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Any non-commissioned officer or soldier or others under my command, who shall be guilty of robbing or plundering in the town, are to be immediately confined, and will be most rigidly punished. All officers are therefore ordered to be very vigilant in the discovery of such offenders, and report their names and crime to the commanding officer in the town, as soon as may be.

them in the field of battle, they will go, for they shall receive any insult from any of the inhabitants, are all volunteers; but I for my part am, I do aver, he is to seek redress in a legal way, and no other. sir, beartily willing to sacrifice my sons, believing that with such sacrifice God is well pleased: for he has hitherto marvellously blessed our arms and conquered our enemies for us, and he who, in the days of his flesh, spoiled principalities and powers, and made a shew of them openly, will in the end, I doubt not, evince to the world that he is conqueror." This, my lord, is the language of the American women; your lordship knows it is generally the reverse with the English, the mother's and sister's lives are bound up in the boys; but I am afraid I shall trespass on your lordship's patience: There.


In the great name, and for the sake of the ever blessed Trinity, I now beseech your lordship to weigh thoroughly, and with patience, impartiality, and love, this narrative of facts; and may that ever blessed adorable person, Jesus Christ, the wonder. ful councellor and prince of peace, give your lordship a right judgment and understanding in all things, and council and influence administration to act wisely, and repeal the acts in dispute, and so make peace. I am, my lord, your lordship's ready and willing servant, for Christ's sake, Maryland, Dec. 20, 1775.

Town of Boston.

B. P.

The inhabitants and others, are called upon to make known to the quarter-master-general, or any of his deputies, all stores belonging to the ministerial army, that may be remaining or secreted in the town: any person or persons whatever, that shall be known to conceal any of the said stores, or appropriate them to his or their own use, will be considered as an enemy to America, and treated accordingly.

The select men and other magistrates of the town, are desired to return to the commander in chief, the names of all or any person or persons, they may suspect of being employed as spies upon the continental army, that they may be dealt with accordingly.

All officers of the continental army, are enjoined to assist the civil magistrates in the execution of their duty, and to promote peace and good order. They are to prevent, as much as possible, the

The following proclamation was published by gene-soldiers from frequenting tippling-houses, and ral Washington, on his taking possession of the town of Boston:

strolling from their posts. Particular notice will be taken of such officers as are inattentive and

By his excellency George Washington, esq. gene-remiss in their duty; and on the contrary, such ral and commander in chief of the thirteen unit-only as are active and vigilant will be entitled to ed colonies. future favor and promotion..

"Whereas the ministerial army has abandoned the town of Boston, and the forces of the united colonies, under my command, are in possession of the same: I have therefore thought it necessary for the preservation of peace, good order and discipline, to publish the following orders, that no person offending therein, may plead ignorance as an excuse for their misconduct.

All officers and soldiers are hereby ordered to live in the strictest peace and amity with the inhabitants; and no inhabitant, or other person, employed in his lawful business in the town, is to be molested in his person or property, on any pretence whatever.

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The address of the honorable council and house of representatives to his excellency George Washington, esq. general and commander in chief of the forces of the united colonies.

May it please your excellency

"When the liberties of America were attacked

by the violent hand of oppression-when troops, hostile to the rights of humanity, invaded this colony, seized our capital, and spread havoc and If any officer or soldier shall presume to strike, destruction around it; when our virtuous sons were imprison, or otherwise ill-treat any of the inha- | murdered, and our houses destroyed by the troops bitants, they may depend on being punished with of Britain, the inhabi ants of this and the other the uunost severity; and if any officer or soldier American colonies, impelled-by self-preservation

and the love of freedom, forgetting their domestic concerns, determined resolutely and unitedly to oppose the sons of tyranny.

His excellency's answer.

"Gentlemen-I return you my most sincere and hearty thanks for your polite address; and feel myself called upon, by every principle of gratitude, to acknowledge the honor you have done me in

Convinced of the vast importance of having a gentleman of great military accomplishments to discipline, lead, and conduct the forces of the this testimonial of your approbation of my appointcolonies, it gave us the greatest satisfaction to hear ment to the exalted station I now fill; and what is that the honorable congress of the united colonies more pleasing, of my conduct in discharging its had made choice of a gentleman thus qualified; important duties. who, leaving the pleasure of domestic and rural

