| 1792 - 640 páginas
...Still, Hill ye walk the confecrated ground, ADA breathe the foul of Infpiration round. As o'er the dulky furniture I bend, Each chair awakes the feelings of a friend. The Itaried arras, fource of tond delight, With old achievement charms the wilder'd light ; And ¡lili,... | |
| 1793 - 542 páginas
...ftiH ye walk the corfecrated ground, And brcatiic th« foul of Jnfpiration round. As o'er the dufky furniture I bend, Each chair awakes the feelings of a friend. The ftori-rd arras, fource of fond deliglvc, With old achievement charms the wUdcr'd fight; And (lil!,... | |
| 1793 - 526 páginas
...ftill ye walk the confecrated ground, And breathe the foul of Infpiration round. As o'er the duiky furniture I bend, Each chair awakes the feelings of a friend, The ftoried arras, fource of fond delight, With old achievement charms the wilder'd fight ; And ftill,... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1799 - 222 páginas
...ye walk the confecrated ground, ; And breathe the foul of Infpiration round. 50 As o'«r the clufky furniture I bend, Each chair awakes the feelings of a friend. The ftoried arras, fource of fond delight, With old achievement charms the wilder'd fight; And ftill, with... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1816 - 276 páginas
...smiling in its sleep. Ye Household Deities! whose. guardian eye Marked each pure thought, ere registered on high ; Still, still ye walk the consecrated ground,...source of fond delight, With old achievement charms the wildered sight; And still, with Heraldry's rich hues imprest, On the dim window glows the pictured... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1816 - 260 páginas
...smiling in its sleep. Ye Household Deities ! whose guardian eye Marked each pure thought, ere registered on high ; Still, still ye walk the consecrated ground,...feelings of a friend. The storied arras, source of fond deligjit, With old achievement charms the wildered sight ; And still, with Heraldry's rich hues imprest,... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1820 - 272 páginas
...tower; O'er infant innocence to hang and weep, Murdered by ruffian hands, when smiling in its sleep. As o'er the dusky furniture I bend, Each chair awakes...source of fond delight, With old achievement charms the wildered sight; And still, with Heraldry's rich hues imprest, On the dim window glows the pictured... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1820 - 160 páginas
...smiling in its sleep. Ye house-hold deities ! whose guardian eye Marked each pure thought, ere registered on high : Still, still ye walk the consecrated ground,...inspiration round. ~\ As o'er the dusky furniture I bend, 4. Each chair awakes the feelings of a friend. The storied arras, source of fond delight, With old... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1822 - 340 páginas
...smiling in its sleep. Ye Household Deities ! whose guardian eye Marked each pure thought, ere registered on high ; Still, still ye walk the consecrated ground,...source of fond delight, With old achievement charms the wildered sight ; And still, with Heraldry's rich hues imprest, On the dim window glows the pictured... | |
| Richard Polwhele - 1826 - 478 páginas
...past, that seem The fairy painting of a dream ! (Devon. Poems, vol. II. p. 24.) Thus " The Pleasures :" As o'er the dusky furniture I bend, Each chair awakes the feelings of a friend : Starting to life, all whisper of the past — As thro' the garden's desert paths I rove, What/ond... | |
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