| United States. Continental Congress - 1782 - 188 páginas
...whether the conftitution has teen preferved inviolate in every part ? And whether the legifla:tive -and executive .branches of government have performed •their duty as guardians of the people, or affumed to themfelves, ioneasercifed other or greater powers than they are entitled to by -,the .conftitution... | |
 | Jedidiah Morse - 1792 - 522 páginas
...purpofe of enquiring whether the conftitution bas been preferved inviolate — whether the different branches of government have performed their duty as guardians of the people— whether the public taxes have been juftly laid and collecled, and in what manner the munies have been... | |
 | John Andrew Graham - 1797 - 218 páginas
...inquire whether the Constitution has been preferved inviolate in every part; whether the Legiflative and Executive branches of Government have performed their duty, as guardians of the people ; or aflumed to themfelves, or exercifed other or greater powers than they are entitled to by the Conftitution;... | |
 | John Andrew Graham - 1797 - 210 páginas
...inquire whether the Conftitution has been preferved inviolate in every part; whether the Legi dative and Executive branches of Government have performed their duty, as guardians of the people j or affumcd to themfelves, or exercifed other or greater powers than they are entitled to by the Conftitution;... | |
 | 1800 - 306 páginas
...part, during the laft fcptenary, (including the year of their fervice) ; and •whether the legiflative and executive branches of government have performed their duty, as guardians of the people, oir affumed to themfelves, or exercifed, other or greater powers than they are entitled to by the conftitution.... | |
 | 1804 - 372 páginas
...septenary, (including the year of their service) and whether the legif, lative and executive brandies of government have performed their duty, as guardians of the people, or ossum. ed be fixed by the Legislature, and apportioned among the distrcts, formed as hereinafter directed,... | |
 | William Hamilton - 1805 - 596 páginas
...enquire, whether the conflitution has been preferved inviolate in every part ; and whether the legiflative and executive branches of government have performed their duty as guardians of the people, or afTumed to themfelves, or exercifed other or greater powers than they are entitled to by the conftitulion."... | |
 | Samuel Williams - 1809 - 498 páginas
...assigned to them, is t© inquire whether the constitution has been preserved inviolate in every part ; whether the legislative and executive branches of...powers, than they are entitled to by the constitution j whether the public taxes have been justly laid, and collected ; in what manner the public monks .... | |
 | Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison - 1817 - 570 páginas
...legislative and executive brandies of " government, had performed their duty as guardians of the peo" pie, or assumed to themselves, or exercised other or greater...powers than they are entitled to by the constitution." In the execution of this trust, the council were necessarily led to a comparison, of both the legislative... | |
 | James Madison, John Jay - 1818 - 882 páginas
...inviolate in every part; and whe" thcr the legislative and executive branches of govern•( ment. had performed their duty as guardians of the " people, or assumed to themselves, or exercised other •i or greater powers than they are entitled to by the cou'•' stitution." In the execution of this... | |
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