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" Led on the eternal Spring. Not that fair field Of Enna, where Proserpine gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower by gloomy Dis Was gathered, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world... "
The Works of Matthew Arnold - Página 16
por Matthew Arnold - 1903
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Paradise Lost: With Notes, Selected from Newton and Others, to ..., Volúmenes1-2

John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - 610 páginas
...Of Enna, where Proserpine gath'ring flow'rs, Herself a fairer flow'r by gloomy Dis 270 Was gather'd, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world ; nor that sweet grove Of Daphne by Orontes, and th' inspir'd Castalian spring, might with this Paradise...
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Paradise lost, a poem. Pr. from the text of Tonson's correct ed. of 1711

John Milton - 1801 - 396 páginas
...Of Enna, where Proserpine gathering flowers Herself a fairer flow'r by gloomy Uis 270 Was gather'd, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world ; nor that sweet grove Of Daphne by '.'rontes, and th' inspir'd Castalian spring, might with this Paradise...
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The poetical works of John Milton, with the life of the author ..., Volúmenes1-2

John Milton - 1807 - 514 páginas
...Of Enna, where Proscrpin gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flow'r by gloomy Dis 279 V/as gather'H, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world ; nor that sweet Of Daphne by Orontes, and th' inspir'd [grove I :istalian spiing, might with this...
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The Lusiad: Or, The Discovery of India: an Epic Poem, Volumen1

Luís de Camões - 1809 - 286 páginas
...field Of Enna, where Proserpin, gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gathered: which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world Of Eden strive might with this Paradise The mention of Pan, the Graces and Hours, is here in the pure...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including ..., Volumen20

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 796 páginas
...field Of Enna, whore Proserpine gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gather'd, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world — — IDYLUUM IV. MEGARA. MEG A HA. " WHY these complaints, and whence that dreadful sigh ? Why on...
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Life of Torquato Tasso: With an Historical and Critical Account of ..., Volumen2

John Black - 1810 - 528 páginas
...Of Enna, where Proserpine gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy t)is Was gather'd, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world ; nor that sweet grove Of Daphne by Orontes, and the inspir'd Castalian spring, might with this Paradise...
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The Rape of Proserpine: With Other Poems, from Claudian; Translated Into ...

Claudius Claudianus, Jacob George Strutt - 1814 - 238 páginas
...field Of Enna, where Proserpin gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gather'd, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world might with this paradise Of Eden strive. Paradise Lost, iv. 268. « The poem of Rufinus, although less...
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Compendium of Ancient Geography, Volumen1

Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' Anville - 1814 - 486 páginas
...field Of Eima, where Proserpine, gathering flow'rs, Herself a fairer flow'r, by gloomy Dis Was gather'd which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world; nor that sweet grovt Of DAPILSB, by ORONTKS, and th' inspir'd Casiulian spring; might with this paradise...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, Volumen1

John Milton - 1821 - 226 páginas
...field Of Enna, where Proserpine gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gather'd, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world ; nor that sweet grove Of Daphne by Orontes, and the inspired Castalian spring, might with this Paradise...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

British poets - 1822 - 396 páginas
...field Of Enna, where Proserpine gathering flowers Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gather'd ; which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world. Paradise Lust, bv IDYLLITJM IV. Page 156, line 25. But as a hapless bird her young bewails. IN the...
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