and to be spent." At any time he might truly have addressed those to whom he ministered, "I seek not yours, but you." He received his appointments to the different Circuits in which his ministerial life was spent, as providential, and only sought to "make full proof of his ministry" in them. On retiring from the regular itinerancy, he at first went to reside at East Leak, in the Loughborough Circuit; but afterwards he removed. to Wirksworth. Here he often laboured beyond his strength; attending sometimes to the full work of the Sabbath, when the preceding night had been passed without sleep. Three months before he died, (in November, 1844,) he removed to Atherstone; in which place, also, his unchanged love for the work to which his life had been devoted was manifested as clearly as ever. He embraced every opportunity, often in weakness and much pain, of testifying the Gospel of the grace of God. The last time that he preached, he was seriously indisposed, and had in consequence only just risen from his bed; but, by some unexpected circumstance, the assembled congregation were disappointed of their anticipated supply, and Mr. Marsh was thus suddenly called to officiate. He conducted the service evidently in much bodily feebleness; but it was equally evident that his heart was still in the work. He preached on this occasion from, "Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" With this text his work as a Preacher of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ was concluded. The discourse he then delivered was his final testimony. Symptoms were manifested that his disease was mortal, and that dissolution could not be far distant. His medical attendant told him that he might linger for some months, but that the disorder-a complaint of the heart, connected with dropsy-was incurable, and might have a fatal termination much sooner. Mr. Marsh received the tidings with solemn tranquillity; and, after thanking his informant, said, "I am not afraid to die." His sufferings were frequently severe, and were protracted longer than at one time was expected; but he was preserved in a state of uninterrupted patience. As there was reason to believe that eventually his death would be sudden, for the consolation of his surviving friends, he said to Mrs. Marsh not long before it actually occurred, "Remember, if I should be taken by day or by night, in a calm or in a storm, all will be well. Whatever the manner of my dying, thank God, I shall be safe." He often assured the Rev. J. T. Sangar, one of the Ministers of the Circuit, in his visits to him, that he had no wish to live; but that whenever the Lord should call him, he should be glad to depart, and be with Christ. The atonement of the Lord Jesus was the only ground of his hope; and the theme on which he delighted to dwell was the love of God in sending his Son to be the propitiation for our sins, and the Saviour of the world. To the hymn, "Rock of ages, cleft for me," &c., he several times referred, as expressive of his own feelings. All selfconfidence he disclaimed, and acknowledged Christ as his only and all-sufficient Saviour. Such was the dropsical swelling of his limbs, that his friends frequently urged him to retain his scat during prayer; but as long as it was possible, he would on these cccasions bow his knees in the presence of his God; and long after his voice had lost its wonted power, he feeniy endeavoured to sing the divme praises as he had been accustomed to do. On the evening of Saturday, February 1st, 1945, it was plain that the end of life was now rapidly approaching; and he was himself fully aware of this. But his confidence was as strong, his hope as bright, as ever. Throughout the night, he frequently said, "Come, Lord Jesus; come quickly!" About three o'cicek on Sunday morning he fell into a doze, which continued for several hours; after which, recovering his recollection for a short time, he said, The Lord is waiting to be gracious." These were his last words. He speedily relapsed into a state of insensibility, and in this condition in a short time breathed his last breath. His bereaved widow observes: "I have witnessed many death-bed scenes, but not one equal in beauty to this. The room seemed filled with the divine presence and glory." MEMOIR OF THE REV. HENRY B. BOTTERELL: BY THE REV. JOHN RELPH. THE Rev. Henry Botterell was born at Liskeard, Cornwall, on the 30th of January, 1814. At an early age he was sent to the Wesleyan Sabbath-school, where he received instructions suitable to his years, and where also religious impressions were first made on his mind. While a mere boy, he requested his mother to purchase for him Benson's Commentary, that he might understand the meaning of what he read, and also see that his Teachers gave the right explanation of the divine word. It was when between sixteen and seventeen years of age that he was led to seek the Lord. The Rev. Simeon Noall was the instrument of his conversion. He observed something striking about Henry, in the Sabbath-school, and paid particular attention to him. On leaving the Circuit in 1830, he had a parting interview with