PORCUPINE'S WORK S; CONTAINING VARIOUS 2 WRITINGS AND SELECTIONS, EXHIBITING A FAITHFUL PICTURE OF THE 1093 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; OF THEIR GOVERNMENTS, LAWS, POLITICS, AND RESOURCES; OF THE CHARACTERS OF THEIR PRESIDENTS, GOVERNORS, LEGISLATORS, MAGIS- AND OF THE CUSTOMS, MANNERS, MORALS, RELIGION, VIRTUES OF THE PEOPLE: COMPRISING ALSO A COMPLETE SERIES OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS FROM THE END OF THE WAR, IN 1783, TO THE ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT, IN MARCH, 1801. BY WILLIAM COBBETT. IN TWELVE VOLUMES. (A Volume to be added annually.) VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR COBBETT AND MORGAN, AT THE CROWN AND MITRE, PALL MALL. MAY, 1801. DEDICATION. то JOHN REEVES, ESQ. FOUNDER OF THE LOYAL ASSOCIATION AGAINST REPUBLICANS AND LEVELLERS. DEAR SIR, Pall Mall, May 29, 1801. THIS, the anniversary of that happy day, which drove rebellion, republicanism, and tyranny from England; which restored the King to the throne, the Prelates to the church, the Nobles to their titles, the People to their liberties, and which brought the Regicides to the gibbet; this aufpicious day I have chofen for dedicating to you my humble labours in that caufe, of which you have long been the moft diftinguished and most successful champion. I have felected you, on this occafion, for many reafons, but chiefly, because you are the known enemy of republicans and levellers, because you |