Discourse Power Address: The Politics of Public CommunicationAshgate Publishing, Ltd., 2007 - 249 páginas The objective of this book is to examine the creation and circulation of meaning, through the study of one particular form of authoritative address. Address is used here to indicate the construction of a message which attempts to animate some aspect of a recipient's subjectivity. |
Critical Theory and Commercial Culture | 13 |
Discourse and Ideology | 43 |
Discourse and Modernity | 75 |
Advertising and Corporate Address | 103 |
Ideology Commerce and Politics | 141 |
Politics and Electoral Address | 175 |
Conclusion | 207 |
Bibliography | 221 |
239 | |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Discourse Power Address: The Politics of Public Communication Stuart Price Vista previa limitada - 2017 |
Discourse Power Address: The Politics of Public Communication STUART. PRICE Sin vista previa disponible - 2019 |
Términos y frases comunes
advertising analysis appear argues argument attempt audience authority Baudrillard become belief broadcast BUPA capitalism carbon footprint characterised Chouliaraki coherent commercial communication concept contemporary context corporate citizenship create critical discourse analysis cultural Delhi democratic demonstrate described Dijk discourse dominant economic effect election enquiry established everyday example existence expression Fairclough forms genres Giddens global Habermas ibid ideas identified ideology implicature individual infoshop.org interaction intervention issue Labour language Leicester South Liberal Democrat linguistic London mass media material meaning messages mode modernity narrative notion organisation particular party perspective political position possible post-structuralist postmodern practices present Price production propositions purpose recognised reference referential relations relationship Renegger represent representation reproduce response rhetorical Routledge SAGE sense social constructionism society speech sphere statements Steinburg strategies structure suggest symbolic television texts textual theory Thousand Oaks traditional U.S. Green Party University Press utterance values words