OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE VOLUME II. CONTAINING A HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS, BY NOAH WEBSTER, Jun. Esq. "Among the various branches of fcience, which conflitute the education of THIRD EDITION. From Sidney's Press, New-Haven, FOR INCREASE COOKE & Co. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GIFT OF GEORGE ARTHUR PLIMPTO DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, IS. BE it remembered, that on the third day of March, in the twenty-ninth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Noah Webster, jun. of said district, Efq. hath depofited in this office, the title of a book the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, (viz.) "Elements of Ufeful Knowledge, Volume II. containing a Historical and Geographical Account of the United States for the ufe of Schools, by Noah Webster, jun.”. in conformity to the act of the Congress, of the United States, entitled, An Act for the encouragement of learning, by fecuring the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of fuch copies, during the times therein mentioned. CH's DENISON, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. Connecticut, . Diftrict Clerk's Office. The foregoing is a true copy of Record, PREFACE. THIS volume of the Elements of Useful Know ledge, begins with a continuation of the history of the United States, from the commencement of the Revolution, and brings it down to the adoption of the prefent conftitution, and the organization of the government in 1789. It then proceeds to exhibit the prefent condition of the United States, and of the feveral ftates, as feparate governments. To avoid the repetitions which occur fo frequently in geographical defcriptions, I have firft given a general view of those things which are common to all the ftates; and arranged, under the head of each ftate, defcriptions of things which are peculiar to each. This plan, though from the nature of things it cannot be rendered perfect, has nevertheless enabled me to comprefs many parts of the work into a smaller compafs than ufual, and to avoid in part that tedious famenefs which characterises treatifes of this kind. The brief view given of the constitutions of the feveral ftates, will, it is prefumed, be well received ; as nothing can be more proper for the inftruction of youth, than a a correct epitome of the principles on which the local governments are founded. The object of the citizens of the feveral ftates, is, to fecure life, property and rational freedom; and an exhibition of the various modes by which the citizens of different fections of the union, have attempted to fecure these invaluable bleffings, muft be no lefs entertaining than ufeful. The conftitutions, being the work of the ableft statesmen in the United States, ought to be viewed with refpect, and ftudied with attention. This volume completes the view of the United States -which, as being of most importance to the youth of this country, occupies a larger portion of the work, than will be appropriated to a defcription of the other parts of the earth. The two first volumes are closely connected, and ought to be used together; but the fucceeding volumes will be more diftinct, and may be feparated without inconvenience to the reader. New Haven, 1804. Elements of Useful Knowledge. HISTORICAL EVENTS. Section 1. Of the remote Causes of the Revolution. TH HE firft planters of New-England were all diffenters from the church of England, who declined to conform to its ritual and ceremonies, and by their oppofition, called down upon their heads the vengeance of archbishop Laud. To get rid of such turbulent fubjects, was rather to be defired, than dreaded, by the king and court. But within a few years, the numerous emigrations from England alarmed the government, and orders were iffued to ftop the failing of fhips bound to America. Thefe orders however, were temporary, and moft or all thofe men departed from England, who wished to fettle in a country, where they might be exempt from arbitrary government. As the plantations increafed, and became refpectable, the court of England began to be alarmed with the apprehenfion, that the colonies would become wholly independent of the parent state. 2. Meafures taken to prevent the Independence of the Colonies. With a view to fecure the dominion of England over the colonies, in ecclefiaftical as well as civil affairs, king Charles the first granted a commiffion, dated April 10, 1634, by which he empowered the two archbishops, with |