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"Come hither, ye soldiers, ye champions of Ame. rican liberty, and contemplate a spectacle which should inflame your generous hearts with even a new motive to glory. Remember, his shade still hovers, unexpiated, among us. Ten thousand ministerial soldiers would not suffice to compensate his death. Let ancient ties be no restraint: foes of liberty are no longer the brethren of freemen. Give edge to your arms, and lay them not down, till tyranny be expelled from the British empire, or America, at least, become the real seat of liberty and happiness.

taining, in themselves, the best portrait of the father of his country, drawn by himself, that we had the power to offer-though in detached parts, they must needs be familiar to the Ame rican people.

The articles are

1. Washington's acceptance of the command of the armies of the United States, June 16, 1775. 2. his letter to the president of congress Sept. 24, 1776.

3. His general orders to the army, April 18, 1783. 4. His circular to the governors of the several

6. His speech to the first congress, under the

To which we might have added his farewell address on retiring from the presidency, but that is in the hands of every body; and it does not properly come within the scope of the contents of this volume. EDITOR.

"Approach ye also, American fathers and Ameri-states-June 18, 1783. can mothers; come hither, and contemplate the 5. On resigning his commission to congress, asfirst fruits of tyranny: behold your friend, the sembled at Annapolis, 1783. defender of your liberty, the honor, the hope of your country: see this illustrious hero, pierced constitution, April 30, 1789. with wounds, and bathed in his own blood. But let not your grief, let not your tears be steril. Go, hasten to your homes, and there teach your children to detest the deeds of tyranny; lay before them the horrid scene you have beheld: let their hair stand on end; let their eyes sparkle with fire; let Speech of gen. Washington to congress on accepting resentment kindle every feature; let their lips vent threats and indignation: then-then-put arms into their hands, send them to battle, and let your last injunction be, to return victorious, or to die, like Warren, in the arms of liberty and of glory!

his commission, June 15th, 1775. Mr. President-Though I am truly sensible of the high honor done me, in this appointment, yet I feel great distress, from a consciousness that my abilities and military experience may not be equal to the extensive and important trust: However, as the congress desire it, I will enter upon the momentous duty, and exert every power I possess in their service, and for support of the glorious cause. I beg they will accept my most cordial thanks for this distinguished testimony of their approbation.

"But, lest some unlucky event should happen, unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered, by every gentleman in the room, that I, this day, declare with the utmost sincerity, 1 do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with.

“And ye generations of the future, you will often look back to this memorable epoch. You will transfer the names of traitors and of rebels from the faithful people of America, to those who have merited them. Your eyes will penetrate all the iniquity of this scheme of despotism, recently plotted by the British government. You will see good kings misled by perfidious ministers, and virtuous ministers by perfidious kings. You will perceive that if at first the sovereigns of Great Britain shed tears in commanding their subjects to accept atrocious laws, they soon gave them. selves up to joy in the midst of murder, expect. ing to see a whole continent drenched in the blood of freemen. O, save the human race from the last outrages, and render a noble justice to the American colonies. Recall to life the ancient Roman and British eloquence; and be not niggardly of merited I praises towards those who have bequeathed you liberty. It costs us floods of gold and of blood; it costs us, alas! the life of Warren."

Commander in chief-Washington. It seemed right that we should collect the follow

"As to pay, sir, I beg leave to assure the congress, that, as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment, at the expense of my domestic ease and happiness, I do not wish to make any profit from it. will keep an exact account of my expenses. Those, I doubt not, they will discharge, and that is all I desire."

To John Hancock, esq. president of congress.
Colonel Morris's on the Heights of Harlem,
Sept. 24th, 1776.

SIR-From the hours allotted to sleep, I will

ing articles, and present them together, as con- borrow a few moments to convey my thoughts, on

sundry important matters, to congress. I shall such allowances as will enable them to live like, offer them with the sincerity which ought to cha- and support the characters of, gentlemen. Besides, racterize the man of candour, and with the free-something is due to the man who puts his life in dom which may be used in giving useful informa- your hands, hazards his health, and forsakes the tion, without incurring the imputation of presump-sweets of domestic enjoyment. Why a captain in tion. the continental service should receive no more

We are now, as it were, upon the eve of another dissolution of our army. The remembrance of the difficulties which happened upon the occasion last year, the consequences which might have followed the change, if proper advantages had been taken by the enemy, added to a knowledge of the present temper and situation of the troops, reflect but a very gloomy prospect upon the appearance of things now, and satisfy me beyond the possibility of doubt, that, unless some speedy and effectual measures are adopted by congress, our cause will be lost.

than five shillings currency per day, for performing the same duties that an officer of the same rank in the British service receives ten shillings sterling for, I never could conceive, especially when the latter is provided with every necessary he requires, upon the best terms, and the former can scarcely procure them at any rate. There is nothing that gives a man consequence, and renders him fit for command, like a support that renders him independent of every body but the state he


With respect to the men, nothing but a good bounty can obtain them upon a permanent estab

lishment; and for no shorter time than the con-
tinuance of the war, ought they to be engaged, as
facts incontestibly prove that the difficulty and
cost of enlistments increase with time. When the
army was first at Cambridge, I am persuaded the
men might have been got, without a bounty, for
the war.
After this, they began to see that the
contest was not likely to end so, speedily as was.
imagined, and to feel their consequence by remark-
ing, that, to get in the militia in the course of the
last year, many towns were induced to give them
a bounty.

