Auxiliary Society of Rockingham County, Va.-Hon. Daniel Smith, President; Doctor Peachy Harrison, Major John Kenney, Rev. Daniel Baker, Col. Samuel H. Lewis, Vice-Presidents; Dr. Peachy Harrison, James Bush, Secretaries; David Steele, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of New London, Va-Rev. John Early, President; Jas. Stephen, Col. John Wall, Vice Presidents. Auxiliary Society of Petersburg, Va-Doctor R. Field, President; Rev. Andrew Syme, John F. May, Vice-Presidents; William M. Atkinson, Secretary. Auxiliary Society of Fredericksburg, Va.-John Gray, President; John Scott, Daniel Grinnan, John L Marye, George Hamilton, Vice-Presidents; Rev. Samuel B. Wilson, Corresponding Secretary; William F. Gray, Recording Secretary. Dinwiddie Colonization Society, Va. Daniel Gilman Hatch, President; William B Thompson, Vice-President; Robert H. Booth, Secretary; Beverly Anderson, Treasurer. Auxiliary Colonization Society, Amherst County, Va. Rev. Charles H. Page, President; William Duncan, Richard S. Ellis, Vice-Presidents; Samuel R. Davies, Treasurer; Sam. M. Gueland, Secretary. Auxiliary Colonization Society, Berkley County, Va.-Philip C. Pendleton, President; Edward Colston, Vice-Presidents; Thomas Davis, Corresponding Secretary; John Rogers, Recording Secretary; K. Wilson, Trea surer. Auxiliary Colonization Society, Nelson County, Va.-Rev. James Boyd, President; John M. Martin, Vice-President; Col. Alexander Brown, Treasurer; James Garland, Secretary. Nansemond County Auxiliary Society-(Business transacted in the town of Suffolk.) Joseph Prentiss, President; Rev. Jacob Keeling, Rev. Robert Cox, Col. Josiah Riddick, Captain Mills Riddick, Vice-Presidents; John T. Kilby, Secretary; Arthur Smith, Treasurer. Auxiliary Colonization Society, Buckingham County, Va.-John M. Walker, President; Rev. Thomas Burge, Vice-President; James Staples, Treasurer; David B. Phelps, Secretary Female Auxiliary Society, Fredericksburg, Va.--Mrs. H. Grinnan, President; Mrs. M. B. Blackford, Secretary; Mrs. Sarah Miller, Treasurer. Ladies' Society of Richmond, Va.--Miss Amelia Coleman, Treasurer and Secretary. Auxiliary Society of York, Penn -John Barnitz, President; George Barnitz, Jacob Eichelberger, Vice-Presidents; John Schmidt, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Pittsburg, Penn.-Henry Baldwin, President; Franeis Herron, D. D. Robert Bruce, D. D. John Black, D. D. Walter Forward, Rev. Elisha P. Swift, Rev C B. Maguire, Rev. John H Hopkins, Rev. Charles Avery, Rev. Joseph Kerr, Rev. Joseph Stockton, Vice-Presidents; Charles H. Israel, Secretary; William B. Lowrie, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society, Washington County, Penn.-Honorable Joseph Lawrence, President; Jonathan Knight, Joseph Ritner, Aaron Kerr, William M'Creery, Thomas Ringland, Rev. Samuel Ralston, Rev Matthew Brown, Rev. Thomas Hoge, Rev. John Anderson, Rev. Asa Shinn, Vice-Presidents; Samuel Cunningham, Secretary; Daniel Moore, Treasurer. Chester County, Penn. Auxiliary Colonization Society -Doctor William Darlington, President; Jesse Kersey, Rev. Robert Graham, Vice-Presidents; Thomas Williamson, Secretary; David Townsend, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Meadville, Crawford County, Pa.-Honorable Stephen Barlow, President, Rev. Timothy Alden, Rev. Daniel M'Lean, Rev. Abel Jackson, Thomas Atkinson, John Reynolds, William Foster, Jacob Guy, Hon. Henry Shippen, Hon. James Burchfield, Hon. John Brooks, Vice-Presidents; Joseph Morrison, Secretary; John P. Davis, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Connelsville, Pa. - Daniel Rogers, President; George Matthias, Vice-President; Joseph Trevor, M. D. Joseph Torrence, Jr. Corresponding Secretaries; Jonathan Page, Treasurer; Alexander Johnson, Recording Secretary. Auxiliary Society of Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland County, Pa-Rev. A. O. Patterson, President; Doctor James Estep, Vice-President; Doctor Aaron Torrence, Secretary; John Taylor, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society, Greencastle, Franklin County, Pa.