855-95- HOUSE JOURNAL. MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1885. FORENOON SESSION. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SALEM, January 12, 1885. } This being the day fixed by the laws of the State of Oregon for the On motion of Mr. Story, of Multnomah county, and by vote of the On motion, and by vote it was ordered that Mr. F. Bloch be Mr. Smith, of Washington county, moved that a committee of five On motion, the House adjourned until 2:30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The House was called to order at 2:30 P. M. by the Speaker pro 297140 REPORT. SALEM, Oregon, January 12, 1885. To the Honorable House of Representatives of the State of Oregon: We, your Committee on Credentials, beg leave to report the following persons as entitled to seats in this House, to-wit: Baker George Chandler, R. A. Lockett. Benton--W. P. Keady, John A. Henkle, M. J. Connor. Clackamas F. C. Geer, II. Will, J. K. Wait, Alex. Thompson., Clatsop and Tillamook-C. Leinenweber. Coos John H. Roberts. Coss and Curry--Walter Sutton. Columbia--R. D. Cole. Douglas G. W. Riddle, Henry Rogers, Chas. B. Wilcox, Wm. Manning. Lane-R. B. Hayes, L. Bilyen, R. M. Veatch, A. D. Burton. Linn-Henry Cyrus, L. H. Montanye, Harvey Shelton, J. II. Peery, T. J. Black, F. A. Watts. Marion-A. N. Gilbert, W. A. Cusick, M. Flinn, Lewis Bleakney, Alex. Downing, Charles Miller. Multnomah--John Kenworthy, Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Geo. L. Story, William Barnes, H. S. Davenport, J. E. Mayo, L. Therkelson. Polk--S. D. Gibson, W. H. Kuykendall, Joseph Craven. Umatilla J. L. Morrow, L. B. Cox. Union-F. T. Dick, E. E. Taylor. Wasco and Crook--A. R. Lyle, W. McD. Lewis. WILLIAM MANNING, JOHN KENWORTHY, Which was adopted. |