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Night 6th, 1.128.**

"Man's misery declares him born for blifs;
"His anxious heart afferts the truth I sing,
" And gives the sceptic in bis head the lied

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Man's heart eats all things, and is bungry ftill;
More, more! the glutton orys:



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"The world's all title-page, there's no contents;
"The world alle face; the man who shews his heart,

" Is hooted for his nudities, and scorn'd. arrow


1. 60.


Night 8th, 1. 333.

"This is the most indulgence can afford;
"Thy wisdom all can do, but make thee wife;
" Nor think this cenfure is fevere on thee;

"Satan, thy master, I dare call a dundes


Night 9th, 1414.

" When pain can't bliss, heaven quits us in despair.

Night 9th, 1. 497.

After all, and as some apology to the numerous admirers of Dr. Young, I allow that there are strokes and paffages of genuine poetry to be found, though thinly scattered, among the wild effusions of this long and laboured poem. I refer, in particular, to the first five lines of Night First, and to the thirteen first lines of Night Fourth. For the fake of justice to our author, the two paffages shall be inferted at full length.

Night First...


"Tir'd nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep!
"He like the world, his ready vifit pays,
" W Where fortune smiles: the wretched he forsakes;
"Swift, on his downy pinions, flies from woe,
And lights on lids unfullied by a tear.

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Night Fourth.

" A much indebted muse, O Yorke ! intrudes,

"Amid the smiles of fortune and of youth;
" "Thine ear is patient of a ferious fong.

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How deep implanted in the breast of man

"The dread of death? I fing its fov'reign cure.

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Why start at death? Where is he? Death arriv'd

"Is past; not come, or gone; he's never bere.
"E'er hope, fenfation fails; black-boding man
Receives, not fuffers, death's tremenduous blow.
The knell, the shroud, the mattock, and the grave;
"The deep damp vault, the darkness, and the worm
These are the bug-bears of a winter's eve,

"The terrors of the living, not the dead.

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From this, the writer runs wild, and continues with very flight and tranfient, if any lucid intervals, to the - end of the poemt.

The following detached lines, among others, display the spirit of poetry, blended with conceit and affectation.

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+ The following lines, being the beginning of Night Ninth, may be confidered as one of the few remaining lucid intervals, referred to by our author. Pity that one who could write so well at times, should have been so little under the guidance of reason, in general. Edit.

"As when a traveller, a long day paft
"In painful search of what he cannot find,
"At night's approach, content with the next cot,
"There ruminates, a while, his labour loft;
" Then cheers his heart, with what his fate affords,
" And chants his fonnet to deceive the time,
"Till the due feason calls him to repose:
"Thus 1, long-travell'd in the ways of men,
" And dancing, with the reft, the giddy maze,
"Where disappointment fmiles at hope's career,
" Warn'd by the languor of life's ev'ning ray,
"At length have hous'd me in an humble shed;
" When, future wand'ring banish'd from my thought,
" And waiting, patient, the sweet hour of reft,
"I chace the moments with a serious fong-
" Song foothes our pains; and age has pains to foothe."


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"How rich! how poor! how abject! how august!
"How complicate, how wonderful is man!"

And again, speaking of Narcifsa.

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Early, bright, tranfient, chaste as morning dew!

" She sparkled, was exhal'd! and went to heav'n."

For the Bee.

Mr. Bee, G. Dempster, Esq.

NAMES have no small effect on things. It is for this reason, I am going, through the medium of your patriotic paper, to suggest the advantages which our country would derive from the alteration of a name.

At present, the tenants about me call the gentlemen, whose lands they occupy, masters. I observe this improper term has a very ill effect both upon us proprietors, and upon our tenants. We are apt to take the tenants at their word, and to imagine them to be our servants, and to command their services for running our errands, and doing our work, as if we really were their masters, and paid them wages: Whereas they pay us, in general, very good rents for our lands, and, in fo doing, confer a great obligation on us; For I do not know what kind of a figure I and my wife would make, nor how we could feed and educate our numerous family, were it not for the rents which we receive from these servants. At least, I have tried to farm my own little bit of land; but, alas! Sir, for want of skill, and attention, and economy, I lost my rent every year, and got befides into debt. How little then do we find in our tenants of the character of servants? The wish of a wife man would be to have many of the former, and few of the latter.

This is not the worst of it, Sir; our poor tenants are foolish enough to think themselves our servants; and inftead of telling us frankly they have business of their ewn to mind, are as obedient to our commands, as if


they were our servants, seldom refusing to obey us, very much to our hurt, as well as their own : we frequently find a sad deficiency, when, in their true character of tenants, we summon them to pay our rents. Neither is this the worst circumstance attending this mistaken name of master: we proprietors grow fond of the thing, as well as the name; and when our tenants happen to refuse to obey any of our commands, we are disposed to think them infolent, and sometimes to call them so; and to prevent a repetition of such behaviour, we either give them no tacks at all, or very short ones. Now, Mr. Bee, a tenant who can be removed on fix weeks warning, and does not know where to find another farm, as frequently happens, is really a fervant; indeed, I may say, he is a flave. Thus, Sir, we are averse to what, for our own interest, we ought to covet. We dislike to lett our lands upon long leases, although it is certain, they cannot be improven by any

other means.

Instead, therefore, of the word master, I would fuggest the English term of land-lord: And I would have all our farmers to enter into an agreement among themselves, to give us no other name, under the penalty of forfeiting a trifle to the poor of the parish, as often as they used the word master, either when speaking to us, or of us.

I believe too, Mr. Bee, the free and wealthy inhabitants of our towns would be induced more readily to lease our farms, and to improve them, were this flavish and improper name of master laid afide.

For my own share, I never could discover that a man who rents my ground, is more my servant, than a gentleman in a town, who happens to rent my house there. The only connection between either a tenant of a house and a farm, and their owner, is of the nature of a civil contract. When the rent of either is paid, they are independent of each other. But, if any thing, the obligation is on the fide of a good tenant. If these deas be just, by giving them a place in your Bee, you will oblige.

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I ALSO have been a successful disciple in the happy art of idleness, recommended by Albanicus; and as the acquifition of this art to my fex, particularly in the higher and more wealthy ranks of society, is of infinitely greater consequence, than to yours, I imagine I am about to confer the greatest favour possible upon the daughters of Eve, all the world over, by initiating them in the mysteries of that art which has brought me from the horrors of languor and weariness of life, to a state of tranquillity, placid enjoyment of nature, and society, and a satisfaction with myself and every thing about me, which, if it is not like the happiness of the blessed in heaven, is, I imagine, as like it as any thing this world can afford.

I was the youngest daughter and child of my parents, who were noble and confpicuous, but not wealthy. I was the favourite of the whole family, not only as being the youngest, but as beautiful and infinuating, and that my parents growing old and infirm, were averse from the trouble and uneasiness of doing any thing with me, but as a play thing, and to make me happy by every indulgence, that all my little childish fallies might be brought forth with the brilliancy and softness of nature.

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