It is in vain to expect, that any, or more than a trifling part of this army will again engage in the service on the encouragement offered by congress. When men find that their townsmen and companions are receiving twenty, thirty, and more, dollars for a few months' service (which is truly the case) it cannot be expected, without using compulsion; and to force them into the service, would answer no valuable purpose. When men are irritated, and the passions inflamed, they fly hastily and cheerfully to arms: but after the first emotions are over, a soldier reasoned with upon the goodness of the cause he is engaged in, and the inestimable rights he is contending for, hears Foreseeing the evils resulting from this, and the you with patience, and acknowledges the truth of destructive consequences which unavoidably would your observation, but adds, that it is of no more importance to him than others. The officer makes you the same reply, with this further remark, that his pay will not support him, and he cannot ruin himself and family to serve his country, when every member of the community is equally interested and benefited by his labors.

follow short enlistments, I took the liberty, in a long letter, (date not recollected, as my letter book is not here) to recommend the enlistments for and during the war, assigning such reasons for it as experience has since convinced me were well founded. At that time, twenty dollars would, I am persuaded, have engaged the men for this term. But it will not do to look back: and, if the present opIt becomes evidently clear then, that, as this contest is not likely to be the work of a day; as months more will increase our difficulties fourfold. portunity is slipped, I am persuaded that twelve the war must be carried on systematically; and to I shall therefore take the freedom of giving it as do it you must have good officers; there are, in my my opinion, that a good bounty be immediately judgment, no other possible means to obtain them, offered, sided by the proffer at least a hundred, or a but by establishing your army upon a permanent hundred and fifty acres of land, and a suit of clothes footing, and giving your officers good pay. This and blanket, to each non-commissioned officer and will induce gentlemen, and men of character, to soldier; as I have good authority for saying, that, engage: and, till the bulk of your officers are com however high the men's pay may appear, it is barely posed of such persons as are actuated by princi- sufficient, in the present scarcity and dearhess of ples of honor and a spirit of enterprize, you have all kinds of goods, to keep them in clothes, much little to expect from them. They ought to have less afford support to their families.

order prevail, more unhappy than words can describe. Besides this, such repeated changes take place, that all arrangement is set at nought, and the constant fluctuation of things deranges every plan as fast as adopted.

If this encouragement then is given to the men, }ject to them, and therefore take liberties which the and such pay allowed the officers as will induce soldier is punished for. This creates jealousy: gentlemen of character and liberal sentiments to jealousy begets dissatisfaction; and these, by deengage, and proper care and precaution used in grees, ripen into mutiny, keeping the whole army the nomination (having more regard to the chain a confused and disordered state; rendering the racters of persons than the number of men they time of those who wish to see regularity and good can enlist) we should, in a little time, have an army able to cope with any that can be opposed to it, as there are excellent materials to form one. But while the only merit an officer possesses, is his ability to raise men; while those men consider and treat him as an equal, and, in the character of an officer, regard him no more than a broom-stick, being mixed together as one common herd, no order nor discipline can prevail; nor will the officer ever meet with that respect which is essentially necessary to due subordination.

These, sir, congress may be assured, are but a small part of the inconveniences which might be enumerated, and attributed to militia: but there is one that merits particular attention, and that is the expense. Certain I am, that it would be cheaper to keep fifty or a hundred thousand in constant To place any dependence upon militia is as- pay, than to depend upon half the number, and suredly resting upon a broken staff: men just supply the other half occasionally by militia. The dragged from the tender scenes of domestic life; tine the latter are in pay, before and after they unaccustomed to the din of arms; totally unac are in camp, assembling and marching; the waste quainted with every kind of military skill; which, of ammunition, the consumption of stores, which, being followed by a want of confidence in them in spite of every resolution or requisition of conselves, when opposed to troops regularly trained, gress, they must be furnished with, or sent home, disciplined, and appointed; superior in knowledge added to other incidental expenses consequent and superior in arms, makes them timid and ready upon their coming and conduct in camp, surpasses to fly from their own shadows. Besides, the sud. all idea, and destroys every kind of regularity and den change in their manner of living, particularly economy which you could establish among fixed in their lodging, brings on sickness in many, impa- and settled troops, and will, in my opinion, prove, tience in all; and such an unconquerable desire of if the scheme is adhered to, the ruin of our cause. returning to their respective homes, that it not only produces shameful and scandalous desertions among themselves, but infuses the like spirit into


