Take up the White man's burden And reap his old reward: The blame of those ye better, The hate of those ye guard The cry of hosts ye humour (Ah, slowly!) toward the light: "Why brought ye us from bondage, "Our loved Egyptian night? McClure's Magazine ... - Página 2911899Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| William Jennings Bryan - 1899 - 841 páginas
...have fallen in love with this man. He tells us what we will reap : "Take up the White Man's burden, And reap his old reward — The blame of those ye...The hate of those ye guard— The cry of hosts ye humor (Ah, slowly!) toward the light — 'Why brought ye us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night?'... | |
| 1899 - 880 páginas
...verses, but the wisdom which the world most needs just now lies, we are convinced, in the last two: •Take up the White Man's burden — Ye dare not stoop to less — 'Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloak your weariness. By all ye will or whisper, By all ye leave or do, The silent, sullen peoples... | |
| William Thomas Stead - 1899 - 656 páginas
...is nearest (The end for others sought) Watch sloth and heathen folly Bring all your hope to nought. Take up the White Man's burden — Ye dare not stoop to less — Nor call too loud on Freedom To cl' ak ycur weariness. By all ye will or whisper, By all ye leave or do, The silent, sullen peoples... | |
| Albert Shaw - 1899 - 890 páginas
...to stop sickness among the childlike people that are now dependent on them, the poet concludes : " Take up the White Man's Burden— Ye dare not stoop to less— Nor call too loud for Freedom To choke your weariness. By all ye will or whisper, By all ye leave or do. The silent sullen... | |
| William Jennings Bryan - 1900 - 666 páginas
...have fallen in love with this man. He tells us what we will reap: "Take up the White Man's burden, And reap his old reward— The blame of those ye better,...The hate of those ye guard— The cry of hosts ye humor (Ah, slowly!) toward the light— 'Why brought ye us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night?'... | |
| Edwin Wildman - 1901 - 426 páginas
...History was repeating itself, and the immortal lines of Kipling summed up the balance sheet : — " The blame of those ye better ; The hate of those ye guard. . . . Your new-caught sullen peoples, Half devil and half child." XVIII THE year 1900 saw probably... | |
| 1902 - 468 páginas
...tread. Go, make them with your living And mark them with your dead. Take up the White Man s burden—- And reap his old Reward — The blame of those ye...The hate of those ye guard — The cry of hosts ye humor (Ah, slowly) toward the light: "Why brought ye us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night?" Take... | |
| Sons of the American Revolution. Empire State Society - 1902 - 150 páginas
...the old reward, The blame of those we better, The hate of those we guard, The cry of hosts we humor (Ah, slowly!) toward the light: — Why brought ye us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night ? " "There never was a time, gentlemen, when our country needed the fighting qualities of her sons... | |
| Rudyard Kipling - 1903 - 280 páginas
...tread, Go make them with your living, And mark them with your dead. Take up the White Man's burden — And reap his old reward : The blame of those ye better,...stoop to less — Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloak your weariness ; By all ye cry or whisper, By all ye leave or do, The silent, sullen peoples... | |
| Rudyard Kipling - 1903 - 322 páginas
...your living, And mark them with your dead. Take up the White Man's burden— And reap his old reward: The cry of hosts ye humour (Ah, slowly!) toward the...not stoop to less— Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloak your weariness; By all ye cry or whisper, By all ye leave or do, The silent, sullen peoples Shall... | |
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