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for the BULLETIN is much appreciated, and it is hoped that a greater number may take an active part in making the BULLETIN interesting.

The turnover in membership amounting to 140 losses and 88 gains was of about the same order as in 1923. There was a net reduction of 52 from 713 to 661 paid up and life members. (See table).

MEMBERSHIP LIST, DECEMBER 20, 1922, 1923, AND 1924

Life Members (5-$100, 2-$40, 2-$30, 1-$25,
23-$20, at end of 1924)

Sustaining and Corporation Members.

Contributing Members
Annual Members at rates above minimum
Annual Members

Total Number on List (active)



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

It seems that with but 29 new members for the year the present members and fellows of the Society are not bringing the Society to the attention of others as much as they might. With no campaign for membership we must, of course, rely on our present members and fellows for at least enough new entries to offset the unavoidable losses. Nevertheless, with well over 600 members and fellows, most of whom have been in the Society for the first five years of its existence, we are on a solid foundation and can look forward with confidence to our second fiveyear period. Our meetings seem eminently worth while; our BULLETIN is generally appreciated. The research grant we were able to make a year ago has brought forth a new flock of beautiful snow crystal photographs. Further grants in future years are likely also to favor the advance of one or another phase of meteorology.

A great loss to the Society during the year was Dr. C. LeRoy Meisinger, killed during a series of meteorological balloon flights. Dr. Meisinger was a councilor of the Society and had he lived probably would have been appointed assistant secretary and editor of the BULLETIN. He was already acting much in the former capacity. Through a memorial fund being created under the title of Meisinger Aerological Research Fund, A great loss to the Society during the year was Dr. C. LeRoy Meisinger, was so enthusiastically pushing forward.

Respectfully submitted,


Scientific Sessions

There were five sessions at which scientific papers were presentedone on December 31st, and two each on January 2d and 3d. Almost without exception the papers were discussed, in some cases by several members and visitors, and much of interest and value was brought out in these discussions. Several of the papers either have been or will be published in the Monthly Weather Review or elsewhere. Abstracts of the others are given in the following pages, and with them brief summaries of the discussions. In preparing the latter Mr. W. R. Gregg has been greatly assisted by Messrs. John J. Brennan and Vernon N. Wolf of the Weather Bureau, who made stenographic notes at all of the sessions.

The Presidential Address.

The first scientific session was held in the afternoon of December 31st, with Prof. R. DeC. Ward, ex-president, in the chair, and was wholly occupied in listening to the presidential address by Prof. W. I. Milham on, The Year 1816-The Causes of Abnormalities.

The climatic features of this year and of the period in which it occurred were discussed and compared both with normal conditions and with other abnormal periods. The general question of why any year or any period is abnormal was then attacked, and the various theories that have been advanced at different times were presented and analyzed. Though anything like a definite answer cannot yet be given to this question, it was pointed out that real progress has been and is being made. The speaker concluded by urging that more intensive studies be undertaken on this very important subject.

The presiding officer warmly congratulated the speaker and expressed the thanks of the Society for his very illuminating and timely address.

In accordance with the rules governing presidential addresses there was no formal discussion following the presentation of this one.

The address will be published in full in the Monthly Weather Review.

The Madrid Meeting of the International Union of the Geodesy and Geophysics

By H. H. Kimball

(Published in the Monthly Weather Review, November, 1924).

A question being asked as to the source of financial support for the work of the Union, Dr. Kimball replied that funds are derived from payments by the different countries as adhering members of the International Research Council and of the Associated Unions.

Application of Schuster's Periodogram to Long Rainfall Records By DINSMORE ALTER

This paper may be found in the Monthly Weather Review for October, 1924, pp. 479-488.




Discussion-PROF. C. F. MARVIN requested and was granted 5 minutes in which to present a formal discussion. This is to be published in an early number of the Monthly Weather Review. In substance, after expressing admiration for Dr. Alter's zeal, industry and confidence in carrying on a laborious investigation, Prof. Marvin pointed out what he believed to be the great superiority of the classic Fourier series with a large number of terms to Schuster's periodogram for this particular type of problem. It is superior, he contended, because (1) the terms of the Fourier series are perfectly independent of each other and differ by constant phase angles at the end of the cycle, a condition prerequisite in the construction of the periodogram. Intermediate periods which might possibly escape discovery can be disclosed by one or more secondary Fourier series; (2) meteorological periodicities are hidden and obscure chiefly because of small amplitude, whereas Schuster's criterion segregates only periodicities of large amplitude; (3) the Fourier series is much the simpler and shorter method of analysis. An example was shown that brought out these advantages.

PROF. W. I. MILHAM, referring to a proposal advanced in some quarters that sun spots be considered as having a period of about 22 years, desired to voice his objection to this proposal. Admitting that the polarity of the spots has a 22-year period, he pointed out that all other related phenomena, i. e., shape and size of corona, faculae, length and position of prominences, etc., have a quite definite 11-year period. He wished to ask the speaker (Dr. Alter) if there is anything in nature that corresponds to one-ninth of the sun-spot period.

MR. H. H. CLAYTON said he had regarded the periodogram method extremely hopeful when Schuster first presented it, but that first results were disappointing. He regarded Dr. Alter's work as very promising and hoped he would continue it. He was not convinced that the Fourier series is suitable for analyzing variable periods, its weakness consisting of the difficulty of making the subdivisions. He pointed out also that the periodogram method fails in the case of sun spots that return several times in succession, sometimes as many as 7 or 8 times. All data of this sort need very careful interpretation. He agreed with Prof. Milham that a relation to something in nature must be shown before one can be convinced that a real period exists.