The jealousies of a standing army, and the evils to be apprehended from one, are remote, and, in my judgment, situated and circumstanced as we are, not at all to be dreaded: but the consequence Again; men accustomed to unbounded freedom of wanting one, according to my ideas, formed and no control, cannot brook the restraint which is from the present view of things, is certain and ine. indispensably necessary to the good order and go-vitable ruin. For, if I was called upon to declare vernment of an army; without which, licentiousness upon oath, whether the militia have been most serand every kind of disorder triumphantly reign. viceable or hurtful, upon the whole, I should subTo bring men to a proper degree of subordination scribe to the latter. I do not mean by this, howe is not the work of a day, a month, or even a year: ver, to arraign the conduct of congress; in so doand, unhappily for us and the cause we are en- ing I should equally condemn my own measures, gaged in, the little discipline I have been laboring if I did not my judgment: but experience, which to establish in the army under my immediate com- is the best criterion to work by, so fully, clearly, mand, is in a manner done away, by having such a and decisively reprobates the practice of trusting mixture of troops as have been called together to militia, that no man, who regards order, reguwithin these few months.

|larity and economy, or who has any regard for his own honor, character, or peace of mind, will risk them upon this issue.

Relaxed and unfit as our rules and regulations of war are, for the government of an army, the mi.) litia (those properly so called; for of these we have An army formed of good officers moves like two sorts, the six months' men, and those sent in clock-work; but there is no situation upon earth as a temporary aid) do not think themselves sub-less enviable nor more distressing than that per

son's who is at the head of troops who are regard-¡would be ingratitude not to rejoice; it would be less of order and discipline, and who are unpro-insensibility not to participate in the general feli. vided with almost every necessary. In a word, the city. difficulties which have forever surrounded me, The commander in chief, far from endeavoring since I have been in the service, and kept my mind to stifle the feelings of joy in his own bosom, ofconstantly upon the stretch; the wounds which my fers his most cordial congratulations on the occa. feelings, as an officer, have received by a thousand sion to all the officers of every denomination; to things which have happened contrary to my ex all the troops of the United States in general; and pectations and wishes; added to a consciousness in particular to those gallant and persevering men of my inability to govern an army composed of who had resolved to defend the rights of their in such discordant parts, and under such a variety of vaded country, so long as the war should continue. intricate and perplexing circumstances, induce, not For these are men who ought to be considered as only a belief, but a thorough conviction in my mind, the pride and boast of the American army; and that it will be impossible, unless there is a tho-who, crowned with well earned laurels, may soon. rough change in our military system, for me to withdraw from the field of glory to the more tranconduct matters in such a manner as to give satis-quil walks of civil life. While the commander in faction to the public, which is all the recompense chief recollects the almost infinite variety of scenes I aim at, or ever wished for.

Before I conclude, I must apologize for the liberties taken in this letter, and for the blots and scratchings therein, not having time to give it more correctly. With truth I can add, that, with every scntiment of respect and esteem, I am your's and the congress' most obedient, &c,


through which we have past, with a mixture of pleasure, astonishment, and gratitude; while he contemplates the prospects before us with rapture, he cannot help wishing that all the brave, of whatever condition they may be, who have shared the toils and dangers of effecting this glorious revolution; of rescuing millions from the hand of oppression, and of laying the foundatian of a great em. pire, might be impressed with a proper idea of the

General orders issued by general Washington, to the dignified part they have been callel to act, under


the smiles of Providence, on the stage of human affars; for happy, thrice happy! shall they be proHead Quarters, Chatham, April 18th, 1783. The commander in chief orders the cessation of nounced hereafter, who have contributed any thing, hostilities between the United States of America who have performed the meanest office in erectand the king of Great Britain, to be publicly pro-ing this stupendous fabric of freedom and empire, on the broad basis of independency; who have as. claimed to-morrow at twelve o'clock, at the new building: and that the proclamation which will be sisted in protecting the rights of human nature, and established an asylum for the poor and oppres communicated herewith, be read to-morrow even ing at the head of every regiment and corps of thesed of all nations and religions. The glorious task army; after which the chaplains, with the several brigades, will render thanks to the Almighty God for all his mercies, particularly for his over ruling the wrath of man to his own glory, and causing the rage of war to cease among the nations.

