tain, 51. With Spain, 51. With Mo- | Virtue. And happiness, 307. And tal- Treason, Arnold's, 311, 410. Trial of virtue, 311. Trials, God's design in, 364. Tributes to W.; see Washington, George. Trumbull, Governor, 879, 883. Trust in God, 270, 364. Turenne, Marshal, 396. Tyranny, 17. Established on the ruins U. Union, of the States. Not mere alliance, Its Universal. Dictionary of Catharine of Universe, God the ruler of the, 347. Unyielding purpose, 276. Usurpation, dangers of, 58. v. Vanity, 324. Verbiage of, 324. Vault, family, at Mount Vernon, 404, Verbiage of Vanity, 324. Vernon, Mount. See Mount Vernon. Virginia. House of Burgesses, 385, 409. ents, 308. Trial of, 311. And Vice, Virtues. Private, 312. Domestic and Vital piety, 384. w. War, 148 ss. Deprecated as an evil, 142, Bushrod, Washington College, 395. Aaron Bancroft, 381. Lord Brougham, Preface. William E. Channing, 234, 388. George T. Chapman, 384. M. Guizot, 43, 291. Alexander Hamilton, 237, 306. Lee Massey, 381. Gen. Assemb. of Presb. Ch., 884. Weems, Rev. M. L., his tributes to W., Weights, and Measures, 127. West Indies, 88. Western Country of the United States, the second land of promise, 143, 144. Western Insurrection, 161, 162. White, Right Rev. Dr., 391. Wisdom, 277. And goodness of God, 343. Captain Canot; or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver: being an Account of his Career and Adventures on the Coast, in the Interior, on Shipboard, and in the West Indies. Written out and Edited from the Captain's Journals, Memoranda, and Conversations. By BRANTZ MAYER. 1 vol. 12mo. With eight Illustrations. Price, $1 25. The Preservation of Health and Prevention of Disease: including Practical Suggestions on Diet, Mental Development, Exercise, Ventilation, Bathing, Use of Medicines, Management of the Sick, etc. By B. N. COMINGS, M. D. 1 vol. 12mo. 75 cents. The Youth of Madame de Longueville; or New Revelations of Court and Convent in the Sixteenth Century. From the French of Victor Cousin. By F. W. RICORD. 1 vol. 12mo. $1 00. Emmanuel-Philibert; or, the European Wars of the XVIth Century. By ALEXANDER DUMAS. 2 vols. 12mo. Price, paper covers, $1; cloth, $1 25. The Nursery Basket: a Hand-Book of Practical Directions for Young Mothers, including the Preparation of Infants' Wardrobe, the Choice and Making-Up, the Child's Bath, Out-ofDoor Dress, Worsted Knitting, Flannel Embroidery, the Clothes of Older Children, etc., etc. 1 vol. square 16mo. 37 cents. The Iron Cousin; or, Mutual Influence. By MARY COWDEN CLARKE, author of "The Concordance to Shakspeare," etc. 1 vol. 12mo. Price, $1 25. The Chemistry of Common Life. By JAMES W. JOHNSTON, M. A., F. R. S., etc., author of "Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology." Parts 1 to 4 now ready. Price 25 cents each. Johnson's Treatise on Words. 1 volume, 12mo. Price, $1 00. Thiers' French Revolution. New edition. With Steel Engravings. 4 vols. 8vo. Price, $500. PUBLISHED BY D. APPLETON & COMPANY, Party Leaders; Sketches of Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph of Roanoke; including Notices of many other distinguished Statesmen. By Jo. G. BALDWIN. 1 vol. 12mo. Price, $1. Shakespeare's Scholar: being Historical and Criti cal Studies of His Text, Characters, and Commentators, with an Examination of Mr. Collier's Folio of 1632. By RICHARD GRANT WHITE, A. M. 1 vol. 8vo. Price, $2 50. The Virginia Comedians; or, Old Days in the Old Dominion. Edited from the MSS. of C. EFFINGHAM, Esq. 2 vols. Paper covers $1; cloth $1 50. Chestnut Wood: A Tale. By LIELE LINDEN. In 2 vols. Price, in paper covers, $1 25; cloth, $1 75. Russia. Translated from the French of the Marquis de Custine. 1 vol. 12mo. $1 25. Katharine Ashton. By MISS SEWELL, author of "Amy Herbert," "Gertrude," &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Price, paper covers, $1 00; cloth, $1 50. The Elements of Agriculture: A Book for Young Farmers. With Questions Prepared for the Use of Schools. By GEORGE E. WARING, Jr., Consulting Agriculturist. 1 vol. 12mo. 75 cents. A Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish-Breeding : Including the Reports on the Subject to the French Academy and the French Government; and Particulars of the Discovery as Pursued in England. Translated and Edited by W. H. FRY. Illus trated with Engravings. 1 vol. 12mo. 75 cents. Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Family. By the DUCHESS D'ABRANTES (Madame JUNOT). With numerous Portraits engraved on steel. In two volumes, 8vo. |