Tres Ensayos Sobre la Teoria Sexual (Spanish Edition)

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016 M07 16 - 72 páginas
Tres ensayos sobre teor a sexual (en alem n Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie) es una obra de 1905 de Sigmund Freud que avanza su teor a de la sexualidad, en particular, su relaci n con la infancia. Junto con la Interpretaci n de los sue os, estos ensayos son una de las contribuciones m s trascendentales y originales de Freud al conocimiento humano. En resumen, Freud argument que "la perversi n" estaba presente incluso entre las personas sanas, y que el camino hacia una actitud sexual madura y normal comenzaba no en la pubertad sino en la temprana infancia (ver desarrollo psicosexual). Observando a los ni os, Freud afirm encontrar una serie de pr cticas que parec an inofensivas pero que eran realmente formas de actividad sexual (chuparse el dedo era un primer ejemplo, las implicaciones eran bastante obvias). Freud tambi n procur unir su teor a del inconsciente propuesta en la Interpretaci n de los sue os (1899) y su trabajo sobre la histeria postulando a la sexualidad como la fuerza motriz tanto en la neurosis (por medio de la represi n) como en la perversi n. Tambi n inclu a los conceptos de envidia del pene, complejo de castraci n y complejo de Edipo.

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Acerca del autor (2016)

Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis, simultaneously a theory of personality, a therapy, and an intellectual movement. He was born into a middle-class Jewish family in Freiburg, Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia, but then a city in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the age of 4, he moved to Vienna, where he spent nearly his entire life. In 1873 he entered the medical school at the University of Vienna and spent the following eight years pursuing a wide range of studies, including philosophy, in addition to the medical curriculum. After graduating, he worked in several clinics and went to Paris to study under Jean-Martin Charcot, a neurologist who used hypnosis to treat the symptoms of hysteria. When Freud returned to Vienna and set up practice as a clinical neurologist, he found orthodox therapies for nervous disorders ineffective for most of his patients, so he began to use a modified version of the hypnosis he had learned under Charcot. Gradually, however, he discovered that it was not necessary to put patients into a deep trance; rather, he would merely encourage them to talk freely, saying whatever came to mind without self-censorship, in order to bring unconscious material to the surface, where it could be analyzed. He found that this method of free association very often evoked memories of traumatic events in childhood, usually having to do with sex. This discovery led him, at first, to assume that most of his patients had actually been seduced as children by adult relatives and that this was the cause of their neuroses; later, however, he changed his mind and concluded that his patients' memories of childhood seduction were fantasies born of their childhood sexual desires for adults. (This reversal is a matter of some controversy today.) Out of this clinical material he constructed a theory of psychosexual development through oral, anal, phallic and genital stages. Freud considered his patients' dreams and his own to be "the royal road to the unconscious." In The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), perhaps his most brilliant book, he theorized that dreams are heavily disguised expressions of deep-seated wishes and fears and can give great insight into personality. These investigations led him to his theory of a three-part structure of personality: the id (unconscious biological drives, especially for sex), the superego (the conscience, guided by moral principles), and the ego (the mediator between the id and superego, guided by reality). Freud's last years were plagued by severe illness and the rise of Nazism, which regarded psychoanalysis as a "Jewish pollution." Through the intervention of the British and U.S. governments, he was allowed to emigrate in 1938 to England, where he died 15 months later, widely honored for his original thinking. His theories have had a profound impact on psychology, anthropology, art, and literature, as well as on the thinking of millions of ordinary people about their own lives. Freud's daughter Anna Freud was the founder of the Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic in London, where her specialty was applying psychoanalysis to children. Her major work was The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1936).

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