-John McLanahan, President; J. Ruthrauff, Andrew Snively, Vice-Presidents; J. B. McLanahan, Secretary, J. G. Miller, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Brownsville and Bridgeport, Fayette County, Penn. Auxiliary Society of Waynesburgh, Green County, Pennsylvania. Auxiliary Society of Queen Ann's County, Md. Richard T. Earle, President; William Carmichael, John P. Pacha, William Hemsly, John Tilghman, George Findley, Vice-Presidents; Dr. John Davidge Emory, Secretary; Philemon P. Hopper, Treasurer. Auxiliary Colonization Society of Kent County, Md. - William Barrell, President; James Bowers, Hon. E. F. Chambers, Thomas Worrell, Edward Anderson, U. Anger, Vice-Presidents; J. B. Eccleston, Secretary; R. Lingold, Treasurer. Auxiliary Colonization Society of Dorchester County, Md.-Joseph E. Muse, President; Charles Goldsborough, Vice-President; James Chaplaine, Treasurer; James Bryan, Secretary. Auxiliary Society of Annapolis, Md.-Daniel Murray, President; Hon. John Done, Hon. Th. Bland, Rev. Dr. Rafferty, Hon. Th. B. Dorsey, Rezin Estep, Rev. Mr. Davis, Dr. Wilson Waters, Col. H. Maynadier, Henry E. Ballard, U. S. Navy, A. C. Magruder, Thos. H. Dorsey, Brice J. Worthington, Horatio Ridout, Thos. Hood, Dr. G. Stocket, Dr. A. Thomas, Thos. Snowden, Abner Linthicum, Dr. Gus. Warfield, Jacob Hollingsworth, George Cooke, Daniel Warfield, Major William Hall, Virgil Maxey, John Mercer, John G. Bond, George Mackubin, Samuel Brown, Isaac Mayo, U. S. N. Vice-Presidents; Dr. Sparks, Secretary; Samuel Maynard, Treasurer; Jeremiah Hughes, Agent. Auxiliary Society of Prince George County, Md.-John Johnson, President; James R. Montgomery, Doctor Joseph Kent, Vice-Presidents; T. Tyler, Treasurer; Edward Harwood, Secretary. Auxiliary Society, Talbot County, Md. -Thomas James Bullett, President; John Leeds Kerr, Daniel Martin, Vice-Presidents. Auxiliary Colonization Society, Frederick County, Md. - Major John Graham, President; Dr. Wan. Bradley Tyler, Frederick A. Schley, Rev. D. F. Schaeffer, Rev. Jonathan Helfenstein, Hon. Abraham Shriver, Wil. liam Ross, George Baer, John Schley, Vice-Presidents; James M. Shelman, Secretary; Henry Doyle, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Hagerstown.-William Price, President; Joseph I. Merrick, Secretary; Samuel Steele, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Elkton, Kentucky -Rev. John Graham, (of the Methodist Church,) President; Rev. William K. Stewart, (of the Presbyterian Church,) Rev. John S. Wilson, (of the Baptist Church,) Vice-Presidents; William H. Moore, Recording Secretary; Cyrus Edwards, Corresponding Secretary; William G. Logan, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Maysville, Kentucky. -Rev. William Grinsted, President; George Corcorin, Lawrence Cahill, Vice-Presidents; Plato Stout, Corresponding Secretary; Ennis Duncan, Recording Secretary; Richard Dement, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Versailles, Kentucky. Auxiliary Society of Russelville, Kentucky.-Rev. William Warder, President; Rev. Peter Åkers, Dr. George W. Call, Vice-Presidents, William I. Morton, Corresponding Secretary; Thomas W. Nantz, Recording Secretary; Samuel Wilson, Treasurer. Chillicothe Colonization Society. Hon. Edward Tiffin, President, Gen. Samuel Finley, J. Bailhache, A. Walke, Vice-Presidents; Samuel Williams, Corresponding Secretary; William Steele, Recording Secretary; John M'Coy, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Stark County, Ohio.-James Hazlett, President; Jacob Rex, Rev. N. Folsom, Vice-Presidents; Rev. J. B. Morrow, Recording Secretary; John Saxton, Corresponding Secretary; James Gaff, Jr Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Piqua, Miami County, Ohio.-General Robert Young President; James Defrees, John Ingram, Vice-Presidents; J. Hendershole, Secretary; Jacob Sandis, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society, Steubenville, Ohio.