OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE COURTS OF INQUIRY AND COURT MARTIAL, IN RELAΤΙΟΝ ΤΟ CAPTAIN DAVID PORTER; CONVENED AT Washington, D. C. ON THURSDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1825. PRINTED BY AUTHORITY FROM THE OFFICIAL RECORD. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY DAVIS & FORCE, (FRANKLIN'S HEAD,) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. 1825. ... ..... Extract from the Journal of the Senate, December 12th, 1822,............. 101 An Act authorizing an additional Naval Force for the Suppression of Piracy. Approved, December 20th, 1822,......... The Secretary of the Navy to the President of the United States; Sep- The Secretary of the Navy to Commodore Rodgers; September 29th, 1823, 104 The same to the same ; September 29th, 1823, Commodore Rodgers to the Secretary of the Navy; November 16th, 1823, 106 Doctors Harris, Washington, and Hoffman, to the Secretary of the Navy, . Commodore Rodgers to the Secretary of the Navy, November 24th, 1823, 110 Report of the Secretary of the Navy to the President of the United States, The Secretary of the Navy to the Chairman of the Naval Committee, in the House of Representatives; December 21, 1824,............... The Secretary of the Navy to the Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, of the Senate, dated 29th December, 1824. (Extract)........ 124 Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, (of the Senate,) on so much of the President's Message as relates to Piracy; January 10th, 1825,... 125 Report from the Navy Department, January 12th, 1825,............. 126 Message of the President of the United States to the Senate, transmitting information relative to piratical depredations; January 13th, 1825,..... 127 Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, of the House of Representa- tives, on a resolution of the House of Representatives, of 9th December, instructing them to inquire into the expediency of providing an addition- PAGE. al Naval force, and other means for the Suppression of Piracy. Janu- 128 Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, of the House of Represen- ... ... 130 Official Communications from the Department to Com- Navy Department to Commodore Porter; February 1, 1823,.. 164 166 .... ... 185 Same to same; December 22d, 1823,.......... Same to same; February 19th, 1824,....... Same to same; May 24th, 1824,........... Same to same; May 31st, 1824,........ Same to same; June 19th, 1824........... Same to same; June 29th, 1824, ............... Same to same; July 19th, 1824........ ............ Same to same; July 20th, 1824,........ 195 Same to same; (Extract) October 14th, 1824,............ 197 Same to same; (Extract) October 15th, 1824,........... Same to same; (Extract) October 21st, 1824,................. 197 Same to same, December 27th, 1824, ........ 197 .. ..... 198 Same to same, March 16th, 1825,............................. |