Secret of Prevailing in PrayerAuthorHouse, 2005 M02 14 - 148 páginas The Secrets of Prevailing in Prayer Warfare is one in several series of Prayer Manuals that God had laid in my heart to write. It is written to encourage the believer to hold out with God in the place of prayer and prevail. Victory in prayer warfare is a possibility if one can be persistent. One of the key factors in prevailing prayer is hearing God speak. Hearing him helps us to wait till our change comes. Hence, the reason the chapter on having a relationship with the Holy Spirit is included. There is a need for the saints to have a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit, have him guide us as we persistently engage the kingdom of darkness in prevailing warfare prayers. |
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ability Acts answer Apostles chapter attack Ayeni believer Bible bless blood of Jesus book of Job chapter 1 verse Christ confirms conscience demonic desire destiny devil divine guidance divine information double minded Egypt enemy evil example famine father fellowship FIERY DART PRAYERS give God’s divine God's word gospel of John Grand Prairie hear from God heareth heart heaven Hence Herod Holy Spirit interpretation Jesus name Joseph king know the Lord living Living Translation Lord Jesus man’s meditate multitude of business name of Jesus Paul perceive person Pharaoh place of prayer praise pray prayer warfare presence prevail in prayer promise receive grace relationship revealed righteousness Samuel satanic dreams scriptures Secrets of Prevailing shame small voice speak Speaking in Tongues spiritual warfare thee things thou hast trouble unto victory violently resist walk weapon worship