Imágenes de páginas

tain, 51. With Spain, 51. With Mo- | Virtue. And happiness, 307. And tal-
rocco, 131.

Treason, Arnold's, 311, 410.
Trenton, battle of, 409.

Trial of virtue, 311.

Trials, God's design in, 364.

Tributes to W.; see Washington, George.

Trumbull, Governor, 879, 883.
Trumpeter, the King's, 199.

Trust in God, 270, 364.
Truth, power of, 76.

Turenne, Marshal, 396.

Tyranny, 17. Established on the ruins
of liberty, 20.


Union, of the States. Not mere alliance,
51. Its importance, 44, 59. Its power, 49.
Its extent, 49. Its value, 46. Requires
reciprocity, 60. Our Palladium of safe-
ty, 46, 63. Its religious influence, 352.
Motives for preserving it, 47, 48. Evils
of its dissolution, 46. Causes of its dis-
turbance, 50. Measures to dissolve it,
reprobated, 45. See United States.
United Brethren, or Moravians, 388.
Their settlement at Bethlehem, 388.
United States, Government of, 20. Its
founders, 87. Its policy, 85, 91, 95. Its
situation and prospects, 41, 85, 86. Pe-
culiar circumstances of its foundation,
42. Emigration to the States, 89; home
of industry, 88; the world's granary,
88; asylum for the oppressed, 88. Its
false security, 115. Its Militia, 184.
Navy, 219 ss. Its Revenue, 117.
Taxes, 117.
Debt, 119, 120.
Unity, political, 875.

Its Resources, 118. Its

Universal. Dictionary of Catharine of
Russia, 389. Religious liberty, 376.
Sympathy, 397.

Universe, God the ruler of the, 347.
University, National, 226, 395.

Unyielding purpose, 276.

Usurpation, dangers of, 58.


Vanity, 324. Verbiage of, 324.

Vault, family, at Mount Vernon, 404,

Verbiage of Vanity, 324.

Vernon, Mount. See Mount Vernon.
Vice, to be discouraged by military offi-
cers, 153.

Virginia. House of Burgesses, 385, 409.
Its donation to W., 394. Petitions to
the Assembly of, for the abolition of
slavery, 257. Independent Company,

ents, 308. Trial of, 311. And Vice,
307 ss.

Virtues. Private, 312. Domestic and
public, to be encouraged, 366.

Vital piety, 384.


War, 148 ss. Deprecated as an evil, 142,
143. Resort to, in defence of freedom,
144. Of the Revolution, its happy con-
clusion practicable, 38. Employment
of Indians in, 212. The last resort,
144. Prisoners of, 194, 250. Readiness
for, 223. Offensive operations of, 224.
War of Posts, 167. And agriculture,
131. Ruinous, in Europe, in 1795, 143.
Warfare, Indian, 209.
War-horse of W., 249.
Washington. Augustine, father of Gen-
eral W., his death, 409.


Washington College, 395.
WASHINGTON, General George. Princi-
pal events in the life of, 409, 410. His
birth, 409. His birth-day celebrated,
295. Death of his father, 409. Sur-
veyor of lands, 409. Voyage to Barba-
does, 409. Aid to General Braddock,
409. His military appointments, 409.
410. His marriage, 291. His devotion
to the people, 246. His refusal of the
offer of a crown, 280. His farewell to
the army, 288. His acceptance of the
Presidency of the United States, 282-
284. His progress to the seat of gov-
ernment, 284. His refusal of pecuniary
compensation, 285. He declines a mili-
tary escort, 285. Particular attachment
to Lafayette, 237, 238. His Farewell to
Congress, 289. He retires from office,
286. His domestic virtues: filial rev-
erence and love, 294; conjugal affection,
293, 294. His religious character:
public worship, 877, 381, 383, &c.;
prayers in the camp, 381; private
prayer, 383, 384; vestryman, 381; com-
municant, 384. His death, 406-408.--
Tributes to him, by
John Adams, 16.
Fisher Ames, 267, 306.
Benedict Arnold, 334.
John André, 334.

Aaron Bancroft, 381.
Albert Barnes, 383.
Felix Bodin, 236.
M. Brissot, 405.

Lord Brougham, Preface.
Earl of Buchan, 338, and Preface.
Lord Byron, 267.

William E. Channing, 234, 388.

George T. Chapman, 384.
Marquis de Chastellux, 307.
Thomas Conway, 306.
George W. P. Custis, 406.
Miss P. Custis, 384.
J. Dunham, 406.
Lord Erskine, 340.
Benjamin Franklin, 142.
Old French Generals, 142.
M. Fontanes, 151, 244, 307, 338.
Charles Fox, 315.
James Grahame, 267.

M. Guizot, 43, 291.

Alexander Hamilton, 237, 306.
John Hancock, 236.
J. T. Headley, 151.
William Jackson, 291.
John Jay, 236.
Thomas Jefferson, 16.
Paul Jones, 37.
Rufus King, 306.
J. T. Kirkland, 340.
M. de Lafayette, 24, 151
Henry Lee, 291, 307.
Dr. Letsom, 396.
Robert Lewis, 384.
Roswell W. Lewis, 234.
William Linn, 341.
M. C. M'Guire, 329, 405, 406.
John Marshall, 340.

Lee Massey, 381.
Gouverneur Morris, 405.
Jedidiah Morse, 405.
Napoleon Bonaparte, 17.
James K. Paulding, 329, 338, 340.
J. Peake, 390.

Gen. Assemb. of Presb. Ch., 884.
David Ramsay, 315, 377.
J. M. Sewall, 244.

[blocks in formation]

Weems, Rev. M. L., his tributes to W.,
377, 388, 406.

Weights, and Measures, 127.

West Indies, 88.

Western Country of the United States,

the second land of promise, 143, 144.

Western Insurrection, 161, 162.
Whang-ho, 219.

White, Right Rev. Dr., 391.
Wickedness, and Ignorance, 308.
Widows and Orphans, 391.
William and Mary College, 231.
Winchester, tippling-houses in, 330.
Wines, use of, 329.

Wisdom, 277. And goodness of God, 343.
Women, children, and the infirm, 249.
Woolford, Colonel William, 152.
World, the opinion of the, 322.
Worship. Public, 381. Private, 888, 384.
Wrangham, Rev. Francis, 248.

[blocks in formation]

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