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" Dear as the ruddy drops that warm my heart, Ye died amidst your dying country's cries — No more I weep : they do not sleep ! On yonder cliffs, a grisly band, I see them sit; they linger yet Avengers of their native land : With me in dreadful harmony... "
The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal - Página 354
editado por - 1775
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A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley]., Volumen6

Collection - 1758 - 352 páginas
...your dying country's cries ~^— ' No more I weep. They do not fleqj. * On yonder cliffs, a griefly band, < I fee them fit, they linger yet, ' Avengers...harmony they join, ' And weave with bloody hands the tiffue of thy line. II. i. " Weave the warp, and weave the woof, . . " The winding-meet of Edward's...
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A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands, Volumen6

Robert Dodsley - 1765 - 412 páginas
...amidft your dying country's cries — * No more I weep. They do not fleep. * On yonder cliffs, a griefly band, * I fee them fit, they linger yet, * Avengers...harmony they join, * And weave with bloody hands the tiflue of thy line. II. i. " Weave the warp, and weave the woof, " The winding-fheet of Edward's race,...
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A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley]. [2 ..., Volumen6

Collection - 1765 - 416 páginas
...amidft your dying country's cries — * No more I weep. They do not fleep. * On yonder cliffs, a griefly band, * I fee them fit, they linger yet, * Avengers...harmony they join, ' And weave with bloody hands the tiflue of thy line. II. r; M^ „ " Weave the warp, and weave the woof, " The winding-fheet of Edward's...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1768 - 200 páginas
...• Shake/. Jul. Cotfaf. " No more I weep. They do not fleep, " On yonder cliffs, a grifly band, MI fee them fit, they linger yet, " Avengers of their...harmony * they join, " And * weave with bloody hands the tiSue of thy line." II. i. *' Weave the warp, and weave the woof, " The winding-fheet of Edward's race....
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1768 - 140 páginas
...amidft yontr dyiag coantry's cries — ' No more I weep. They do not deep. * On yonder cliffs, a griefly band, * I fee them fit, they linger yet, ' Avengers...their native land : ' With me in dreadful harmony q they join, * And ' weave with bloody hands the tifTue of thy line.' t As dear to me as are the ruddy...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1770 - 134 páginas
...amidft your dying country's cries— c No more I weep. They do not fleep. ' On yonder cliffs, a griefly band, ' I fee them fit, they linger yet, ' : ' With me in dreadful harmony they join, ' And i weave with bloody hands the tiflue of thy line.* ' As dear to me as are the ruddy drops, That viiit...
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Thomas Gray - 1770 - 136 páginas
...ft your dying country's cries — * No more I weep. They do not flecp. ' On yonder cliffs, a griefly band, { I fee them fit, they linger yet, ' Avengers of their native land : 1 With me in dreadful harmony they join, ' And i weave with bloody hands the tiiTue of thy line.'...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1775 - 168 páginas
...dying country's cries— 4 No more I weep. They do not fleep. ' On yonder cliffs, a grifly band, 1/fF ' I fee them fit : they linger yet, * Avengers of their...With me in dreadful harmony they join, ' And weave f with bloody hands the tiffue of thy line.1 • As dear to me as are the ruddy drops That vifit my...
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Thomas Gray - 1778 - 182 páginas
...heart— SHAKSSFEARE'S jul. Cafur. No ' No more I weep. They do not fleep. ' On yonder cliffs, a griefly band, ' I fee them fit, they linger yet, ' Avengers...harmony they join, ' And weave * with bloody hands the tiffue of thy line.' II. i. " Weave the warp, and weave the woof, " The winding-fheet of Edward's race....
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volumen56

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 454 páginas
...your's cries — • No more I weep. They do not fteep. • On yondeb'clirFs, a griefly band, ' I fee them fit, they linger yet, ' Avengers of their native landi ' With me in dreadful harmony they join, ' And f weave with bloody hands the tifiueof thy line."'...
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