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order, handling his brigade in most splendid style, and withdrawing it at the right time. The conception of the idea of making a raid directly into the enemy's line of battle, of throwing out skirmishers in the front and on both flanks, of charging the enemy on the right and left front and rear by turns, in fact being outflanked and having our rear turned at the same time, was bold and dashing, and showed the full confidence of the leader in himself and men.

Generals Meade, Sykes, and Crawford and many other officers from "Round Top," saw the brigade start; and watched it as long as in sight. With the din and lull of battle their hopes arose and fell, and when they found it receded far from them, though knowing we were driving the enemy, they feared the ultimate result, and sent support, which met us on our way back, and received us with hearty cheers. When an aid announced to them the complete success of the raid, they shook hands and congratulated each other, manifesting the liveliest satisfaction.

As soon as we halted for the night, stretchers and ambulances were sent to gather up our wounded who had laid upon the field from the day before, and who had suffered the pangs of many deaths. All night long and until noon the next day, were we thus engaged in the willing but painful work. The poor fellows had suffered terribly for water, and had been robbed of all their money and valuables, and some of them of their clothing. Large details were also made to collect the arms and before morning over six thousand rifles and muskets were gathered and taken to the rear.

Ammunition was procured and distributed to the men during the night, and at two o'clock on the morning of the "glorious Fourth," our regiment and the Sixth were moved to a more advanced post as pickets, and soon after daylight the enemy discovering us, their pickets opened upon us, which we returned with much spirit. About nine o'clock the Regulars, who composed the second division of our corps, advanced a splendid line of skirmishers, supported by two lines of battle, driving in the enemy's pickets and fully drawing their fire, when the object for which they advanced, viz.: to ascertain the position, strength and composition of the enemy, being obtained they withdrew to the rear again. When they advanced, our boys opened briskly upon the enemy, to draw their fire from the skirmishers, and some of them joined in the advance. Upon their retiring, the enemy fired a few shells, and then quietly advanced their picket line again, and settled down to exchanging an occasional shot in the usual quiet manner. While here, three thousand rounds of ammunition were distributed to the men. About one P. M., we were relieved, and during a heavy rain moved to our old position at the stone wall, having been under an almost constant fire for forty-three hours.

Never in any battle did the Reserve show more reckless and determined bravery than they did upon this field, for all felt that they were defending their own homes. One whole company of the First regiment were raised in Gettysburg, and some of the men fought on their own farms. All the field and staff officers determined to go in mounted, and did so as far as their horses could go. General Crawford and his staff, Colonel McCandless and his Assistant Inspector-general, Captain Coates, all displayed intrepid bravery. Lieutenant colonel Woodward, who from his wounds walked with difficulty in the early part of the action, received a contusion of the ankle, and was unable to accompany us in our charges, but remained upon the field.

The loss of our regiment, and in fact, of the brigade, was remarkably small which is attributed to the impetuosity of our charges, which gave the enemy but little chance to inflict damage upon us. The proportion of killed was very small, though among the wounded the mortality was subsequently very heavy.*

* See Appendix A.



Our regiment went into battle with one hundred and forty-seven men and its loss was heavier than any other regiment in the brigade.

The enemy numbered ninety thousand men and two hundred pieces of cannon, we had sixty thousand men and about an equal number of guns. guns. Our total loss was four thousand killed, twelve thousand wounded, and four thousand prisoners, in all about twenty thousand; whilst the enemy's loss was five thousand five hundred killed, twenty-one thousand wounded, nine thousand prisoners, and four thousand stragglers and deserters, making a total of about forty thousand.

About one o'clock in the afternoon the Regulars relieved us at the stone-wall and we were moved back to "Little Round Top," where we received rations and remained until the afternoon of the next day, during which time it rained severely.



BEFORE leaving the field of Gettysburg let us refer to Major-general John F. Reynolds, in the death of whom, a most skillful officer, brave soldier, high-minded and honor able man, and courteous gentleman, the army and country sustained a great loss, but nowhere was it more sincerely felt than in the First brigade of the Reserves whom he had moulded in their infancy and led to honor and glory on many fields. It will be remembered, at Harrison's Landing the men of this brigade determined to present the General with a handsome testimonial of their regard, which on account of the active service in which they


were soon after engaged, was not procured until a short time before we left Fairfax Station, and no opportunity being afforded to present it, it was taken into Pennsylvania with the intention of presenting it to him on the battle-field, but, alas! when they arrived within hearing of his guns, he had passed to immortality.

In this gift the men felt great pride, as it was known that the general had refused to receive similar ones when tendered by officers, but he could not refuse this, prompted as it was by the pure and disinterested feelings of the men's hearts. And it was such a one as any general would have been proud of. It consisted of a costly sword of most exquisite workmanship, and was accompanied by a sash, and belt embroidered with heavy bullion. The blade of the sword was of the finest Damascus steel, and the scabbard of pure gold, having inscribed upon it on a scroll:

"Presented to Major-general John F. Reynolds, by the enlisted men of the First, Second, Fifth and Eighth regiments of the First brigade of Pennsylvania Reserves, in testimony of their love and admiration. Mechanicsville, June 26th, 1862."

Upon the grip was a black onyx, in the centre of which was set in diamonds the initials J. F. R., surrounded by a wreath of precious brilliants. On the reverse, in a handsome scroll was inscribed -" Vincit Amor Patriæ." Crowning the grip was a solid globe of gold, chased with the map of the world, around which was the belt of the Union in blue enamel, with thirteen diamond stars, while entwined around the guard was an exquisitely-shaped serpent, with its venomous tongue protruding as if to steal one of the stars from the galaxy. The shield of the hilt was formed of the coat of arms of the State of Pennsylvania, cut from a solid plate of gold. Beneath this, on the scabbard, was a fine figure of the Goddess of Liberty modeled from the statue surmounting the Federal Capitol. In style and workmanship it was exquisitely gotten up, every touch upon it being given by hand, it resembling a fine piece of jewelry.*

Subsequently, W. H. Grier, a brave and gallant sergeant of the Fifth was chosen to proceed to Philadelphia and presented it to the general's sister, Mrs. Henry Landis.

On the morning of the 5th, it being ascertained that the enemy was in full retreat by the Fairfield and Cashtown roads, the Sixth corps was sent in pursuit on the Fairfield road, and the cavalry on the Cashtown road, by Emmetsburg and Monterey passes. As these passes were reported by Major-general Sedgwick as being very strong, General Meade determined to follow the enemy by a flank movement, and accordingly leaving a brigade of cavalry and infantry to harass the enemy, he put the army in motion for Middletown, Maryland.

Major-general French, in anticipation of orders, moved from Frederick and reoccupied Harper's Ferry and seized Turner's Pass, in the South Mountains. He also pushed his cavalry to Williamsport and Falling Waters, where he destroyed the enemy's pontoon bridge and captured its guard.

At five o'clock in the afternoon of the 5th, we moved off in a southwesterly direction over exceedingly bad roads, and at twelve o'clock at night bivouacked in an open field and threw out pickets. The next morning, about eleven o'clock, we marched to the State line, where a congratulatory address from General Meade was read to us and we bivouacked for the remainder of the day and night.

At four the next morning we moved off, passing near Emmetsburg and continuing along the base of the South Mountains, marching on the fields skirting the pike and passing through Graceham and Creegarstown, and bivouacked about dark, six miles from Frederick, having marched twenty-one miles over very heavy roads.

* The designs in many respects were entirely new and original, and the sword has been pronounced one of the most chaste and beautiful ever made in this country. It was manufactured by Mr. E. Kretzmar.

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