been employed in almost all parts of Hancock and Washington counties. Nor have they been wholly confined to these. They have very generally been very acceptable to their employers, and very useful, I think, to the children and youth who have been under their care and tuition. Every year I appropriate a part of the money put into my hands by your Society for encouragement of schools among the poor in this vicinity. Between fifty and a hundred dollars still remain to be appropriated. Some of the books sent to me have been distributed to suitable objects, and have been gratefully received. A few I have sold to such as wanted them, and were able to pay for them; the proceeds of these I shall transmit to you, or add to the school fund, as you may direct. Those remaining on hand I shall dispose of according to the best of my judgment."" 'The Rev. Mr. Kellogg performed the mission of two months at Lubec and the vicinity. Of the erection and dedication of a church in Lubec, and of Mr. Kellogg's service at the dedication, mention was made in our last Report. On the third of October the last year he arrived at Lubec, and commenced his mission. On Lord's day, the 8th, he preached. It was a joyful day to him, to see parents and children seated in their sanctuary, where but five years before stood a lofty forest, spreading itself overthe whole site where the principal settlements are made. "The uniformity, simplicity, and elegance of the structure, the friendship which beamed froin every countenance, and the excellency of the music, all served," observes the missionary, "to animate me upon the subject of the spiritual building into which I exhorted parents and children to be framed together, growing into an holy temple in the Lord." Beside his labours at Lubec, he visited Dennysville, No. 9, 12, 10, Calais, Perry, and Robbinstown, performing missionary duties, as occasion required. A great object in his view was to engage the people in these infant settlements to make united and vigorous efforts for the establishment and maintenance of the ministry of the gospel. Handsome ⚫ subscriptions were obtained; and the prospect, in regard to the interests of Zion, was very hopeful and encouraging. Mr. Kellogg anticipated much advantage to the cause of Christ from the arrival and welcome reception of Mr. Jonathan Bigelow at Lubec. What was anticipated has been realized. The people of Lubec unanimously invited Mr. Bigelow to settle with them in the gospel ministry, and he has recently been ordained as their pastor.' The Society's missionaries amongst the Indians are Mr. Sergeant, who continues to instruct the New Stockbridge tribe; and Mr. Baylies, who ministers on Martha's Vineyard, and has been engaged in making inquiries concerning the Narragansets. The following extracts will give some idea of the manner in which these missions are conducted. 'The instruction of these Indians has been continued by Mr. Baylies, on the plan adopted the last year. He has taught them personally at the different stations, at such times and in such proportions as he judged most useful to them; and provided such other instruction as appeared best adapted. He observes, "our women schools have been taught 43 weeks; taught myself 17 weeks; total 60 weeks. In the above schools were taught 166 Indian scholars; 17 whites; total 183. Of the Indian children 34 are learning their letters, 68 read in the Spellingbook, 64 in the Testament, about 80 learning to write, and 4 in arithmetic. These schools are of great importance to the Indians. Though yet in their infancy, they have been productive of great good; the scholars have made a handsome improvement; and I consider them the great key of my usefulness. I make it a point to call frequently at their houses, and in particular to visit them when sick. In these visits I am always treated with attention. The sabbaths I spend, as mentioned in former Reports, among the various tribes, according to number and circumstances; and I trust we have some profitable meetings. Rev. Mr. Thaxter and Rev. Mr. Brown have rendered this mission essential service; my prosperity in it is greatly owing to their advice and exertions. The Indians appear to be really thankful for the help they have received and are anxious for its continuance." Mr. Thaxter, in a letter to the Secretary, writes: "I have sufficient evidence to believe, that the measures pursued by Mr. Baylies have had a good effect, especially with the rising generation at Chabaquiddick. They improve. They unanimously requested me to thank the Society for their benevolence to them, and hope that they will continue it." In a letter of 16 June last, Mr. Thaxter writes; that he visited the Natives at Chabaquiddick the preceding week; that it afforded him great satisfaction to see the children, and "to observe their orderly and decent behaviour;" and that their improvement in writing exceeded any thing he had seen.' 'The Secretary having desired Mr. Baylies to make inquiry concerning the present state of the Narraganset Indians, and particularly to ascertain, whether they would be inclined to a removal to the westward, should provision be made for a general and permanent Indian settlement, with the advantages of civil improvement and christian privileges; an original Indian letter has been forwarded to him on the subject. It was dated New Series-vol. IV. 8 "Charlestown, July the 22, A. D. 1820," and signed by the Chief of the Council of the Narraganset tribe. "I have talked," he writes, " with a number of the tribe con. cerning the matter. They wish me write an answer. As to inhabitants of our tribe, we find them to be upwards of four hundred-in Charlestown and the adjacent towns. Our lands lays in said town, which I believe as nearly as I can find out is estermated at about three thousand acres. - State of schools. When the Society does not form a school for us, we send our children to school among the white people-those that is desireous for their children to have learning. - State of religion. There is a regular church of Baptist people among the Indians, and