ACTS OF A GENERAL NATURE, PASSED BY THE FORTY - NINTII GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF OHIO, BEGUN AND HELD IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, DECEMBER 2, 1850, AND IN THE FORTY-NINTII YEAR OF SAID STATE. VOL. XLIX. COLUMBUS: S. MEDARY, PRINTER. 1851. ACTS OF A GENERAL NATURE. AN ACT Fixing the times of holding the Supreme Court. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the Supreme Court shall be holden in the several counties in the State, as follows, to wit: In the county of Hamilton, on the tenth day of March; In the county of Clermont, on the nineteenth day of April; In the county of Brown, on the twenty-fourth day of April; In the county of Adams, on the twenty-eighth day of April; In the county of Highland, on the thirtieth day of April; In the county of Preble, on the twenty-sixth day of May; June; In the county of Seneca, on the twenty-third day of June; |