G. W. P. Custis, Esq. ..... " J. H. B. Latrobe, Esq. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society, the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, .......... Fourth of July Discourses and Collections, Subscribers on the Plan of Gerrit Smith, Esq. ib. 22 for the purchase of a Ship, 23 Constitution, Government, and Laws of Liberia, 24 Address of the Colonists to the Free People of Colour of the U. States, 30 Plan for the establishment of State Colonization Societies, Resolutions of State Legislatures, 39 Memorial to Congress, ... 40 Constitution of the American Colonization Society, Memorial of the Kentucky Colonization Society, Life Members of the American Colonization Society, ........ 47 Auxiliary Colonization Societies, and their Officers, 51 ...... THIS work is published monthly, by order of the Managers of the American Colonization Society. It contains thirty-two octavo pages the number, at two dollars a year, payable in advance. It is designed to comprise a history of the proceedings of the Society and the African Colony; essays on the subject of Colonization intelligence concerning the operations of Institutions throughout the world, aiming to abolish the Slave Trade, and improve the African race; and in fine, all such information as may conduce to the accomplishment of the great objects of the Society. Any person who shall obtain five subscribers and remit 10 dollars, will rereceive a copy gratis, which will be continued so long as the remittance shall be annually made. All communications relating to the Editorial Department of the Repository, should be made to the Rev. R. R. Gurley, Secretary of the Society, Washington City; such as relate to its pecuniary concerns, to Mr. James C. Dunn. Georgetown, D. C. To suitable persons, disposed to travel for obtaining subscribers to this work, liberal terms will be allowed. Notices. Copies of this and several preceding Reports can be fowarded by mail to any individuals who may apply for them to the Secretary. Auxiliary Societies are earnestly requested to forward, as early as may be, their annual contributions to the Treasurer, Richard Smith, Esq. of this City, that the Society may be enabled to fit out expeditions for the Colony in due season. Annual Meeting of the Society on the 3d Monday of January. Form of a Constitution for an Auxiliary Society. 1st. This Society shall be called -, and shall be auxiliary to the State Colonization Society, (where such exists) or to the American Colonization Society. 2d. The object to which it shall be exclusively devoted, shall be to aid the parent Institution at Washington, in the colonization of the Free People of colour of the United States on the coast of Africa-and to do this not only by the contribution of money, but by the exertion of its influence to promote the formation of other Societies. 3d. An annual subscription of shall constitute an individual a member of this Society; and the payment, at any one time, of a member for life. 4th. The officers of this Society shall be a President, Vice-Presidents, and - Managers; Secretary and Treasurer, to be elected annually by the Society. 5th. The President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be ex-oficio members of the Board of Managers. 6th. The Board of Managers shall meet to transact the business of the Society -. 7th. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Society, as well as take charge of its funds, and hold them subject to an order of the Board of Managers. 8th. The Secretary of the Society, shall conduct the correspondence, under the direction of the Board Managers, both with the parent Institution and other Societies. ᅡ CONTENTS. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society, Speech of Elliot Cresson, Esq. of Hon. Mr. Wilson, .. ..... .... Agents, .. Treasurer's Account, Fourth-of-July Discourses and Collections, Original Principles of the Colonization Society, 17 19 ib. ... Copies of this and several preceding Reports can be forwarded by mail to any individuals who may apply for them to the Secretary. Auxiliary Societies are earnestly requested to forward, as early as may be, their annual contributions to the Treasurer, Richard Smith, Esq. of this City, that the Society may be enabled to fit out expeditions for the Colony in due season. Annual meeting of the Society on the 3d Monday of January. |