When the councils of the British nation had

life, was ready to undertake the arduous task. And formed a plan for enslaving America, and depriv your nobly declining to accept the pecuniary emolu- ing her sons of their most sacred and invaluable ments annexed to this high office, fully evidenced privileges, against the clearest remonstrances of to us that a warm regard to the sacred rights of the constitution, of justice and of truth; and to hnmanity, and sincere love to your country, solely execute their schemes, had appealed to the sword, influenced you in the acceptance of this important I esteemed it my duty to take a part in the contest,


and more especially, on account of my being called From your acknowledged abilities as a soldier, thereto by the unsolicited suffrages of the repreand your virtues in public and private life, we had sentatives of a free people; wishing for no other the most pleasing hopes; but the fortitude and reward than that arising from a consciencious disequanimity so conspicuous in your conduct; the charge of the important trust, and that my services wisdom of your councils; the mild, yet strict go-might contribute to the establishment of freedom vernment of the army; your attention to the civil and peace, upon a permanent foundation, and merit constitution of this colony, the regard you have at the applause of my countrymen, and every virtuous all times shewn for the lives and health of those citizen. under your command; the fatigues you have with cheerfulness endured; the regard you have shewn for the preservation of our metropolis, and the great address with which our military operations have been conducted, have exceeded our most sanguine expectations, and demand the warmest returns of gratitude.

The Supreme Ruler of the universe having smiled on our arms, and crowned your labors with remarkable success, we are now, without that effusion of blood we so much wished to avoid, again in the quiet possession of our capital; the wisdom and prudence of those movements, which have obliged the enemy to abandon our metropolis, will ever be remembered by the inhabitants of this colony.

Your professions of my attention to the civil constitution of this colony, whilst acting in the line of my department, also demands my grateful thanks. A regard to every provincial institution, where not incompatible with the common interest, I hold a principle of duty, and of policy, and shall ever form a part of my conduct. Had I not learnt this before, the happy experience of the advantages resulting from a friendly intercourse with your honorable body, their ready and willing concurrence to aid and to counsel, whenever called upon in cases of difficulty and emergency, would have taught me the useful lesson.

That the metropolis of your colony is now reliev ed from the cruel and oppressive invasions of those May you still go on approved by Heaven, revered who were sent to erect the standard of lawless by all good men, and dreaded by those tyrants who domination, and to trample on the rights of huclaim their fellow men as their property. May the manity, and is again open and free for its rightful possessors, must give pleasure to every virtuous united colonies be defended from slavery by your and sympathetic heart, and being effected without victorious arms. May they still see their enemies the blood of our soldiers and fellow-citizens, must flying before you; and (the deliverance of your be ascribed to the interposition of that Providence, country being effected) may you, in retirement, enjoy that peace and satisfaction of mind, which which has manifestly appeared in our behalf through the whole of this important struggle, as well as to always attends the good and great: and may future generations in the peaceful enjoyment of that free. the measures pursued for bringing about the happy dom, the exercise of which your sword shall establish, raise the richest and most lasting monu. ments to the name of a Washington.”


May that Being who is powerful to save, and in whose hands is the fate of nations, look down with

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an eye of tender pity and compassion upon the whole of the united colonies; may he continue to smile upon their counsels and arms, and crown them with success, whilst employed in the cause of virtue and mankind.-May this distressed colony and its capital, and every part of this wide extended continent, through his divine favor, be restored to more than their former lustre and once happy state, and have peace, liberty, and safety secured upon a solid, permanent, and lasting foundation."


South Carolina.

silent and commander in chief in and over the colony of South Carolina, and by the honorable the legislative council and general assembly of this colony, and by the authority of the same, that if any person or persons within this colony do, or shall, from, and immediately after, the passing of this act, take up arms with a hostile intent, and by force and violence, or by words, deeds, or writ ing, or any other means whatsoever, cause, induce, or persuade, or attempt to cause, induce, or persuade any other person or persons, with such hostile intent, to take up arms, and by force and violence to oppose and subvert the authority of the govern

At a general assembly begun and holden at Charles- ment of this colony, established by the constituton, on Tuesday the twenty-sixth day of March, tion, agreed on and confirmed in congress at in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun. Charleston, on the twenty-sixth day of March, one dred and seventy-six; and from thence continued, thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, or to by divers adjournments, to Thursday the eleventh wound, maim, or kill any person or persons, or day of April, in the year of our Lord one thou- destroy any of the houses, goods, or chattels of any such persons, who shall under, and by virtue

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sand seven hundred and seventy-six.

An act to prevent sedition, and punish insurgents and of any authority of the said government, be acting

disturbers of the public peace.

