.
The best soldier, the best patriot, 169.
And citizen, 166. His duty, 151, 152.
His discipline, 159, 160. His views of
danger, 154. His loyalty, 162.
motto, 156. His personal sacrifices,
173 His incentives in battle, 154. The
Regular, and the Recruit, 154.


Soldiers. Patriot, 153. American, their
families maintained, 172, 173; their
pay, 172, 173; their character and trials,
28; their courage at Boston, 149; their
courage at Charlestown, 149; their pun-
ishments and rewards, 149, 150. W.'s
appeal to them, 149.

Source of all blessings, 342.

Southern States, their views of monarchy,
21; and fear of aristocracy, 22.

Spain. Behind the other nations of Eu-
rope in liberal policy, 113. Favorable
disposition of, to the American Colonies,
38. Her mediation with England, re-
jected, 114. Her navy, 38, 216; and
maritime resources, 112.

Sparks, Jared, his tributes to W., 148, 203,
222, 381.

Spies, 155.

Spirit. Of Christianity, 363. Of free-
dom, 269. Of the Gospel, 367.

Of '76,

Spirits, distilled. See Liquors, spirit-


Spirituous liquors. See Liquors, spirit-


Sponge, using the, 123

Spotswood, Colonel Alexander, 193.

Stamp Act. Its passage, condemned, 30,
31. An attack on civil liberty, 30. Its
repeal, 32.

Standard of infallibility, 18.

Standing Army, 179, 180. And econo-
my, 187. Importance of, 181. Preju-
dices against, 181.

State. Funds, 121. Rights, 66, 67.
States. Duty of the, to the Federal Gov-
ernment, 45. Too many of their ablest
men withdrawn from Congress, 39.

Motives of the Eastern, to preserve the
Union, 48; of the Northern, 48; of the
Southern, 48; of the Western, 48, 51.
Stiles, Rev. Ezra, 219. His tribute to W.,

Stockton, Major, 197.

Stony Point, 410.

Story, Chief Justice, 203.
Submission to God, 365.
Subordination, 159.

Success, the flattery of, 101.
Sufferers, in the Indian wars, 249
Suffering humanity, the cause of, 398.
Suicide, political, 79.

Sunday, observance of, by W., 377, 883.
Supplies, military, 223.
Support of religion, 377.
Surprisals of enemies, 156.
Sympathy. National, 106. Universal,



Talents. Rectitude, and patriotism, 276.
Without virtue, 308.

Tax on spirituous liquors, 161.
Taxation. Great Britain's systematic
plan, to fix the right and practice of it
upon the Colonies, 33. A question of
right and honor, 34. Its dishonesty, 35.
Petitions on, unavailing, 33.

Taxes of the United States, 117.
Tea Act, 29. Duty on tea, 34.
Temper, 278.

Temple, Colonel Ben., 377, 388.
Temporary army, 182.

Tenderness, 334

Territory, acquisition of, 213.
Tertius Cato, 249.

Thanksgiving, National Religious, 356.
Thunder, son of, an epithet applied to
Lord North, 36,

Time, biding the, 314.
Tippling houses, 330.
Titles, the most enviable, 309.
Toleration. Religious, 370, 371. Of the
Jews, 378.

Tories. Lenity to, 335, 336. Their
property, 172.

Tow-cloth hunting-shirts, 209.
Towns, and the army, 170.

Trade, 133. With Great Britain, 184;
scheme of the Colonies to starve it, 144,
145. With Indians, 205.
Tranquillity, 301.
Treachery, Indian, 211.
Treaties. Nature of, 106. Treaty-ma-
king power, 107, 108. Ratification of,
108. Oppressive treaties, 109. Equita-
ble treaties, 109.

Treaty, of the United States. With
France; see France. With Great Bri-

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