Bulletin, Temas1-8U.S. Government Printing Office, 1908 |
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Academy agriculture Alaska Amending sec annual appren apprentice apprenticeship system arithmetic attendance bind board of education bound boys Bulletin Bureau of Education Caption-title Chap Chapter child Chinese College Commissioner consent Conservatory Converse College course of study Cover-title departments of music educa elementary schools enrolled established Female Formosa German girls grade graduates guardian high school higher education imperial examinations indenture industrial education industrial schools ington institutions instructor island J. L. M. Curry Japanese John Eaton labor Laws Male manual training master mechanical methods minor months music education National National educational association native Normal School North Dakota organization parents practical Printed Providing public instruction public schools pupils savage school districts school systems secondary schools sections Sheldon Jackson South Carolina Statistics taught teachers teaching term tion trade school United University Wash Washington week to music York
Pasajes populares
Página 303 - Neither the State nor any subdivision thereof, shall use its property or credit or any public money or authorize or permit either to be used, directly or indirectly, in aid or maintenance, other than for examination or inspection, of any school or institution of learning wholly or in part under the control or direction of any religious denomination, or in which any denominational tenet or doctrine is taught.
Página 307 - ... peace or safety of the State. No person shall be required to attend or support any ministry or place of worship against his consent, nor shall any preference be given by law to any religious denomination or mode of worship.
Página 191 - Institution shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than six months, or both.
Página 16 - The legislature shall also provide for the establishment of at least one library in each township and city, and all fines assessed and collected in the several counties and townships for any breach of the penal laws shall be exclusively applied to the support of such libraries...
Página 306 - All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences...
Página 318 - The general assembly shall provide a thorough and efficient system of free schools, whereby all children of this state may receive a good common school education.
Página 30 - Imperial Throne coeval with heaven and earth. So shall ye not only be Our good and faithful subjects, but render illustrious the best traditions of your forefathers. The Way here set forth is indeed the teaching bequeathed by Our Imperial Ancestors, to be observed alike by Their Descendants and the subjects, infallible for all ages and true in all places. It is Our wish to lay it to heart in all reverence, in common with you. Our subjects, that we may all thus attain to the same virtue.
Página 113 - ... for the purpose of collecting such statistics and facts as shall show the condition and progress of education in the several States and Territories, and of diffusing such information respecting the organization and management of schools and school systems, and methods of teaching, as shall aid the people of the United States in the establishment and maintenance of efficient school systems and otherwise promote the cause of education throughout the country.
Página 29 - Know ye, Our subjects: Our Imperial Ancestors have founded Our Empire on a basis broad and everlasting, and have deeply and firmly implanted virtue; Our subjects ever united in loyalty and filial piety have from generation to generation illustrated the beauty thereof. This is the glory of the fundamental character of Our Empire, and herein also lies the source of Our education.
Página 11 - ... to be applied only to instruction in agriculture, the mechanic arts, the English language and the various branches of mathematical, physical, natural, and economic science, with special reference to their applications in the industries of life, and to the facilities for such instruction : Provided, That said colleges may use a portion of this money for providing courses for the special preparation of instructors for teaching the elements of agriculture and the mechanic arts : Provided.