"Whereas a horrid and unnatural war is now

in support and defence of the same, or the execution of any power, authority or office derived therefrom, all and every of such person or persons, and the aider and abettor, or aiders and abettors of such person or persons so offending, in either of the offences aforesaid, shall, on being indicted and convicted of the same, by due course of law, be deemed and adjudged guilty of felony, and suffer death without benefit of clergy.

carried on by the ministry and parliament of Great Britain, against the united colonies of North Ame. rica in general, and this colony in particular, with a cruel and oppressive design of robbing the colonies and good people of this colony of their dearest and most valuable rights as freemen, and reducing them to a state of the most abject slavery and op. pression: and whereas, also, in order further to And be it further enacted by the authority afore. accomplish the said iniquitous and unwarrantable said, That if any persons within this colony shall, designs, every means has been adopted by a wicked immediately after the passing of this act, or at administration to sow civil dissentions and animosi- any time thereafter, by letter, writing, message, or ties, and to create disorder, confusion and blood- other means of intelligence, hold any correspon shed amongst the good people of this colony, by dence or intercourse, or conspire or concert in any employing secret emissaries to stir up in the minds manner whatever with, or aid or abet any land or of wicked and evil-disposed persons, persuasions naval farce, raised or to be raised, or which shall and principles inimical to the ties of humanity, and be sent by Great Britain, in a hostile manner, the common rights of mankind, and thereby induc against this colony, or any other force or body of ing them not only to disturb the common peace, men within this colony, who shall, in a hostile safety, and good order of this colony, but to take intent or manner, oppose the power and authority up arms and spill the blood of their fellow-citizens, of the present government of this colony, establishwho are only acting in the defence of their lives, ed as aforesaid, with an intent to promote the ac liberties, and properties, against the hands of a complishments of any hostile plan of operation, lawless and despotic power: to the intent, there- designed by such force or forces against the lives, fore, and in order the more effectually to preserve liberties and properties of all or any of the inha and secure the peace, order, and good government bitants and friends to the constitution of this coof this colony, and to deter and prevent such evil- lony, established as aforeseid-every such person minded persons from committing such offences, or persons, so offending in any of the said offences, and all such other offences declared in this act, to shall, on being indicted and convicted thereof the great danger of the lives, liberties, and pro- by due course of law, be deemed and adjudged perties of the inhabitants of this colony: Be it guilty of felony, and suffer death without benefit of enacted by his excellency John Rutledge, esq. pre-1 clergy.

And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That if any person or persons within this colony shall, immediately after the passing of this act, or at any time thereafter, furnish or supply, or cause or procure to be furnished or supplied, with any bills of exchange, monies, goods, provisions, liquors, or other necessary articles of subsistence, or any military or naval stores whatever, any of the land

or naval forces, raised or to be raised, or sent by Great Britain, or any authority derived from that government, against this colony, or shall, in like manner, furnish or supply, or cause to be furnished or supplied, any force or body of men who shall, in a hostile manner, oppose the government of this colony, established as aforesaid—every such person or persons, so offending in either of the offences aforesaid, and the aider or abettor, or aiders and abettors of any of the said offences, shall, on being indicted or convicted thereof, by due course of law, be deemed and adjudged guilty of felony, and suffer death without benefit of clergy.

against all enemies whatsoever, who shall invade
or attack the same, or endanger the safety thereof.

And be it further enacted by the authority afore-
said, That if any person or persons within this
this act, or at any time thereafter, collect or assem-
colony shall, immediately after the passing of
ble with any body or assembly of persons, or cause
or procure them to be so collected and assembled,

with intent, in a riotous and seditious manner, to
disturb the public peace and tranquility, and the
good order of the government, and by words or

otherwise to create and raise traiterous seditions
or discontents in the minds of the good people of
this colony, against the authority of the present
government established as aforesaid-every such
person or persons, so offending in any of the said
of law, be deemed and adjudged guilty of felony.
offences, shall, on conviction thereof, by due course

And be it further enacted by the authority afore. said, That the lands and tenements, goods and chattels, and other real and personal estate of all And be it further enacted by the authority aforesuch person or persons, who shall be duly convictsaid, That if any person or persons within this ed, by virtue of this act, of any of the crimes and colony shall, at any time after the passing of this offences thereby made felony, shall, within one act, compel, induce, persuade, or attempt to com- month after such conviction, by the sheriff of each pel, induce, or persuade any white person, or per-district respectively, in which such real and persons, or any free negro, or negroes, mulatto or sonal estate of the person or persons so convicted, mulattoes, Indian or Indians, to desert from their habitation or habitations, or any negro or other holders of the said district, be appraised upon oath, or any part thereof, shall be found, with three freeslave or slaves, to desert from his or their master, and the said appraisement duly returned, by the mistress, or owner, and to join any land or naval said sheriff of such district, to the secretary's offorce, raised or to be raised, or sent by Great Bri- fice in Charleston, within one month after such aptain, or any authority derived from that govern- praisement is made, and the said sheriff of such disment, against the united colonies of America, or trict in which the appraisement is made, as aforethis colony, or to join any person or persons armed said, shall, within one month thereafter, expose in a hostile manner, with intent to oppose or subvert such estate so appraised to public sale, first giving the government of this colony, established as afore twenty-one days public notice of the sale; and shall, said, or with intent of killing any person or persons, within three months after such sale, deposite the or destroying his, her, or their goods or property, amount of the same, deducting legal poundage and who shall be acting, or ready and willing to act in charges, in the office of the colony treasury in support and defence of such government, or any of Charleston, and the commissioners of the colony the inhabitants of this colony and friends to the treasury, or any one of them, on receipt of such same-every such person or persons, so offending in monies from the sheriff, as aforesaid, shall give a any of the above offences, and all such as shall aid receipt or voucher for the same. and abet the said offender, or offenders, in the per petration and execution of any of the said offences, And be it further enacted by the authority aforeshall, on conviction thereof, by due course of law, said, That if any sheriff or sheriffs, for any of the be deemed and adjudged guilty of felony, and shall districts in this colony, shall in any wise transgress, suffer death without benefit of clergy. Provided or disobey, or neglect the putting in execution, any always, nevertheless, that nothing in this act con- of the provisions or clauses in this act, respecting tained shall be construed or taken to prevent the their duty and office-every sheriff so offending, good people of this colony from arming of slaves disobeying or neglecting the same, shall forfeit his or negroes, for the better defence of this colony office, and incur the penalty of one thousand pounds