him, and from that time Henry's character was decided; and after earnest prayer for about a fortnight, he found the pearl of great price. "One evening," says his brother, the Rev. Edmund Botterell, "he was at a prayer-meeting held in a private house, where for some time he earnestly wrestled for the blessing which he felt to be necessary. He returned home between nine and ten o'clock. Before retiring to rest he went into the yard to pray. From the room in which he and I slept, I distinctly heard him in agonizing supplication. Suddenly his prayer ceased; and, in an ecstasy of gratitude and joy, he came and told me, that, whilst praying in the yard, he had been enabled to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that he had obtained 'redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.' His countenance, his gesture, the tone of his voice, all indicated his experience of a divine change." From that time he continued to enjoy "the love of God shed abroad in his heart, by the Holy Ghost given unto" him. About the beginning of 1833, he removed to London, and immediately united himself to the Wesleyan society, in the Hinde-street Circuit. He offered himself, and was accepted, as a Sunday-school Teacher; in which capacity he laboured with fidelity and zeal. His Class-Leader bears testimony to his character as consistently Christian; he was regular in his attendance at the class-meeting; his experience was evangelical and clear, and encouraging to those with whom he met. In private life he maintained the same deportment, being spiritual and useful in his conversation; and although his disposition was naturally cheerful, he was nevertheless serious and thoughtful; he earnestly endeavoured to live as becometh the Gospel of God. By the duties of his temporal calling at the time, he was unavoidably thrown into the company of men of infidel principles, by whom his patience and faith were greatly tried. He endeavoured to avoid needless intercourse with them; but he was often called upon to defend the Gospel which he believed. Under such circumstances he was compelled to read and think; and, while he was generally able to silence, if not convince, the gainsayers, he was undergoing a degree of preparation for the work to which he was afterwards devoted. He had a deep conviction that he ought to preach the Gospel; but he trembled at the thought of running before he was sent; and many and fervent were his prayers for divine guidance. The issue was, that he became a Local Preacher; and after labouring as such for some time, it was thought by many that he ought to be employed in the full work of the ministry, a subject on which he had himself felt very strongly. Just at this period, a tempting offer, so far as worldly circumstances are concerned, was made to him, and during a few weeks of indecision, as to which of the two paths he should take, he suffered much mental disquietude. Some time before this he had commenced a journal, in which he was accustomed at intervals to record his views and feelings. On the occasion now named he writes: "I have of late been perplexed, much perplexed, with regard to the future. I know not how to act, or which way to take. In reference to the important and responsible work of the ministry, the greatest obstacle to my own mind is my incompetency. Still, Lord, I believe, if thou hast called me to this work, thou wilt qualify me for it. Thou knowest I am willing to be guided by thee. I ask, and earnestly desire, that 'thy will may be done.' O make my way plain before me!" His prayers were heard. A few weeks afterwards he expressed his astonishment at the leadings of Providence; and so satisfactory was the conclusion to which he was brought, that all doubts were removed in reference to his future path. From this time, he gave increasing attention to the cultivation of his mind and heart; he gave himself to God, to reading, and to prayer. The records in his journal at this period show that he was often and abundantly blessed in his closet as well as in his pulpit exercises; and that he was walking with God. His heart was light and happy, and his language that of gratitude and praise. His " way was made plain." And after having passed the usual examinations, he was admitted as a student into the Theological Institution, then situate at Hoxton, in 1837; residing for the first year with the Rev. Thomas Jackson. During his residence in the Institution, he uniformly sustained the character of a pious, industrious, persevering student. He highly prized the privileges he there enjoyed, and took pleasure in every branch of learning to which he was introduced. Conceiving that a good acquaintance with the Scriptures in the original tongues would be of the greatest advantage to him in his future ministrations, he paid constant attention to this, and before the time of his death had made a considerable progress. In 1839 he was selected for one of the "third year's" students ; but shortly after resuming his studies, he was called to supply a vacancy which occurred in the St. Austle Circuit, Cornwall. He left the Institution with tears. He