CHAPTER 19. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-LAS ANIMAS RIVER. (S. B. No. 289, by Senator Wood.) AN ACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS THE LAS Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any Appropriation. money in the State Treasury belonging to the Internal Improvement Fund or the Internal Improvement Income Fund, or either of said funds, or any money that may hereafter be credited to said funds or either of them, the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) for the pur- Bridge. pose of constructing a bridge over the Las Animas or Location. Purgatoire River on or near the section line between sections twenty three and twenty six of township twenty three south of range fifty two west of the 6th P. M. in Bent County, Colorado, on the public highway on or near said section line, or such point near said section line as may be found to be the most practicable place for said bridge. Sec. 2. The Board of County Commissioners of Bent Board of County, Colorado, and the State Engineer of the State of construction. Colorado, are hereby constituted a Board for the purpose of carrying out the purposes of this act. The said Board shall have all necessary and proper power to determine the location of the said bridge, subject [to] the limitations contained in this act, and the character of material to be Plans and specifications. Public highway. Auditor draw warrants. Emergency. used in the construction of said bridge, and the kind of bridge and to receive and apply to the construction of said bridge any amount of money that the said Board of County Commissioners of said Bent County, may appropriate towards the said bridge. The said Board shall prepare plans and specifications for said bridge and let the contract therefor to the lowest responsible bidder, and shall take a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of the contract for the construction thereof. Sec. 3. The said bridge when so constructed shall be and remain a public high-way [highway] bridge for the use of all persons. Sec. 4. The Auditor of the State of Colorado, upon presentation to him of a bill or bills, voucher or vouchers duly approved in writing by said Board, shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer of the State of Colorado for the amount herein appropriated, or such part thereof as bills and vouchers approved as aforesaid shall be presented for. Sec. 5. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 12th 1907. CHAPTER 20. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-MORGAN COUNTY. (S. B. No. 17, by Senator Bardwell.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STATE BRIDGE Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any Appropriation. funds in the State Treasury belonging to the internal improvement permanent fund or internal improvement income fund or valid warrants belonging to said funds not otherwise appropriated the sum of two thousand Dollars ($2000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing a state bridge across the State Bridge. Platte River between the counties of Morgan and Wash- Location. ington upon range lines 54 and 55 crossing said stream between said two counties or at some convenient point upon said stream as nearly as it can be located mostly or partially upon the county line between said two counties. Sec. 2. The State Engineer and the two Chairmen Board of of the Board of County Commissioners of the counties of construction. Morgan and Washington shall be and they are hereby constituted a board to select the exact location for said bridge, to let the contract therefor and to superintend the construction thereof and when so completed to accept the same, and the said board shall advertise for bids for the construction of said bridge and shall let the same to the lowest responsible bidder. Sec. 3. Upon the completion of said bridge accord-Auditor draw ing to contract and a certificate to that effect from said warrants. Public highway. Repairs. Emergency. board, the State Auditor is directed to pay a warrant or warrants for the sum of said contracts. Sec. 4. Said state bridge, when completed shall be a public highway and free to the use of all persons as a wagon bridge and when so constructed and completed it shall be the duties of the counties of Morgan and Washington to keep such bridge in repair at their own joint expenses, each county to pay one-half equally of the necessary expenses for the repairs and maintenance of said bridge. Sec. 5. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists therefore this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 3rd 1907. CHAPTER 21. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-OURAY COUNTY. Appropriation. (S. B. Nɔ, 108, by Senator Kennedy.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STEEL WAGON Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado:. Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the funds in the State Treasury, belonging to the Internal Improvement Permanent Fund, or Internal Improvement Income Fund, or either of them, or valid warrants belonging to said funds, and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500.00) or as much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of Objects. Sec. 2. The State Engineer of this State, with the Board of board of county commissioners of Ouray County, shall construction. be, and hereby are, made a board for the purpose of locat ing and constructing said bridge. Sec. 3. It is hereby made the duty of said board, as Advertise for soon as this act takes effect, to advertise for and secure plans. plans and specifications for the construction of said. bridge. Sec. 4. Upon the adoption of proper plans and Advertise for specifications for the construction of said State wagon bids. bridge, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said board to advertise for bids in accordance therewith, and upon receipt and examination thereof, they shall let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, and it is further provided that such board shall require a good and sufficient bond from the party or parties constructing the Contractor's same, in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.) for the bond. completion of the work in accordance with the contract. Sec. 5. Said State wagon bridge, when constructed, Public highway. shall be a public highway, and free to the use of all persons. Sec. 6. When constructed, it shall be the duty of Ouray county the county of Ouray to keep such bridge in repair at its keep in repair. own expense. Sec. 7. Upon the completion of said bridge, accord- Auditor draw ing to the contract, the Auditor of State shall, upon warrants. vouchers duly executed by the commissioners, mentioned in Section two (2) of this act, draw warrants for the amounts appropriated by Section one (1) of this act, for the purpose of paying the amount due on said contract. Sec. 8. In the opinion of the General Assembly, an Emergency. emergency exists; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 12th, 1907. |