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" Britain, but foreign Mercenaries, Savages and Slaves, for the avowed Purpose of reducing them to a total and abject submission to the despotic Domination of the British Parliament, with many other Acts of Tyranny (more fully set forth in the Declaration... "
The Historical Register of the United States - Página 2
editado por - 1814
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The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America: The ...

United States. Continental Congress - 1782 - 188 páginas
...declaration of congrefs) whereby all allegiance and fealty to the faid king and his fuccefibrs, are diffolved and at an end, and all power and authority derived from, him ceafed in thefe colonies. And whereas it is abfolutely neceflary for the welfare and fafety of the...
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Report of the Trial and Acquittal of Edward Shippen, Esquire, Chief Justice ...

Edward Shippen, William Hamilton - 1805 - 590 páginas
...of Congrefs) whsreby nil allegiance and fealty to the faid King and his fucceffors, are diilolved, and at an end, and all power and authority derived from him, ceafed in thei'e colonies. And, whereas, it is abfolutcly nectIfary, for the welfare and i'afety oi'...
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Vermont State Papers: Being a Collection of Records and Documents, Connected ...

Vermont - 1823 - 590 páginas
...a total and abject submission to the despotic domination of the British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny, (more fully set forth in the declaration...antecedently, of right, belong to the government of New-Hampshire ; and the former Governor thereof, viz. bjs Excellency Benning * It is worthy of remaiV,...
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The Proceedings Relative to Calling the Conventions of 1776 and 1790: The ...

Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. Constitutional Convention - 1825 - 400 páginas
...a total and abject submission to the despotic domination of the British parliament (with many other acts of tyranny more fully set forth in the declaration...all power and authority derived from him ceased in these colonies. And whereas it is absolutely necessary for the welfare and safety of the inhabitants...
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The Register of Pennsylvania: Devoted to the Preservation of Facts ..., Volumen4

Samuel Hazard - 1828 - 436 páginas
...a total and abject submission to the despotic domination of ihc British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny (more fully set forth in the declaration...all power and authority derived from him ceased in these colonies. And whereas it is absolutely necessary for the~welfare and safety of the inhabitants...
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Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania: Devoted to the Preservation of ..., Volumen4

Samuel Hazard - 1829 - 456 páginas
...submission to the despotic domination of theSritish parliament, with many other acts of tyranny (more lully set forth in the declaration of Congress) whereby...all power and authority derived from him ceased in these colonies. And where'as it is absolutely necessary for the welfare antl safety of the inhabitants...
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History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical

Zadock Thompson - 1842 - 726 páginas
...a total and abject submission to the despotic domination of the British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny, ('more fully set forth in the declaration...antecedently, of right, belong to the government of New-Hampshire ; and the former Governor thereof, viz. his Excellency Beuning Wentworth, Esq. granted...
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History of Vermont: Natural, Civil, and Statistical, in Three ..., Partes1-3

Zadock Thompson - 1842 - 672 páginas and abject subniiseion to the despotic domination of the British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny, (more fully set forth in the declaration...And whereas, the territory which now comprehends the Stale of Vermont did antecedently, of rieht, belong to the government of New- Натр* »hire; and...
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History of Vermont: Natural, Civil, and Statistical, in Three ..., Partes1-3

Zadock Thompson - 1842 - 662 páginas
...a total and abject submission to the despotic domination of the British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny, (more fully set forth in the declaration...him ceased in the American Colonies. And whereas, Ihe territory which now comprehends the State of Vermont did antecedently, of ri^ht, belong to th«...
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History of Vermont: Natural, Civil and Statistical, in Three Parts ..., Volumen3

Zadock Thompson - 1853 - 734 páginas
...domination of ihe British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny, (more fully set forth in ihe declaration of Congress) whereby all allegiance and...end , and all power and authority derived from him ceafted in the American Colonies. And whereas, the territory which now comprehend* the State of Vermont...
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