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TO DECEMBER 31, 1908.

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The following table shows the distribution of deaths by age

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640 suicides were recorded during the period covered by this report. Tabulating the total suicides according to the means employed it is shown that the destruction of life was accomplished in 192 cases by means of poison; suicide by fire arms, 143; suicide by hanging, 140; suicide by drowning, 38; suicide by cutting instruments 31; suicide by asphyxia, 15; suicide by crushing 10 and suicide by jumping from high places 3. In 68 cases the means employed was not stated.

The death rate from suicide during the time covered by this report was 27.6 per 100,000 population. 1.03 per cent of the total deaths reported from all causes was due to suicide. 638 of the persons who committed suicide were white and 2 were black. 501 were males, 138 were females and in one case the sex was not stated. In 178 cases the deceased was single, 302 were married, 89 were widowed, 20 were divorced and in 51 cases the conjugal relation was unknown or not stated.

Table number 48 which shows the deaths from suicides by months from January first, 1905 to December thirty-first, 1908, shows that there is a very decided seasonal variation in the number of deaths from suicide. A maximum number of deaths per month is reached each year during the early summer. The prev

alence of suicide then gradually subsides until the early Spring months.

The following table shows the distribution of deaths by age groups:

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3,314 deaths from accidental causes were reported to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics from October first, 1906 to December thirty-first, 1908. During the calendar year of 1907, 1,470 deaths were reported, while for the calendar year of 1908, 1,356 accidental deaths were recorded.

5.2 per cent of the total deaths reported from all causes was due to accidental injuries.

The following table shows the most important causes of accidental deaths:

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3,288 of the persons who died as a result of accidental injuries were white, 5 were black and 21 were Indian. In 2,606 cases the decedent was male, in 703 cases female, and in 5 cases the sex was unknown or not stated. 1,607 of the decedents were single, 1,093 were married, 291 were widowed, 22 were divorced and in 323 cases the conjugal relation was unknown or not stated.

The following table shows the distribution of deaths by age

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