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" Why should thy excellent wit, His gift, be so blinded, that thou shouldst give no glory to the Giver... "
Marlowe's Faust: die älteste dramatische Bearbeitung der Faustsage - Página 32
por Christopher Marlowe, Alfred van der Velde - 1870 - 132 páginas
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Censura Literaria: Containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions ..., Volúmenes3-4

Sir Egerton Brydges - 1807 - 910 páginas
...should now give u'ory tuito his greatnesse: for penetrating is his power, his hand lies heavy upon me. Why should thy excellent •wit, his gift, be so blinded that thou shou'dest give no glory to the Giver? 0 swinish ro'ly! what arc his rules but mere confused mockeries,...
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The Sylvan Wanderer;: Consisting of a Series of Moral ..., Volúmenes1-2

Sir Egerton Brydges - 1813 - 338 páginas
...spoken unto ^ > me with a voice of thunder, and I have left; he is a God that < can punish enemies. Why should thy excellent wit, his gift, be so blinded, that thou shouldest give no glory to the giver? Is it pestilent Machivilian policy that thou hast studied? O,...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volumen2

1818 - 770 páginas
...oftragediam, that Green, (who hath said, vtth thcc, like tin fool in his heart, there is no God) — why should thy excellent wit, His gift, be so blinded, that thou shouldst give no glory to the Giver ? Thy brother in this diabolical atlteitm is dead, and in his life had never the felicity he aimed...
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The Retrospective Review, Volumen2

1820 - 404 páginas
...should now give glory unto his greatnesse : for penetrating is his power, his hand lies heavy upon me. Why should thy excellent wit, his gift, be so blinded that thou shouldest give no glory to the Giver ? O swinish folly ! what are his rules but mere confused mockeries,...
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The Retrospective Review.., Volumen2

Henry Southern - 1820 - 402 páginas
...should now give glory unto his greatnesse : for penetrating is his power, his hand lies heavy upon me. Why should thy excellent wit, his gift, be so blinded that thou shouldest give no glory to the Giver ? O swinish folly ! what are his rules but mere confused mockeries,...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, Volumen2

William Shakespeare - 1821 - 740 páginas
...should now give glory unto his greatness ; for penetrating is his power, his hand is heavy upon me ; &c. Why should thy excellent wit, his gift, be so blinded, that thou should give no glory to the giver ? — The brother [f. breather] of this diabolical atheism is dead,...
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The life of Christopher Marlowe. Tamberlaine the Great, pts. I-II. The Jew ...

Christopher Marlowe - 1826 - 354 páginas
...should now give glory unto his greatness, for penetrating is his power; his hand is heavy upon me ***** Why should thy excellent wit, his gift, be so blinded that thou should give no glory to the giver. The brother (breather) of this diabolical atheism is dead, and in...
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The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Volúmenes1-3

Christopher Marlowe - 1826 - 1070 páginas
...should now give glory unto his greatness, for penetrating is his power; his hand 'a heavy upon me ***** Why should thy excellent wit, his gift, be so blinded that thou should give no glory to the giver. The brother (breather) of this diabolical atheism is dead, and in...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Volumen100,Parte1;Volumen147

1830 - 736 páginas
...hath spoken vnto me with a voyce of thunder, and I haue left. He is a God that can punish enemies. Why should thy excellent wit, his gift, be so blinded, that thou shouldest giue no glory to the giuer ? Is it pestilent Machiauilian pollicie that thou hast studied?...
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Some account of Robert Greene and his writings. Orlando Furioso. A looking ...

Robert Greene - 1831 - 352 páginas
...spoken vnto me with a voyce of thunder, and I haue left, [felt] he is a God that can punish enemies. Why should thy excellent wit, his gift be so blinded, that thou shouldest giue no glory to the G iuer ? Is it pestilent Machiuilian policie that thou hast studied...
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