Moved by Mr. Kilgore, seconded by Mr. Farnsworth, that bid of Fourth Regiment Band, being lowest and best, be accepted. On roll call, motion carried. Moved by Mr. Ewart, seconded by Mr. Farnsworth, that the proposition of Hart's Boys' Band be accepted. On roll call, motion carried. Moved and seconded that $500 be set aside for purpose of decorating buildings on State Fair Grounds. On roll call, motion was unanimously adopted. No further business, Board adjourned. Official Report OF THE Ohio Department of Agriculture ON THE Condition of Wheat and Distribution of Live Stock March, 1913 The following report is compiled from returns received from 718 official correspondents of the department: WHEAT-Condition compared with an average--- NUMBER OF STALLIONS 87 per cent. Thoroughbred runners, 64; trotters, 751; Foreign bred draft, 952; American bred draft, 1,335; other pure breeds, 249; unknown breeding, 734. Shorthorns, 16; Aberdeen Angus, 2; Herefords, 2; Polled Durhams, 2; Jerseys, 17; Holsteins, 7; Red Polls, 2; Guernseys, 1; Other pure breeds, 1; Grades, 37 ; Natives, 13. PER CENT. OF DIFFERENT BREEDS OF SWINE Berkshires, 9; Poland Chinas, 27; Chester Whites, 17; Duroc Jerseys, 19; Yorkshires, 2; Hampshires, 1; Tamworth, 1; Unknown, 24. PER CENT. OF DIFFERENT GRADES OF SHEEP Merinos, 3; French Merinos, 17; Cotswolds, 3; Oxford Downs, 2; Shropshire Downs, 15; Hampshire Downs, 1; South Downs, 4; Lincolns, 1; Dorsets, 1; Mixed Breeds, 26; Grades, 27. OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ON CONDITION OF WHEAT AND DISTRIBUTION OF LIVE OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ON CONDITION OF WHEAT AND DISTRIBUTION OF LIVE |