The American Meteorological Society was organized for "The Advancement and diffusion of knowledge of meteorology, including climatology, and the development of its application to public health, agriculture, engineering, transportation by land and inland waterways, navigation of the air and oceans, and other forms of industry and commerce." Any person, corporation or other organization interested in these aims may be elected to membership. The organization of the Society took place in affiliation with the American Association for the Advancement of Science at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 29, 1919, and its incorporation, at Washington, D. C., Jan. 21, 1920. The work of the Society is carried on by the BULLETIN, by papers and discussions at meetings of the Society, and by correspondence, especially of members and non-members with the various committees. There is close co-operation between the Society and the official weather services of the Americas. President: Officers and Councilors W. I. Milham, Ph.D., Professor of Astronomy, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. Vice-President: A. E. Douglass, Sc.D., Director, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Secretary: Charles F. Brooks, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Meteorology and Climatology, Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Treasurer: Willis Ray Gregg, A.B., Meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. С. Councilors: Robert DeC. Ward, A.M., Professor of Climatology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (Past-President, 1919-1921; ex-officio member of council.) Sir Frederic Stupart, F.R.S. (Canada), Director, Meteorological Service of Canada, To Toronto, Canada. officio member of council.) (Past-President, 1921-23, ex Henry J. Cox, A.B., hon. A.M., Sc.D., Meteorologist and District H. C. Frankenfield, A.M., M.D., Meteorologist, U. S. Weather A. W. Greely (Maj. Gen. U. S. A. Ret'd.), Conway Center, Ν. Η. C. F. Marvin, M.E., Chief, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, Edward H. Bowie, M.S., Meteorologist and District Forecaster, H. H. Kimball, Ph.D., Meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bureau, John Patterson, M.A., Asst. Director, Meteorological Office, Capt. B. J. Sherry, Quarry Heights, Balboa, C. Z. H. Helm Clayton, Canton, Mass. William Morris Davis, M.E., hon. Sc.D., Ph.D., Professor-Emer- W. J. Humphreys, C.E., Ph.D., Professor of Meteorological José Carlos Millás, C.E., Arch., Director, Observatorio Nacional, FE3 16 1951 Bdg. HARDY AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Published Monthly by the American Meteorological Society at Worcester, Mass. Vol. 6 JANUARY, 1925 THE BULLETIN IN 1925 No. 1 During the sixth year of its publication the BULLETIN will continue much as in the past year, except that somewhat less space will be devoted to detailed reports of meeting and more to notes of general interest. During recent years there has been some grouping of informative notes or summaries, but no attempt to cover the field of meteorology and climatology systematically. This year an attempt will be made each month to summarize one or more of the larger divisions of meteorology and climatology. In each summary the fundamentals will be touched on and standard references cited, and recent advances will be emphasized. By the close of the year it is hoped that the whole subject matter can be covered. Such reviews should be not only of personal interest to members, but also of professional interest to those who teach weather and climate in any form. Contributions of notes or information or suggestions concerning treatment will always be welcome. Also the bringing of the BULLETIN to the attention of others who would be interested is likely to be appreciated and will help to keep these summaries going. FEB 21 1951 FIFTH ANNIVERSARY MEETING General Statement The fifteenth meeting, held at the Weather Bureau in Washington on December 31, 1924, and January 2-3, 1925, is generally regarded as in every respect the most successful thus far in the Society's history. The program covered a wide range of subjects; the attendance was large, never less than 50, and at times reaching 75; and the interest was keen and sustained throughout. A notable feature was the presence of several visitors who were in Washington attending meetings of other sections of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It was a special pleasure to have as a guest the distinguished Norwegian meteorologist, Dr. V. Bjerknes and to be addressed by him. At the opening session on December 31st, the president, Prof. W. I. Milham, felicitated the Society upon reaching its fifth anniversary and commented on the excellent work it has already accomplished, predicting yet greater things for the future. The annual reports of the secretary and treasurer showed the affairs of the Society to be in a healthy state, both as to membership and finances. And finally the campaign undertaken to raise an endowment fund for research as a memorial to Dr. Meisinger has now reached a point where success is assured. |