6 ) of d INDEX TO VOLUME VI, 1925 j CORRECTIONS Page 7: Concluding sentence should have been: "Through a memorial Page 46: Several places, "El Nina" should have been "El Niño." be Jes Aerology be INDEX Meisinger Aerological Research Fund Aeronautics ..22-23, 41, 90-92, 160-161, 164 ..2, 5, 7, 23-24, 38 18-20, 87, 90, 139-140, 160-161 166-170 .12-15, 38, 48, 70-72, 118-122, 130, 180-181 American Geophysical Union, Washington meeting Bulletin te Symposia Treasurer's reports Ancient climates .89, 154 133, 174 .160-161 ..1, 186 2-3, 176 2-3, 86-87 Applied meteorology (See also under several kinds of applications) 39, 89-90, 109, 116, 159-160, 179-181 Bird migration 47-48 Bjerknes, V. (See also Cyclones), Guest of Am. Met'l. Soc. 37-38 Boy Scouts, Meteorology for 127 British Columbia 132, 136 British Meteorological Office, Changes in personnel assignments .....110 Business, Weather in .40, 65-73, 159-160 Climate, Teaching by lantern slides 12 The Climates of the United States, by R. DeC. Ward, (Review) ..174-175 Climatology, Solar climate 30-33 Climates of world (See also under continents, countries or states) Information in An Introduction to Economic Geography, by Jones and Whittlesey ....162 Climatic changes 83-84, 108, 128-129, 184 Cloudbursts, Runoff in ...74, 76-77 Clouds in Bjerknes' terms at sea Free air in, as a problem Intensified by Gulf Stream Mechanism of ..37-38 ...23 175 17-18 59, 175 59-61 (map), 82-83, 88 ...88 .49-59 10, 183 155-156 151-155, 171-172 ..36-37 ....40 17-18, 78-81 .83 Earth's interior, Heat from .25 1 Eclipse meteorology 141-151 England, Royal Meteorological Society .109 Europe 43-44, 63-64, 108, 109, 110, 183, 185 Forecasting (See also Forecasting, Long range) — Booklet on Daily, principles from Free air data-problem for Long airplane flights Need of World Weather maps in Forecasting, Long range— Centers of action and rainfall in South Carolina .118-119, 171-172, 183 ...88, 181 .126 or 140 .161 23 18-19 113-117 163-164 127-128, 179-181 38-39 .94-105, 172-173 112 132 115-117 ...15 125-126 136 12-14 .15-16 15-16 .16 15, 16 18-19 73-74, 77-78 105-107 .181 108 Heliotherapy History- Distribution of forecasts and weather information Meteorological Society, Royal of Theories of cyclones and anticyclones Hot period in Southeastern United States Housing and sunshine Hungary Hydro-meteorology 73-78 Effective rainfall .38 Ice storm-(See Glaze) Imperial Marine Meteorological Observatory at Kobe, commended ...182 Insolation- (See Solar radiation) Instruction- Meteorographs, long period 170-171 Rainbows, lunar 159 Rainfall (See also Europe, and U. S. Exceptional weather) 140 Physiological Meteorology Planets, heat from... Polar front (See cyclones) Pressure changes, Barometer well Pressure reduction to levels in free air in Australia in Cyclones Drought and Excessive .10, 59-61, 82-83, 88, 183 Frequency by intensities in Washington and Oregon Interception by trees Local Long range forecasting of Variability in Washington Raingages-(See also Instruments) Exposure and catch "Rainmaking" 155-156 46-47, 64, 183 .137 .73-74 156-159 163-164 .130 ..108 .40, 140 |