DR. ALTER, in reply, could not admit that Schuster's periodogram is not suitable for analyzing periods of small amplitude, since the latter are quite as real as those of large amplitude. What is needed is a longer series of data. He did not, moreover, find the method laborious, as he used groups of stations. In doing this, however, one must be sure that all the data are purely marine or purely continental. Failure to pay attention to geographical factors has often given negative results and seriously retarded progress in studies of rainfall periodicities. With regard to Prof. Milham's question he must answer it in the negative. Sun spots themselves have no effect on rainfall. Perhaps there is a sort of forced vibration between the earth and the atmosphere, similar to those we find throughout our work in physics. He had not, however, given this phase of the subject sufficient study to hazard more than a guess.

Hawaiian Rainfall
By A. J. Henry

(To be published in the Monthly Weather Review).

At the conclusion of this paper, Dr. I. M. Cline requested, and was granted, 5 minutes in which to present some charts showing the distribution of precipitation in tropical cyclones.

Distribution of Rainfall in Tropical Cyclones

By I. M. Cline

(Abstract to be published later in the BULLETIN).

The hourly rainfall in all parts of several tropical cyclones entering the Gulf Coast has been charted. It was found in the case of moving cyclones that the heaviest rain occurs in the right hand front quadrant about 80 miles from the center. There is little precipitation after the center passes, and there is little also on the left hand side of the cyclone's path. In stationary cyclones the precipitation is essentially uniform in all parts. - W. R. G.

Discussion-DR. C. F. BROOKS remarked that one on September 30, 1924, showed greatest precipitation in its western half, i. e., on the left hand side of the path. (This, however, was not a typical tropical cyclone, since it was comparatively weak when it entered the Florida Peninsula, but developed considerably in intensity as it progressed up the coast.-W. R. G.)

Tornadoes of the United States, 1916-1923

By H. C. Hunter

(To be published in the Monthly Weather Review).

The discussion following this paper largely centered on the great difficulty of determining whether a severe storm is a tornado or merely a straight blow. It is frequently not at all easy to establish with certainty the existence of a whirl.

PROF. E. G. LINSLEY stated that many tornadoes occur in central California, although Mr. Hunter's statistics do not show any. He (Mr. Linsley) suggested also that loss of life is not a proper basis for determining the intensity of tornadoes, since the latter often occur in sparsely settled districts.

In a subsequent communication, Dr. B. M. Varney states that what Prof. Linsley has called tornadoes, might more safely be described as violent dust whirls-never, except in perhaps one instance at Sacramento, destructive to buildings.

The Vocabulary of Weather and Climate
By Charles Fitzhugh Talman

One of the illustrations of the vast size and varied character of the meteorological vocabulary is found in the names of individual storms. The late Clement L. Wragge, when director of the Central Weather Bureau, at Brisbane, named every storm that appeared on the Australasian weather map. At least one of the names is likely to survive. Wragge used to pay off personal grudges by naming the most unpleasant weather disturbances after his personal enemies, and when he labeled a particularly vicious storm "Conroy," by way of registering his hostility toward a prominent Australian politician, the episode attracted attention far beyond the limits of Australia. We may assume that "Conroy" will go down in history, along with Franklin's Storm, the Big Wind in Ireland, the "Royal Charter" Storm, Saxby's Gale, etc.


A meteorological phenomenon that science now almost completely ignores is ignis fatuus, or will-o'-the-wisp. Meteorologists will probably be astonished to learn that upwards of fifty names have been applied to this almost forgotten meteor in the English language, including the dialects. St. Elmo's fire is another phenomenon rejoicing in a variety of names. The rainbow has borne many names in many coun


Dialectal and colloquial weather terms are continually finding their way into the formal literature of meteorology, and terms originated by meteorologists often become popularized-sometimes with results that breed confusion. "Cyclone" was coined for scientific use. The public has adopted it with an altered meaning, but modern meteorological usage diverges just as widely from the original definition. Meteorologists take the public to task for calling tornadoes cyclones, but the word "tornado" appears to be quite as serious a misnomer, as now generally used among scientific men.

An English meteorological dictionary, in order to realize the full measure of practical utility, should take account of all kinds of terms relating to weather and climate, and all the uses of such terms, that have been current among English-speaking people. Words that are erroneous in form and even those that serve no purpose but to enshrine erroneous ideas deserve to be included in the pages of such a work. Th word "sastrugus," though it is a perfectly indefensible singular of the Germanized Russian plural term "sastrugi" (widely used in the literature of polar exploration), having now made its appearance several times in print, cannot be ignored by the special lexicographer.

Every new idea brings a host of new words into the language, which have an amazing way of multiplying among themselves by means of combinations and derivatives. "Hygrothermometer" looked innocent enough when somebody first applied it to a composite instrument for measuring humidity and temperature. But somebody else called it a "thermohygrometer," and soon each of these terms began to form derivatives. At the same time corresponding "-scopes" and "-graphs" made their appearance and these also bred derivatives. Terrifying possibilities are suggested by the existence of such a word as "barothermohygroanemometer."

Cloud nomenclature has been prolific in new terms; mostly superfluous, though some cloud-masses have not attained the recognition they deserve.

One of the formal tasks of meteorological lexicography is to record the great number of specific definitions that have been prescribed or proposed, from time to time, for such terms as "drought," "thunderstorm," "calm," "gale," etc.- (Author's Abstract.)

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