Distribution of forecasts and weather information of Theories of cyclones and anticyclones Hot period in Southeastern United States Housing and sunshine Hungary Imperial Marine Meteorological Observatory at Kobe, commended ...182 Insolation (See Solar radiation) ཧྨའི་ Motion pictures National Geographic Society, Solar radiation expedition Nova Scotia, Phenological observations in Observatorio de El Salto Observatory— Imperial Marine, at Kobe, Japan Ward-Cameron, at New Haven, Conn. Observing during eclipses Ocean currents Oceanography Ocean temperatures across Equator and Forecasting_rainfall Gulf Drift and European weather Gulf Stream intensifies cyclones and Texas wind Thermographs recommended Olivier, C. P., Meteors (Review) Optical phenomena Oranges (See fruit) .141-143, 149-150 .44, 46, 175 .179-183 .87-88 163-164 .44 .175 .46 .88-89 .182 124-125 Orchard heating Oregon 140 .10, 59-61, 82-83, 88, 183 155-156 46-47, 64, 183 .137 .73-74 Pressure changes, Barometer well Pressure reduction to levels in free air Rainfall (See also Europe, and U. S. Exceptional weather) Frequency by intensities in Washington and Oregon Interception by trees Local Long range forecasting of Variability in Washington ... .156-159 .163-164 .130 ....108 ...40, 140 Seismograph as weather instrument Sequences in weather ..185 140 179-183 Services, Meteorological (See also Observatory and U. S. Weather Bureau) ..184 .88, 112 (diagram) 143, (text) 145-146 Thermometers, The co-operative observer's Foci in U. S. the Free air in, as a problem Potential gradient changes during Shenandoah in and Static Tides, Affected by winds .174-175 United States (See also under states) Climates of Climatology, In annual report, Chief, U. S. Weather Bureau Exceptional weather Solar climate of Tornadoes .44, 45-46, 151-155, 171-172, 183 .14, 15-16, 18-19, 41, 89, 90-92 .131 Mechanics of fluid rotation in atmosphere Ward, R. DeC., The Climates of the United States (Review) Ancient climate Weather (See under geographic divisions) Weather map, daily, Pacific coast, including part of Pacific Ocean ...162 Weather maps, North Pacific Weather philosophy Weather by radio Weather, World Wiggin, G. O., retires During eclipse Winds (See also Cyclones and Dynamic meteorology) Mechanism of fluid rotation in the atmosphere and Stages in Columbia River Strongest on record in U. S. Texas and land and water temperatures Variation with height Windstorm insurance 40, .20-21 89 113-117 ..107 .8 .8 |