THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA AS THEY ARE. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY W. SIMPKIN AND R. MARSHALL, STATIONER'S HALL COURT. MDCCCXXVIII. PREFACE. FIFTY years have passed since the emancipation of the United States. This lapse of time has solved two great questions. It has exposed the fallacy of human calculations, which anticipated only present anarchy and ultimate dissolution for the new Republics, and it has established the possibility of a people governing themselves, and being prosperous and happy. Their political infancy is over, they have approached to manhood; and fully sensible of their strength, their first magistrate has ventured to utter the important words in his message of 1823, “ That notwithstanding their neutrality they would consider any attempt on the part of European powers to extend their system to any portion of the transatlantic hemisphere as dangerous to |