ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE NINETEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, BEGUN JANUARY 9, AND ENDED MARCH 17, 1882. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE. DES MOINES: F. M. MILLS, STATE PRINTER. 1882. STATE GOVERNMENT, 1882. List of State Officers, Judges of the Supreme, District, and Circuit Courts, DistrictAttorneys, and Members and Officers of the General Assembly, at the time of the Passage of the Laws contained in this Volume. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. NAME. Deputy Register of State Land-Office Polk Deputy Supt. of Public Instruction..Cerro Gordo... Attorney-General State Printer.... State Binder ... William L. Alexander....Adjutant and Inspector-General and Mrs. S. B. Maxwell..... Prof. Nathan R. Leonard Benjamin F. Shaw.. Acting Quartermaster-General... State Mine Inspector.... Supt. of Weights and Measures. Assistant Fish Commissioner Montgomery Lucas. ... NOTE.-The address of Lieutenant-Governor Manning is Carroll; that of Attorney-General McPherson is Red Oak; that of Prof. Leonard is Iowa City; that of the Fish Commissioner is Anamosa; that of the Assistant Fish Commissioner is Spirit Lake. *Charles R. Chase, of Polk county, was Deputy Treasurer of State until March 1, 1882. |