for which we first flew to arms being accomplish ed-the liberties of our country being fully ac knowledged and firmly secured by the smiles of heaven on the purity of our cause; and the honest exertions of a feeble people, determined to be free, gainst a powerful nation disposed to oppress them; Although the proclamation before alluded to, ex- and the character of those who have persevered, tends only to the prohibition of hostilities, and not through every extremity of hardship, suffering and to the annunciation of a general peace, yet it must danger, being immortalized by the illustrious apafford the most rational and sincere satisfaction pellation of the patriot army-nothing now remains to every benevolent mind, as it puts a period to but for the actors of this mighty scene to preserve a a long and doubtful contest, stops the effusion of perfect unvarying consistency of character through human blood, opens the prospect to a more splen- the very last act, to close the drama with applause; did scene, and, like another morning star, promises and to retire from the military theatre with the the approach of brighter day than hath hitherto same approbation, of angels and men, which have illuminated the western hemisphere. On such a crowned all their former virtuous actions. For happy day, which is the harbinger of pe ce, a day this purpose no disorder or licentiousness must be which completes the eighth year of the war, it tolerated. Every considerate and well disposed

soldier must remember it will be absolutely neces-ful nights, and whose happiness, being extremely sary to wait with patience until peace shall be de- dear to me, will always constitute no inconsideraclared, or congress shall be enabled to take proble part of my own. per measures for the security of the public stores, &c. As soon as these arrangements shall be made, the general is confident, there will be no delay in discharging, with every mark of distinction and honor, all the men enlisted for the war, who will then have faithfully performed their engagements with the public. The general has already interested himself in their behalf, and he thinks he need not repeat the assurance of his disposition to be useful to them on the present, and every other proper occasion. In the mean time, he is determined that no military neglects or excesses shall go unpunished, while he retains the command of the army.

The adjutant-general will have such working parties detached, to assist in making the preparations for a general rejoicing, as the chief engineer of the army shall call for; and the quarter-master general will, without delay, procure such a number of discharges to be printed as will be sufficient for all the men enlisted for the war-he will please to apply to head quarters for the form. An extra ra tion of liquor to be issued to every man to-morrow to drink "Perpetual peace and happiness to the United States of America."

"Impressed with the liveliest sensibility on this pleasing occasion, I will claim the indulgence of dilating the more copiously on the subject of our mutual felicitation. When we consider the magnitude of the prize we contended for, the doubtful nature of the contest, and the favorable manner in which it has terminated, we shall find the greatest possible reason for gratitude and rejoicing. This is a theme that will afford infinite delight to every benevolent and liberal mind, whether the event in contemplation be considered as a source of present enjoyment, or the parent of future happiness; and we shall have equal occasion to felicitate ourselves on the lot which Providence has assigned us, whether we view it in a natural, a political, or moral point of light.

"The citizens of America, placed in the most enviable condition, as the sole lords and proprietors of a vast tract of continent, comprehending all the various soils an Iclimates of the world, and abounding with all the necessaries and conveniences of life, are now, by the late satisfactory pacification, acknowledged to be possessed of absolute freedom and independency: they are from this period to be considered as the actors on a most conspicuous

General Washington's circular letter to the governor theatre, which seems to be peculiarly designed by

of each of the states, dated

Providence for the display of human greatness and -Head Quarters, Newburgh, June 18, 1783. felicity. Here they are not only surrounded with "STR-The object for which I had the honor to every thing that can contribute to the completion hold an appointment in the service of my country, of private and domestic enjoyment, but heaven has being accomplished, I am now preparing to resign crowned all its other blessings. by giving a surer it into the hand of congress, and return to that do- opportunity for political happiness, than any other mestic retirement, which, it is well known, I left nation has ever been favored with. Nothing can with the greatest reluctance; a retirement for which illustrate these observations more forcibly than a I have never ceased to sigh through a long and recollection of the happy conjuncture of times and painful absence, in which, (remote from the noise circumstances, under which our republic assumed and trouble of the world,) I meditate to pass the its rank among the nations.-The foundation of our remainder of life, in a state of undisturbed repose; empire was not laid in a gloomy age of ignorance but, before I carry this resolution into effect, I and superstition, but at an epocha when the rights think it a duty incumbent on me to make this my of mankind were better understood and more clearlast official communication, to congratulate you only defined, than at any former period. Researches the glorious events which heaven has been pleased of the human mind after social happiness have to produce in our favor; to offer my sentiments re-been carried to a great extent; the treasures of specting some important subjects, which appear knowledge acquired by the labors of philosophers, to me to be intimately connected with the transages, and legislators, through a long succession quility of the United States; to take my leave of of years, are laid open for us, and their collected your excellency as a public character; and to give wisdom may be happily applied in the establishmy final blessing to that country, in whose service ment of our forms of government. The free culI have spent the prime of my life; for whose sake tivation of letters, the unbounded extension of I have consumed so many anxious days and watch commerce, the progressive refinement of manners,

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