they be transferred to the County Societies, by their Delegates to the meeting of that Society; that the monies of the County Societies, be collected and transferred in the same manner, to the State Society; and that the monies of the various State Societies, be collected and transferred in the same manner, as far as practicable, to the General Society. The object of this article, is to save expense and embarrassment, in the collection of monies for the General Society. 5. That the various Societies make it the object of their most strenuous efforts, to collect funds sufficient to convey immediately to the Colony of Liberia, every coloured person of suitable age, and suitable qualifications, that is willing to go; that, with the attainment of this object, they will be satisfied; and that they combine and increase their efforts, until this object is fully accomplished. 6. That inasmuch as it must be deemed a leading object of this Society, to diffuse information, and exert an influence, by means of the press, it be earnestly recommended to the various Societies, to circulate as much as possible, the different publications of the Society, to obtain subscriptions for the Repository; to collect and transmit the payments for that work, with the contributions to the funds of the Society; and for compensation and encouragement in this undertaking, which may be performed almost without trouble by the collectors of the Town and District Societies, they are authorized by the Agent and Publisher (Mr. James C. Dunn, Georgetown, D. C.) of the Repository, to retain twelve and a half per cent. on all payments for that work collected. The reasons, in brief, in favour of the whole system now recommended, are, that it contains in itself, the principles of its own life, and its own activity; that on this account, it avoids the expense and trouble of an extraneous influence; that it will be relieved of the various irregularities and embarrassments unavoidable by any other system less general in its character; and that as a ground of safe dependence for the Society, it will procure an income of much greater amount, and greater uniformity. Resolutions of State Legislatures. The following States have expressed in terms more or less favourable, their approbation of the plans of the American Colonization Society. Virginia, Georgia, Maryland, Tennessee, New Jersey, Ohio, Connecticut, Kentucky, Delaware, Vermont, Indiana. Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Kentucky and Indiana, have recommended the objects of the American Colonization Society to the patronage of the National Government, (Vide Appendix to the Tenth Annual Report of the Society, page 60, and Report 11th, page 80.) During the last year, the following joint Resolutions passed the Senate of KENTUCKY, with only three dissenting voices: Resolved, &c. That our Senators and Representatives in Congress, be requested to use their best endeavours to procure an appropriation of money of Congress, to aid, so far as is consistent with the Constitution of the United States, in Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States in Africa, under the direction of the President of the United States. 2. That the Governor of this State be requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolution, to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and to the Governors of the several States. Mr. Noble, of Indiana, presented to the Senate of the United States, a joint Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Indiana, recommending the American Colonization Society to the patronage of Congress. (PAGE 25.) Departure of the Ship Harriet. The Ship Harriet, Capt. Johnson, left Hampton Roads on the 9th instant, with 160 emigrants, for the Colony of Liberia. We are happy to say, that a more select and respectable company has not at any time embarked for the African Colony. Of this number, 18 were from Norfolk, 67 from Richmond, and 19 from Petersburg, Virginia. Between 40 and 50 of this number, were slaves liberated by less than half a dozen individuals, for the special purpose of being transferred to the privileges of the Liberian Colony. Fifteen of these, very promising subjects for colonization, were emancipated by Miss Margaret Mercer, near Annapolis, Maryland, and 18 by the Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, of Brunswick County, Virginia. Six were lately the property of Edward Colston, Esq. of Virginia. Several others had just received freedom from their benevolent proprietors. Many of those who had long been free, had acquired considerable property, and all who embarked, took with them a very liberal supply of provisions, household furniture, tools, and agricultural implements, and articles for trade. Most of these emigrants were in the vigour of life, highly recommended for their correct morals, and industrious habits; and a large proportion distinguished among their class for intelligence, influence, and piety. Abduhl Rahhahman, the unfortunate Moorish Prince, with his wife, took passage in the Harriet. Some days before the sailing of this vessel, the Secretary of the Society visited Norfolk, and at a meeting, attended by all those attached to the expedition, had an opportunity of impressing upon their minds, the great and solemn duties to which they were about to be called. He was followed by the Rev. James W. Douglass, who, in a very interesting discourse, suggested by the sacred text, "For they that say such things, declare plainly that they seek a country," directed the thoughts of all to the "better country" of the Christian's hope, to that City which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. After some very appropriate and affecting remarks, by two of the intended colonists, the Rev. David Payne, and the Rev. Joseph Turner, the former a preacher in the Methodist, the latter in the Presbyterian Church, the service was concluded with prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Nimmo, of Portsmouth. Before the departure of the Harriet, the Rev. Joseph Turner was ordained to the work of the ministry, by a Presbytery of the Church, of which he had long been an exemplary member, and a useful preacher (PAGE 23.) Plan proposed by Gerrit Smith, Esq. to raise $100,000 for the Society, by subscriptions of $100 a year, for ten years. The following are the subscriptions already received on the plan of Gerrit Smith, Esq. GERRIT SMITH, Peterboro, New York. JASPER CORNING, Charleston, South Carolina. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN, Newark, New Jersey E. F. BACKUS, New Haven, Connecticut. MATTHEW CAREY, Philadelphia. JOSIAH BISSEL, Rochester, New York. A few Gentlemen near Oak Hill, Fauquier County, Va. Rev. EBENEZER BURGESS, Dedham, Mass. A friend in Virginia. ARTHUR TAPPAN, New York. Auxiliary to the American Colonization Society. We have condensed our list of officers to the several Societies, omitting the Managers in all except the State Societies; to which we trust none will object, who consider the increased economy of this new arrangement. AUXILIARY COLONIZATION SOCIETY OF MARYLAND. Hon. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, President. |