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current money, to be sued for, and recovered by | Honorable gentlemen of the legislative counc`l—

bill or plaint in any court of record in this colony, wherein no essoign, privilege, protection or wager of law, or more than one imparlance, shall be


Mr.Speaker and gentlemen of the general assembly,

It has afforded me much satisfaction to observe,

that though the season of the year rendered your sitting very inconvenient, your private concerns, And be it further enacted by the authority afore- which must have suffered greatly by your long said, That the monies arising from the sale of all and close application, in the late congress, to the such estates as shall become forfeited, by virtue of affairs of the colony, requiring your presence in this act, shall be appropriated for a fund, and shall the county, yet continuing to prefer the public become a reprisal fund, for reimbursing all such weal to ease and retirement, you have been busily losses and damages which have been, or shall be engaged in framing such laws as our peculiar cirsustained by any person or persons who have been, cumstances rendered absolutely necessary to be are, or shall be, engaged in opposition to the op- passed before your adjournment. Having given pressive measures of the British ministry, or the my assent to them, I presume you are now desirous defence of the present established constitution, and of a recess. the liberties of this colony.

On my part, a most solemn oath has been taken And be it further enacted by the authority afore. for the faithful discharge of my duty; on yours, a said, That no person or persons shall be reimbursed, solemn assurance has been given to support me by virtue of this act, for any losses or damages therein. Thus, a public compact between us sustained from persons acting in open hostility stands recorded. You may rest assured that I shall against the present constitution of government, keep this oath ever in mind-the constitution shall and the liberties of this colony, unless the said be the invariable rule of my conduct-my ears shall reimbursement be, on application, and oath made be always open to the complaints of the injured, of the damages actually sustained, deemed just justice, in mercy, shall neither be denied, or delayand reasonable by the general assembly of this ed-Our laws and religion, and the liberties of colony, or such other body or persons as the legisla America, shalt be maintained and defended, to the tive body of this colony shall appoint: Provided utmost of my power. I repose the most perfect always, nevertheless, That such person or persons, confidence in your engagement. to whom such reimbursement shall be thought reaAnd now, gentlemen, let me intreat that you sonable, do first, before the receipt thereof, take will, in your several parishes and districts, use and subscribe the oath of fidelity, ordained in the your influence and authority to keep peace and present constitution, if such person or persons had good order, and procure strict observance of, and ready obedience to the law. If any persons there

not before taken and subscribed the same.

And be it further enacted by the authority afore. in are still strangers to the nature and merits of said, That the fines and penalties to be incurred, the dispute between Great Britain and the colonies, by virtue of this act, shail, upon recovery thereof, be paid into the colony treasury, to be applied to, and for such uses and purposes as are herein menG. G. POWELL, speaker of the Legislative council.


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JAMES PARSONS, speaker of the
General assembly.
In the council chamber, the 11th day of April,
1776-Assented to,

you will explain it to them fully, and teach them, if they are so unfortunate as not to know their inherent rights. Prove to them, that the privileges of being tried by a jury of the vicinage, acquainted with the parties and witnesses; of being taxed only with their own consent, given by their representstives, freely chosen by, and sharing the burthen equally with themselves, not for the aggrandizing a rapacious minister, and his dependent favorites, and for corrupting the people, and subverting their In general assembly, South Carolina, April 11, 1776. liberties, but for such wise and salutary purposes, Ordered, That the speech this day delivered to as they themselves approve; and of having their both houses, by his excellency the president and internal polity regulated, only by laws consented commander in chief of this colony, be forthwith to by competent judges of what is best adapted to printed and made public, as well in the newspapers their situation and circumstances, equally bound as otherwise.

By order of the house,



too by those laws, are inestimable, and derived from that constitution, which is the birth-right of the poorest man, and the best inheritance of the

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