Our Spirit Led LifeXulon Press, 2006 - 176 páginas There are many new truths and revelations which God has intended for people to know, both those who have accepted Him as Lord and those who hopefully will accept Him as Lord and Savior. God is now revealing to us that we are His children.He loves us and will never leave us nor forsake us, even though we left Him. |
Dedication | xi |
Origin of our Earthly Soul | 19 |
Our Awakened Earthly Soul Spirit | 25 |
Spiritual Rebirth or to be Reborn Again | 35 |
We Stars from Heaven | 41 |
Términos y frases comunes
accepted Christ alive anointed antichrist awake awaken Behold believe believeth born called carnal mind cast choose Christ Jesus cometh Corinthians dead demonic spirits destroy devil Devils Island disobedience dragon dust dust return earth earthly body earthly spirit Ephesians everlasting evil eyes faith Father flesh fleshly forsake gave Genesis God's hath heart heaven heavenly places heavenly spirit Hebrews Holy Spirit hope of glory II Corinthians incorruption inherited Jesus Christ John kingdom kingdom of God knowledge lake of fire last Adam Lucifer Luke lusts Matthew mind of Christ mystery nature newborn spirit obey peace perfect perish Philippians predestinate prison purged quickening spirit realm reborn resurrected back Revelation righteousness Romans saith unto salvation Satan second death Shekinah sins Son of God soul and body soul spirit soulish spiritual mind spiritual sleep suffer thee things thou shalt truth wants whosoever word