we have meeting house, which is only Church or Meeting house in the town of Charlestown. Our forefathers has given a lot of forty acres of land to the whites for the purpose of erecting a Church on. They have not erected any Church, but still hold our land. We wish there might be a Church erected, and no matter how soon. Our morals is we believe in our tribe as sivel as you will generally find in any tribe whatever. We have laws to go by among ourselves and Council men to oversee the tribes affairs, and a Clerk to do the business. As to being removed we wish not to remove in a wild country. We have farms, and houses, here, our charter is good, and those that will work may get a comfortable liveing here, and those that will not work here, it is not likely they would do much in a wild wilderness. We have land enough, and wood enough, and join the salt water; own boats for wishing [fishing] &c. &c. "We feel ourselves under the greatest obligations imaginable to return our unfeigned thanks to the Honourable Society for what instructions they have bestowed on our tribe, and believe it is not money spent in vain and wish a continuance of the school, &c. "Signed in behalf of the Narrigansett Indians in Charlestown County of Washington by TOBIAS S. Ross C. C. The Report also contains information respecting the St. Francis Indians, the Canada tribes, the Passamaquoddy and the Moheagan. The officers of the Society are His Honour William Phillips, President. Rev. Eliphalet Porter, D. D. Vice President. Rev. Abiel Holmes, D. D. Secretary. Rev. William E. Channing D. D. Assist. Secretary. Samuel H. Walley, Esq. Treasurer. Mr. Josiah Salisbury, Vice Treasurer. Massachusetts Peace Society. -The sixth annual meeting was held in Boston on the 25th of December last, and an Address delivered by James Savage, Esq. The Report, read at the same meeting, gives us the following information. 'In the course of the year there have been distributed at the expense of this Society and its Auxiliaries : Of the various numbers of the Friend of Peace Of smaller Tracts 6462 9368 'In this distribution, besides what have been circulated in the United States, 570 copies of the Friend of Peace have been sent to Europe, Asia, and the British Provinces in America, with about the same number of smaller Tracts. 'In consequence of a donation of twenty dollars from a gentleman of the Society of Friends, submitted to the chairman of the committee, there have been distributed 'Copies of the Friend of Peace Of other Tracts 170 145 'An edition of 1500 copies of the Convention Sermon, by the Rev. Dr. Parish, was printed at the expense of one gentleman of this society; and after a considerable sale, the residue was given to the committee for gratuitous distribution. ، The Hollis Branch of this society caused to be published an edition of an Address delivered to them on the fourth of July by the Rev. Humphrey Moore. To Peace Societies in other states and to individuals, there have been sold in the course of the year 2049 copies of the Friend of Peace, and 467 smaller Tracts. Four Auxiliary Societies have been added to the fifteen which had been previously formed: one at Franklin of fifteen members; one at Uxbridge of eighteen members; one at Shirley of nine or ten members; another at Campton and Thornton, in New Hampshire, of twenty members. The East Haddam Branch in Connecticut has been increased from sixty to eighty members. In Framingham in this state twenty-seven new members have been added to the M. P. S.; in Charlestown eleven; and many respectable individuals have joined the society from different towns in this and the neighbouring states. A letter has been received from the society in London, accompanied with copies of the Herald of Peace to August, 1821. From these sources it appears, that the Society for Promoting Permanent and Universal Peace has been supported and encouraged by numerous and liberal subscriptions, from people of both sexes, and of several denominations; that important Auxiliary Societies have been formed in various parts of the kingdom; that one or another of their Tracts has been translated for distribution in Germany, Holland, France and Spain, and that in France a society has been formed in favour of Universal Peace. The Peace Societies in Britain and in this country have had increasing cause to acknowledge the aid derived from the editors of newspapers and periodical works, by giving extensive publicity to many important articles, original and selected, which tend to advance their object. New periodical works have also been established in both countries, which promise much aid by the dissemination of humane and philanthropic sentiments. For as war, root and branch, is of the very essence of barbarism, whatever tends to enlighten or humanize the minds of men, must also tend to diminish its atrocities and accelerate its abolition." Marine Bible Society of Boston and its Vicinity. Extracts from the first annual Report : 'Our Society is by its constitution auxiliary to the American Bible Society. An early application was therefore made to that respected and highly efficient institution, which has the prayers and shares the labours of so many in our country, for aid in commencing our work. With a promptitude and liberality, which do honour to their Board of Direction, two hundred copies of the Sacred Scriptures were immediately sent on for our use. These were of different size and price; giving the Directors of this Society, an opportunity of choosing among the editions published by the Parent Institution. Since this period 100 more have been sent for and purchased. The account then for the year is as follows: 200 Bibles presented by the American Bible Society, 300 total received. Of these now remain on hand 13 octavo Bibles, 59 duodecimo, 73 in all-making the distribution, 228. Though this number may appear small, when compared with the annual circulation of the Scriptures effected by other Societies; yet it is to be recollected that the above number of copies was distributed to voluntary applicants-not sought out, but |