-Honorable John C. Wright, President; David Hoge, John M. Goodman, Rev. George Brown, Rev. George Buchanan, Rev. J. Morse, Rev. C. C. Beatty, Vice-Presidents; H. H. Leverett, Secretary; David Moody, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Portage County, Ohio.-Jonathan Sloane, President; Chauncey Eggleston, Elizur Wright, Owen Brown, Benjamin Higley, Alver Day, Vice-Presidents; Seth Day, Recording Secretary, C. B. Storrs, Corresponding Secretary; Isaac Swift, Treasurer. Cincinnati Colonization Society. -Joseph S. Benham, President: Bellamy Storer, J. T. Hendson, Vice-Presidents; Samuel Lewis, Treasurer; Robert Smith Finley, Secretary. Auxiliary Society of Trumbull County, Ohio.--Thomas D. Webb, President; Ephraim Brown, D. King, Vice-Presidents; Zalmon Fitch, Treasurer; R. P. Spalding, Corresponding Secretary; Dr. C. C. Haddock, Recording Secretary. Auxiliary Society of Springfield, Ohio. -Rev. Samuel Henkle, President; Rev. Franklin Putman, G. W. Jewett, Vice-Presidents; Pierson Spining, Treasurer; J. L. Torbert, Secretary. Auxiliary Society of Cleaveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Sam. Cowles, President; Hon. Nehemiah Allen, Rev. Randolph Stone, Daws Kelley, Josiah Barber, Gen. Lewis Dille, Vice-Presidents; A. W. Walworth, Treasurer; James S. Clarke, Secretary. Auxiliary Colonization Society of Bainbridge, Ohio -Rev. Darthuk D. Hewett, President; Jonathan Sayre, Vice-President; Dr. B O. Carpenter, Secretary; William Hulan, Treasurer; T. F. Armstrong, Absalom Kent, James M'Intosh, Corresponding Committee. Canfield Colonization Society, Ohio.-Honorable Elisha Whittlesey, President; D. L. Bostweck, Isaac Barnes, Vice-Presidents; E. Wadsworth, Corresponding Secretary; W. H. Canfich, Recording Secretary; E. Fitch, Treasurer. Fall Creek Auxiliary Colonization Society, Highland County, Ohio.-Moses H. Gregg, President; Philip W. Spargur, Vice-President; Elisha Overman, Treasurer; Moses Tomlinson, Secretary; Jonah Tomlinson, Absalom Lumner, John Vanplet, Jacob Carson, Richard Barnet, Corresponding Committee. Belbrook Colonization Society, Ohio.-James Bain, President; William Edwards, John Cramer, Vice-Presidents; Frank A. Cunningham, Secretary; John C. Murphy, Treasurer. Auxiliary Colonization Society, Lancaster, Ohio -Honorable Elnathan Schofield, President; Rev. John Wright, Rev Michael J. Steck, Rev. J. H. Harris, Vice-Presidents; Col. Samuel F. M'Cracken, Corresponding Secretary; Jacob D. Deitrick, Recording Secretary; J. Connel, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Hampden County, Mass. - Samuel Lathrop, President; Israel C. Trask, Vice-President; F. A. Packard, Corresponding Secretary; Justice Willard, Recording Secretary; George Colton, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of St. Louis, Missouri. William Carr Lane, President; Honor ble James H. Peck, Governor Coles, of Illinois, George Tompkins, William S. Carr, Vice-Presidents; T. Spalding, Corresponding Secretary; D. Hough, Recording Secretary; Aaron Phule, Treasurer. Auxiliary Colonization Society of Jackson County, Geo-William Pentecost, President; Hugh Montgomery, Vice-President; David Boring, Treasurer; Joseph Davis, Secretary. Auxiliary Society of Waynesborough, Geo. Union Colonization Society, Wilmington, Delaware.-Honorable Willard Hall, President; Colonel Allen M'Lane, Reverend J. H. Coit, Vice-Presidents; James A. Sparks, Secretary; Allan Thompson, Treasurer. Wilmington Female Auxiliary Society, Delaware --Miss Elizabeth Montgomery, First Directress; Mrs. A. M. McMullin, Mrs. Lydia M. Gilbert, Vice-Presidents; Miss A. H. Danagh, Secretary; Miss Sarah Black, Trea surer. Aux. Society of Edenton, N. C.-James Iredell, President; Reverend Henry Holmes, Reverend John Avery, Vice-Presidents; Henry Wills, Secretary; William R. Norcum, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Hertford County, N. C. (Business transacted at Murfreesborough.) Vacant, President; Reverend Daniel Southall, Doctor Isaac Pipkin, Vice-Presidents; Reverend James Douglass, Secretary; James Wells, Treasurer. Auxiliary Society of Pasquotank County, N. C.