AND be it further refolved, That the President of the United States be requested to issue his proclamation, notifying to the people throughout the United States, the recommendation contained in the third resolution. THESE resolutions passed both Houses unanimously. - BY A PROCLAMATION. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF WHEREAS the Congress of the United States " in honor of the memory of General GEORGE WASHING TON," have this day resolved, "That it be recommended to the people of the United States, to wear crape on the left arm as mourning, for thirty days;" and, "That the Prefident of the United States be requested to issue a proclamation, notifying to the people throughout the United States the said recommendation." Now, therefore, I, JOHN ADAMS, President of the United States, do hereby proclaim the fame accordingly. GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the United States, at Philadelphia, the twenty-fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and of the inde. pendence of the United States the twenty-fourth. JOHN ADAMS. By the Prefident, TIMOTHY PICKERING Secretary of State. Adjutant general's Office, New-York, December 24, 1799. MAJOR General Hamilton, has received, thro the Secretary of War, the following order from the Prefident of the United States. THE President, with deep regret, announces to the army, the death of its beloved chief, General GEORGE WASHINGTON. Sharing in the grief which every heart must feel for fo heavy and afflicting a public loss, and defirous to exprefs his high sense of the vast debt of gratitude which is due to the virtues, talents and ever memorable servises of the illustrious deceased, he directs that funeral honors be paid to him at all the military stations, and that the officers of the army and of the several corps of volunteers, wear crape on the left arm, by way of mourning, for fix months. Major General Hamilton will give the necessary orders for carrying into effect the foregoing directions. THE impresfive terms, in which this great national calamity is announced by the President, could receive no new force from any thing that might be added. The voice of praise would in vain endeavor to exalt a character, unrivalled on the list of true glory. Words would in vain attempt to give utterance to that profound and reverential grief, which will penetrate every American bosom, and engage the sympathy of an admiring world. If the sad privilege of pre-eminence in forrow may justly be claimed by the companions in arms of our lamented chief, their affections will fpontaneously perform the dear, though painful duty. It is only for me to mingle my tears, with those of my fellow-foldiers, cherishing with them the precious recollection, that while others are paying a merited tribute to "the man of the age," we in particular, allied as we are to him by a close tie, are called to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and venerable patron and father! IN obedience to the directions of the President, the following funeral honors will be paid at the several stations of the army. Ar day break fixteen guns will be fired in quick fucceffion, and one gun at the distance of each half hour until fun fet. DURING the procession of the troops to the place representing that of the interment, and until the conclufion of the ceremonial, minute guns will be fired. THE bier will be received by the troops formed in line, presenting their arms, and the officers, drums and colors faluting; after this the procession will begin; the troops marching by platoons in inverted order, and with arms reversed to the place of interment-the drums muffled, and the music playing a dead march. THE bier carried by four serjeants, and attended by fix pall-bearers, where there is cavalry, will be preceded by the cavalry and will be followed by the troops on feet. Where there is no cavalry, a detachment of infantry will precede the bier, which itself will in every case be preceded by fuch of the clergy as may be present. The officers of the general staff will immediately succeed the bier. WHERE a numerous body of citizens shall be united with the military in the procession, the whole of the troops will precede the bier, which will then be followed by the citizens. WHEN arrived near the place of interment, the procession will halt. The troops in front of the bier, will form in line, and opening their ranks will face inwards, to admit the passage of the bier, which will then pass through the ranks, the troops leaning on their arms reversed while the bier paffes! When the bier shall have passed, the troops will refume their position in line, and reverfing their arms, will remain leaning upon them until the ceremonial shall be closed. THE music will now perform a folemn air, after which the introductory part of this order shall be read. At the end of this, a detachment of infantry appointed for the purpose, will advance and fire three vollies over the bier. The troops will then return; the music playing the President's march, the drums previously unmuffled. THE uniform companies of militia are invited to join in arms the volunteer corps. THE commanders at particular stations, conforming generally to this plan, will make such exceptions as will accommodate it to situation. At places where processions of unarmed citizens shall take place, it is the wish of the Major-General that the military ceremonial should be united. And the particular commanders at those places are authorised to vary the plan, so as to adapt it to the circumstances. BRIGADIER General Macpherson is charged to fuperintend the ceremonial in the city of Philadelphia. Major Toussard will attend to Fort Mifflin, and will co-operatewith him. THE day of performing the ceremonial at each station is left to the particular commanders. MAJOR General Pinckney will make such further ar rangements within his district as he shall deem expedient. W. NORTH, Ad. Gen. December 24, 799, THE Speaker informed the House, that in conformity to the second resolution passed on Monday, Major General Lee had been appointed by the President of the Senate, and he Speaker of the House of Representatives, to prepare and deliver the oration in honor of our late illustrious commander in chief, on Thursday next, which appointment he had been pleased to accept. A MESSAGE was received from the President of the United States, notifying the House that he had agreed to the resolutions passed on Monday, in honor of the memory of |