Memoir of Henry Fielding, [by Thomas Roscoe]. Tom Jones

Derby & Jackson, 1857

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Página 8 - successors of Charles the Fifth may disdain their ' brethren of England, but the romance of Tom Jones, ' that exquisite picture of human manners, will outlive ' the Palace of the Escurial and the imperial eagle of 'the House of Austria.
Página 43 - AN anthor ought to consider himself, not as a gentleman who gives a private or eleemosynary treat, but rather as one who keeps a public ordinary, at which all persons are welcome for their money.
Página 84 - I am, indeed, set over them for their own good only, and was created for their use, and not they for mine. Nor do I doubt, while I make their interest the great rule of my writings, they will unanimously concur in supporting my dignity, and in rendering me all the honour I shall deserve or desire.
Página 152 - Her pure and eloquent blood Spoke in her cheeks, and so distinctly wrought, That one might almost say her body thought.
Página xlv - In like manner, the excellence of the mental entertainment consists less in the subject than in the author's skill in well dressing it up. How pleased, therefore, will the reader be to find that we have, in the following work, adhered closely to one of the highest principles of the best cook which the present age, or perhaps that of Heliogabalus, hath produced.
Página 242 - Circassian beauty, drest in all the jewels of the Indies, appear to my eyes ! But why do I mention another woman? Could I think my eyes capable of looking at any other with tenderness, these hands should tear them from my head. No, my Sophia, if cruel fortune separates us for ever, my soul shall doat on thee alone.
Página 117 - ... an opportunity of employing that wonderful sagacity, of which he is master, by filling up these vacant spaces of time with his own conjectures ; for which purpose we have taken care to qualify him in the preceding pages.
Página xlvi - ... of these seem to have contended which should bless and enrich him most. In this contention, nature may seem to some to have come off victorious, as she bestowed on him many gifts ; while fortune had only one gift in her power ; but in pouring forth this, she was so very profuse, that others perhaps may think this single endowment to have been more than equivalent to all the various blessings which he enjoyed from nature. From the former of these, he derived an agreeable person, a sound constitution,...
Página 162 - It was Mr. Western's custom every afternoon, as soon as he was drunk, to hear his daughter play on the harpsichord, for he was a great lover of music, and perhaps, had he lived in town, might have passed for a connoisseur, for he always excepted against the finest compositions of Mr. Handel.
Página 124 - Square held human nature to be the perfection of all virtue, and that vice was a deviation from our nature in the same manner as deformity of body is. Thwackum, on the contrary, maintained that the human mind since the fall was nothing but a sink of iniquity, till purified and redeemed by grace.

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