-Isaac Overman, President; Enoch Sawyer, Doctor William Martin, Vice-Presidents; John C. Eringhaus, Secretary; Benjamin Sutton, Treasurer. Aux. Society of Greensborough, vid Worth, Jacob Hubbard, Jonathan Hadley, Abel Coffin, Vice-Presidents; N. C.-George Swain, President; DaJames Johnson, Treasurer; James Lindsay, Secretary. Aux. Col. Society of Foyetteville, N. C.-John Wenslow, President; Duncan M. Levin, Vice-President; James Cameron, Treasurer. Aux. Society of Chapel Hill, N. C.-Reverend Dr. Joseph Caldwell, President; Major P. Henderson, William M Cawley, Robert R. King, VicePresidents; Thomas H. Taylor, Treasurer; Rev. Wm. Hooper, Secretary. Aux. Col. Society of Guilford County, N. C.- Reverend William D. Paisley, President, Nathan Mendenhall, Dr. D. Caldwell, Vice-Presidents; Doctor J. A. Mebane, Secretary; Christopher Moring, Treasurer. Aux. Col. Society of Randolph County, N. C.-Major William Hogan, President; Doctor Phineas Nixon, Doctor William W. Turner, Vice-Presidents; General Alexander Gray, Secretary; Jonathan Worth, Treasurer. Aux. Society of Rowan County, N. C.-Thomas G. Polk, President; Jessee Rankin, John Reck, Vice-Presidents; Alexander Long, Treasurer; Samuel Silliman, Secretary. Cumberland Aux. Col. Society, North Car.-Louis D. Henry, President; Doctor Benjamin Robinson, Reverend William Wiley, Reverend Colin Mclver, Doctor Thomas N. Cameron, Vice-Presidents; William J. Anderson, Secretary; Edward Lee Winslow, Treasurer. Albany Aux. Society, New York. -Harmanus Bleecker, President; John Lansing, Jr. Stephen Van Rensselaer: Ebenezer F. Backus, Treasurer; Benjamin F. Butler, Secretary. Hudson Aux. Society, New York. Honorable Rufus Reed, President; Reverend Cyrus Stebbins, Doctor Samuel White, Vice-Presidents; John Bowers, Treasurer. Aux. Col. Society of Dutchess County, New York. -Philo Ruggles, President; George Bloom, John L. Fonda, Abraham G. Storm, Henry Conklin, Vice-Presidents; John V. B. Varick, Corresponding Secretary; Matthew Yassar, Recording Secretary; Alfred Raymond, Treasurer. Aux. Society of Fredonia, Chautaugue County, New York. John Crane, President; General Leveret Barker, James Mullet, Jr. Vice-Presidents; Auş- Nassau and Schodack Col. Society, N. Y.-Mr. Warner, President; Sam- Aux. Col. Society, Catskill, N. Y.-Orin Day, President; Robert Dorlan, Aux. Col. Society of Hillsdale, New York.-Adonijah Biddwell, President; Reverend Henry Truesdell, Secretary. Aux. Col. Society of Troy, NY-David Buel, Sen., President; T. M'Coun, E. Morgan, Vice-Presidents; O. L. Holley, Secretary; William Aux. ol. Society of Waterford, New York. Samuel Stuart, President; Reverend M. W. Dwight, Secretary. Female Aux. Society of Middletown, Conn. -Mrs. Joseph W. Alsop, Pre- sident; Mrs. John R. Crane, Vice-President; Mrs. Eliza, A. Ward, Secre- Aux. Col. Society of Alexandria, D. C.-John Roberts, President; Rev. S. Cornelius, Rev. Mr. Harrison, Vice-Presidents; N. R. Fitzhugh, Secretary; Aux. Society of Washington, D. C.-Joseph Gales, Jr. President; Mat- thew St. Clair Clark, Hon. William Cranch, Col. George Bomford, Vice- Presidents; James H. Handy, Secretary; Col. Michael Nourse, Treasurer. Aux Col. Society of Georgetown, DC.-Joel Cruttenden, President; William King, Vice-President; Richard B. Maury, Secretary; Francis T. Ladies' Aux. Society of Georgetown, D. C.-Miss Ann Searle, President; Mrs. Catherine Bussard, Mrs. Lydia English, Vice-Presidents; Mrs. Eliza M. Gurley, Secretary; Mrs. Susanna Southern, Treasurer. Young Men's Society of Georgetown, D. C.-Jenkins Thomas, President; Charles Myers, Vice-President; William B. Magruder, Secretary; Richar N. B. The above List is probably incomplete, as Societies frequently neglect, for a long time, to transmit Lists of their Officers. ..... List of Societies, |