went, however, and entered on his work, in the spirit of entire devotedness to God. From evidence afforded by entries in his journal, his correspondence, and the testimony of his hearers, his labours in this Circuit were not in vain, and his own soul greatly prospered. Shortly after he went to the Circuit, in writing to an intimate friend in the Institution, he says, "You cannot too highly prize the advantages of the Institution. O that I had valued them more, and improved them better, than I did! Now is your seed-time: therefore sow plenteously, that you may reap an abundant harvest. I heartily thank God that I enjoyed the various assistances of the Institution for two years. I already reap some of the advantages: I can go to my appointments with greater confidence than I could have had, if I had been sent into this great work as I was two years ago. Tender, I beg of you, tender my sincerest thanks both to Dr. Hannah and Mr. Jones, for the trouble they took with me, and the instructions they gave me they live not only endeared in my memory, but in my warmest affections." Although earnestly requested to remain a second year at St. Austle, he deemed it more advisable to remove. His next appointment was Tuckingmill. For some time he laboured under discouragement, and his mind was much distressed. The cause was a decrease in the members in society during the first quarter he was in the Circuit. He wept, he prayed, he laboured hard; and at length proved the promise true, "They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy." God blessed him in his work, and gave him to see fruit of his labour. his journal several instances of usefulness, and of special blessings in visiting the sick. In his letters, also, he often refers to the good he received while attending to this duty. He mentions in receiving some His third appointment, 1811, and the last he was able to fulfil, was to Guernsey. Shortly after entering on this sphere of labour, he says: “I think we have here an extensive field for usefulness, and I am expecting that great good will be done. I feel resolved to work and pray more than last year. O may the Lord help me! And now I pray, 'O Lord, revive thy work!'" The entries in his journal, during his residence at Guernsey, show that he enjoyed much of the love of God, and that it was a year of great profit to his own soul, as well as of great blessing to the people with whom he laboured. Referring to several cheering signs, he says, "Surely God is about to answer the many prayers that have of late been presented to him. I bless God that he has been saving sinners. Several have lately united themselves to his people, and have been made happy in the enjoyment of pardoning love." While in his former Circuits, he was occasionally indisposed; but about the second week in July, 1842, he was suddenly seized with very severe pain; but, thinking it arose from ordinary indisposition, little attention was paid to it. As it increased, however, medical advice was obtained, and in a short time he was relieved: the Physician apprehended nothing serious, and it was thought a little rest would fully restore him to health. At the Conference of 1842, he was solemnly set apart for the work of the ministry, having finished his probation, and was appointed to the Biggleswade Circuit. In consequence of indisposition, however, his former symptoms having returned, he was unable to attend to the appointment, but remained in London until a short time previous to his death. The opinions of several medical men were obtained; and though they were of opinion that his case was difficult, and would probably be tedious, they spoke confidently as to the issue. On their favourable opinions he built certain hopes of recovery, being desirous to live, that he might preach the Gospel of God. His sufferings were frequently intense; but he bore them with Christian fortitude, and devout submission to the divine will. The peculiarity of his affliction, the time of its commencement, with other circumstances connected with it, seemed occasionally to perplex him, and sometimes to disturb that quiet which he generally enjoyed. The ways of Providence seemed mysterious, and he could not fully ascertain the will of his heavenly Father with respect to the future. Generally, however, he was enabled to leave all with God; and be content to know hereafter, what he was not permitted to know now. "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him," was his practical determination. "O," said About a week before his death, in conversation with a friend, he spoke confidently of his interest in the great atonement. he, "what should I do without it? Thinking that change of air might be beneficial, on Tuesday, April 4th, 1843, he left London, and arrived at his father's house, Liskeard, on the Thursday morning following. He had no apprehension that his end was so near as it proved to be; and when death came, it seems to have been in its mildest form; for it does not appear that, five minutes before he died, he was at all aware of his actual condition. But, unexpectedly both to himself and his friends, he quietly |