OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF WISCONSIN FOR THE Two Years Ending September 30, 1908 LANE LIBRARY REPORT OF THE STATE BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS RELATING TO LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STATE OF WISCONSIN, Office of the Secretary of the State Board of Health. MADISON, WIS., Oct. 1, 1908. To His Excellency JAMES O. DAVIDSON, Governor of the State of Wisconsin. SIR: In compliance with law, the twenty-second report of the State Board of Health is herewith submitted, the same being for the biennial period ending September 30, 1908. Respectfully submitted, C. A. HARPER, M. D., Secretary and Executive Officer. 27005 SECRETARY'S REPORT. To the State Board of Health. Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit to you the following report for the biennial period ending September 30, 1908. JANUARY MEETING, 1907. Pursuant to the call of the President, the State Board of Health met in Madison at the Park Hotel in regular annual session, as required by law, commencing at 10:30 A. M. There were present Dr. Wm. F. Whyte, President, Watertown, Dr. Q. O. Sutherland, Janesville, Dr. L. E. Spencer, Wausau, Dr. L. P. Mayer, Hudson, and Dr. C. A. Harper, Secretary, Madison. The minutes of the last semi annual meeting held at the Plankinton house were read and approved by the board. Reports of committees were called for. The Committee on Printing had no report to make. The Finance Committee reported that all vouchers had been carefully examined and found to be correct, and satisfactory. Moved and seconded that the report be adopted. Carried. The Special Commitee of two appointed to examine, as prescribed by law, the physiologies used as Text Bocks in the Common Schools of the state made the following report and recommendations subject to revision of the Board at such time as the Beard may deem proper. The following Text books were recommended, Conn's International Physiology, Conn's Elementary Physiology and Hygiene, Blazdell's Child's Book of Health, Blazdell's "Our Bodies and How We Live," Hall's New Century Intermediate Physiclogy, Hall's New Century Elementary Physiology, Coleman's Health Primer, Coleman's Lesson in Hygienic Physiology, Krohn's First Book in Hygiene, Krohn's Graded Lessons In Physiology and Hygiene, Brown's Good Health for Pevs and |