An essay concerning human understanding; with Thoughts on the conduct of the understanding, Volumen3

Mundell & Son, Royal Bank Close, 1801 - 308 páginas

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Página 45 - From whence it follows, that simple ideas are not fictions of our fancies, but the natural and regular productions of things without us really operating upon us ; and so carry with them all the conformity which is intended, or which our state requires; for they represent to us things under those appearances which they are fitted to produce in us...
Página 44 - It is evident the mind knows not things immediately, but only by the intervention of the ideas it has of them. Our knowledge therefore is real only so far as there is a conformity between our ideas and the reality of things.
Página 14 - But whether there be any thing more than barely that idea in our minds, whether we can thence certainly infer the existence of any thing without us, which corresponds to that idea, is that, whereof some men think there may be a question made; because men may have such ideas in their minds, when no such thing exists, no such object affects their senses.
Página 7 - For if we will reflect on our own ways of thinking, we shall find that sometimes the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas immediately by themselves, without the intervention of any other: and this, I think, we may call 'intuitive knowledge.
Página 109 - God has given us no innate ideas of himself; though he has stamped no original characters on our minds, wherein we may read his being ; yet having furnished us with those faculties our minds are endowed with, he hath not left himself without witness : since we have sense, perception, and reason, and cannot want a clear proof of him, as long as we carry ourselves about us.
Página 109 - Nor can we justly complain of our ignorance in this great point since he has so plentifully provided us with the means to discover and know him, so far as is necessary, to the end of our being, and the great concernment of our happiness.
Página 234 - Exchange will find a different genius and turn in their ways of talking: and yet one cannot think that all whose lot fell in the city were born with different parts from those who were bred at the university or inns of court. To what purpose all this, but to...
Página 162 - This is called by a peculiar name, revelation ; and our assent to it, faith : which as absolutely determines our minds, and as perfectly excludes all wavering, as our knowledge itself; and we may as well doubt of our own being as we can whether any revelation from God be true.
Página 121 - ... perhaps we neither know nor consider how it does it: for it takes not from the certainty of our senses, and the ideas we receive by them, that we know not the manner wherein they are produced: vg whilst I write this, I have, by the paper affecting my eyes, that idea produced in my mind, which whatever object causes, I call white...
Página 115 - So that if we will suppose nothing first, or eternal ; matter can never begin to be : if we suppose bare matter, without motion, eternal motion can never begin to be : if we suppose only matter and motion first, or eternal ; thought can never begin to be.

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