Dare to TrustXulon Press, 2006 - 228 páginas Devotions that challenge every Believer to a realistic application of his faith. Probing thoughts summon you to His Lordship and confronts you to DARE TO TRUST God! |
Acknowledgments | xi |
Our Bodies a Living Sacrifice | 25 |
In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him | 39 |
Abounding Love and Patience in Persecutions | 53 |
Wise and Understanding | 57 |
He Arose and Followed Him | 71 |
Grow in Grace | 85 |
Whatever You Have Seen in Me Practice | 99 |
Live as Children of the Light | 141 |
Hear O Lord Guard My Life Have Mercy on Me | 147 |
He Washed and Came Seeing | 153 |
Ye Thought Evil Against Me but God Meant It Unto Good | 159 |
He Restores My Soul | 165 |
The Shepherds Rod and Staff | 171 |
His Delight Is in the Law of the Lord | 177 |
There Is no Restraint to the Lord | 183 |
But God Is Faithful | 113 |
Come to You in the Name of the Lord | 123 |
That You Might Have Life | 129 |
When They Had Prayed | 135 |
God Preeminent in All Things | 189 |
They Continued Steadfastly | 203 |
Do Not Drift Away | 217 |
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Términos y frases comunes
A. W. Tozer Abba Father Abraham abundant become blessed bondage bring Cecil Rhodes challenge Christ Jesus Christians cleansing comfort commitment compassion confidence covenant DARE TO BELIEVE David desire disciples Egypt enemy eternal faith Father fear flesh focus fruit gift give glory God's Word Gospel grow in grace hath heart Holy Spirit indwelling infinite Israel Jesus Christ John Bunyan lead little foxes living sacrifice Lordship manifest means mercy and grace mind ministry Moab never Norman Grubb obedience Orpah ourselves path Paul says peace Peter possess praise pray prayer Presence and Power promises Psalm reality receive rejoice relationship responsibility restored reveal righteousness Satan Saul Saviour Scriptures seek sheep Shepherd Shepherd's Rod sins soul Sovereign Spiritual Journey steadfast strength thee things thou thought tion trials truth unto the Lord victory walk wants Wheaton College wonder worship