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" But the articles to be amended, and the amendments proposed, and such articles as are proposed to be added or abolished, shall be promulgated at least six months before the day appointed for the election of such convention, for the previous consideration... "
The Historical Register of the United States - Página 11
editado por - 1814
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The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America: The ...

United States. Continental Congress - 1782 - 188 páginas
...clearly exprefied, and of adding fuch as are neeeflary for the prefervation of the rights and happinefs of the people : But the articles to be amended, and the amendments propofed, and fuch articles as are propofcd to be added or abolifhed, fhall be promulgated at leaft...
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The Constitutions of the United States: According to the Latest Amendments ...

1800 - 306 páginas
...exprefled — and of adding fuch as are neceffary for the preservation of the rights and happinefs of the people ; but the articles to be amended, and the amendments propofed, and fuch articles as are propofed to be added or aboli(hed, (hall be promulgated at leaft...
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Vermont State Papers: Being a Collection of Records and Documents, Connected ...

Vermont - 1823 - 590 páginas
...— explaining such as may bethought not clearly expressed, and of adding such as are necessary for the preservation of the rights and happiness of the...articles to be amended, and the amendments proposed, and snch articles as are proposed to be added or abolished, shall be promulgated at least three months...
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The Proceedings Relative to Calling the Conventions of 1776 and 1790: The ...

Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. Constitutional Convention - 1825 - 400 páginas
...defective, explaining such as may be thought not clearly expressed, and of adding such as are necessary for the preservation of the rights and happiness of the...added or abolished, shall be promulgated at least sis months before the day appointed for the;election of such convention, for tha previous consideration...
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The Register of Pennsylvania: Devoted to the Preservation of Facts ..., Volumen4

Samuel Hazard - 1828 - 436 páginas
...defective, explaining such as may be thought not clearly expressed, and of adding such as are necessary for the preservation of the rights and happiness of the...opportunity of instructing their delegates on the subject'. On motion, Ordered, That the president and every member of this convention present, do sign the same,...
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A History of Vermont, from Its First Settlement to the Present Time: With a ...

Francis Smith Eastman - 1828 - 124 páginas
...defective, explaining such as may be thought not clearly expressed, and of adding such as are necessary, for the preservation of the rights and happiness of the...opportunity of instructing their delegates on the subject. SEC. 3. Judiciary. The judiciary powers are vested in the Supreme and County Courts ; a Court of Probate...
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The American's Guide: Comprising the Declaration of Independence : the ...

1828 - 494 páginas
...iuriiet*.aiy for the preservation of the rights and happiness of the people: hut the articles to he amended, and the amendments proposed, and such articles as are proposed to he added or aholished, shall he promulgated at least six montbs hefore the day appointed for the election...
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Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania: Devoted to the Preservation of ..., Volumen4

Samuel Hazard - 1829 - 456 páginas may be thought not clearly expressed, and of adding snch as are necessary for the pres-" ervation of the rights and happiness of the people: But be added or abolished, shall be promulgated at 1< ast six months before the day appointed for the election of such converi-- lion, for the previous...
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Journal of the Convention of the State of Tennessee: Convened for the ...

Tennessee. Constitutional Convention - 1834 - 430 páginas
...likewise the power of recommending such amendments as are necessary to be mnde, by a Convention, for the preservation of the rights and happiness of the...months before the day appointed for the election of the members of such Convention, for the previous consideration of the people, that they may have an...
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The Congressional Globe

United States. Congress - 1859 - 634 páginas
...defective, explaining such as may be thought not clearly expressed, and of adding such as are necessary for the preservation of the rights and happiness of the people.; but the arliHcs to Ы* amended, and the amendments proposed, and such articles us are proposed to bo added...
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